トルコ・シリア地震について/the 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquake
1) 被害者の方にドネーションをする:
2) もっとたくさんの人たちにトルコ・シリア地震で起きた問題を知ってもらう:
3) 東日本大震災で起こった知識を使って被害者の方たちを助けよう:
This time we are going to explain what happened in the 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquake.
<Facts and What Made the Situation Worse>
On February 6, 2023, an earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale struck the southern regions of Turkey, causing devastating damage. The quake killed over 50,000 people, and damaged over 200,000 buildings, leaving more than 1.4 million people homeless, and out of the 1.4 people, 140,000 were forced to live in tents. The World Bank estimates the physical damage in Turkey at USD 34.2 billion, and the cost of rehabilitation and reconstruction would exceed this figure. The cost and sacrifices of the damage caused by the earthquake are noteworthy compared to other earthquakes of similar magnitude. For example, reports indicate that the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake resulted in 15,900 deaths and 130,000 collapsed buildings, with 120,000 destroyed by the tsunami. In contrast, the 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquake caused over 52,000 deaths and the collapse of 160,000 buildings, indicating that the damage was more severe than the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, despite being less well-known.
Building seismic resilience and delayed rescue operations were the two main factors contributing to the extensive damage caused by the earthquake. In many mid- to high-rise buildings, "pancake crushing" occurred, where floors and ceilings stacked on each other caused the instantaneous collapse of the building. This phenomenon was due to a lack of seismic strength in the columns, and experts suggest that building standards must be revised to prevent building collapses from earthquakes. Although the Turkish government has established necessary building standards in the past, up to 75,000 buildings have received building amnesty, which does not meet these standards.
Furthermore, the delay in rescue efforts was due to broken roads and widespread damage, exacerbated by cold weather and the lack of assistance based on political reasons, such as civil war and sanctions. As a result, the earthquake's impact was compounded by political and economic issues. The issues underlying these factors are chaotic domestic politics and poverty.
For instance, Syria is subject to international sanctions because of its non-democratic government, which uses harsh measures to suppress the anti-government movement. As a result, sanctions have made it difficult for Syria to import heavy machinery from overseas, impeding debris removal.
While Turkey has many Kurdish anti-government forces in earthquake-stricken areas, the international community has criticized the government's reconstruction support strategy, which seems to be based on historical background or regime maintenance. Therefore, it is imperative that these political issues are resolved, and the international community needs to cooperate on border and sanctions issues to support the victims and reconstruction in both countries.
Sustainable reconstruction requires not only donations and material support but also the participation of local communities and the promotion of economic activities. Thus, essential issues include supporting sustainable reconstruction, revitalizing the local economy, and improving education and healthcare. The international community needs to continue providing long-term support so local people can rebuild their communities independently.
<What you can do for them>
Many people were hurt or felt depressed because of the 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquake that happened on February 6th, 2023. That is why we need to help people there who need our help. There are many ways you can do that;
1.) You can make donations to the people that have experienced the earthquake. For example, you can donate money. That money can be something you raised doing sales and other activities, or money you have now. If you want to donate money to people there that you raised, you can make products and sell them at sales or you can sell things that you already have, and give the money to an organization that helps people there, or maybe there are activities that help people there in your school or in your community, or maybe you simply know someone there that needs help because of the earthquake. You don’t only have to donate money, you can donate food, first aid kits to address people who have been hurt, clothes, toys and books for children, or really anything that you don’t need anymore can help even one person there who needs your help.
2.) Let’s raise awareness of the problems in Turkey and Syria that happened because of the 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquake:
There are still many people who don’t know much about the problems there. You can make posters and put them in your school, or places around you, you can sell things at sales and make sure people know that the money will be sent to people in Turkey and Syria, or you can also stick some posters you made to let more people know about the problems there. That way you can raise both money and awareness for the people and problems. An easier way to raise awareness of the problems in Turkey and Syria would be telling people around you, like your friends, family, and people in your community, about the problems and how they can help. Remember, the more people who know about the problems, the higher chance that more people will want to help.
3.) Let’s use the knowledge we have from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake:
There are many people in Japan that have experienced the 2011 Great East Japanese Earthquake that happened on March 11th, 2011. Even though some of us haven’t experienced the earthquake, we still kind of know what happens if there is an earthquake or tsunami, and what we should do to prepare and save ourselves if it happens. That is why we need to use our knowledge from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake to help the people in Turkey and Syria who have suffered from the 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquake. For example, we can donate things that were needed after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. Food and things to keep us warm, like blankets and aluminum foil, were both really needed after the earthquake and tsunami happened. Using that knowledge, we can donate those things to the people in Turkey and Syria, since most earthquakes and what is needed after the earthquake happens are pretty similar.
So let’s help the people there by doing whatever we can from small things to big things!! We need to help those who need help, especially if we have knowledge from past experiences we can share with them.
EGJ members
ー参考文献/References ー
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・The Asahi Shinbun GLOBE+.”トルコ・シリア地震、内戦やクルド人問題…国際援助を阻む複雑な政治事情【前編】”. https://globe.asahi.com/article/14847009, (最終閲覧日:2023/3/25)
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