Effie Yang

From Taiwan, a starting member of LINE Taiw…

Effie Yang

From Taiwan, a starting member of LINE Taiwan, worked in internet industry for many years. I like "note" ^^


  • About Career

    What I thought and observed about career.

  • Once upon a time in LINE TW

    While worked in early stage of LINE, that was a amazing journey, I found that I need to write it down to memorize those unbelievable times and unbelievable team.


Speech - 360度談行銷

今年度接受了母校中山大學管理學院邀約,回母校分享並幫學弟妹做線上職涯諮詢。首先我很榮幸能被接洽到,對於許久沒有回到校園的我也覺得收穫很多。 上一次回中山大學分享印象中是 7 年前的事,那時候還在 LINE,所以演講的主題自然是圍繞著 LINE 本身的業務發展為主,這次則是職涯主題,對於要講什麼我也是想了滿久,不確定現在的學生們會需要怎樣的資訊?後來我決定用 「360 度看行銷」 為主題,以比較全面的角度解釋在網路科技產業裡行銷職缺分為哪些類別,工作內容包含的部分以及與其他部

    • 就算沒有你也可運作順暢的團隊,才是高段

      這是很多高階經理人放不下的一件事,因為必須凸顯自己的權威或重要性,總是將許多權責放在自己手上,當大小事都必須經過你的同意大家才敢往下進行的話,那麼注定是一個失敗的團隊。 在 LINE 工作的最後階段,我的團隊已經有11個人,因為是自己一手建立的團隊,和大家已有足夠默契,也建立起了流程和制度,有時候的確我認為就算沒有我大家也都能穩穩地運作下去。我的功能主要在於協助跨團隊溝通解除障礙,靈機一動的怪奇點子,超大專案的主導整合者,還有幫助團隊更加成長。 回想起來,這簡直就是穩定健

      • 關於Owner這件事: Who is the project owner?

        從事高強度的工作久了,對某些事情已經習慣成自然,例如工作上相對明確的owner制度,每個BU/service/project會有個head, 這個head就是要扛責任,所以不論是前期計畫,中間執行或是年度發展方向,要達標多少成長都是那個人要承擔。 以行銷部門來說-- <1> 長期或短期的品牌活動或專案則是當仁不讓行銷就是owner,活動成敗你要搞定。 <2> 與BU head搭配,行銷負責在行銷可控範圍中為BU負擔部分責任協助主owner達成目標。 <3> 能力卓越的同仁

        • Facebook interview experience sharing

          Let's back to 2018, the time I interviewed Facebook job.   有機會能面試 FB 在台灣第一個 Entertainment partnership 的 BD 缺是非常榮幸的事,當收到 HR 信件約面談的那刻起,讓我想起一直以來就是很想進入Facebook 工作啊!何況當時 locate在台灣的缺非常稀少,以下分享面試過程 包含 HR 的第一關面試總共我面了七關,是令人精神耗弱的過程。 第一關 HR 的電話面試從日本

        Speech - 360度談行銷


        • About Career
        • Once upon a time in LINE TW



          I was never a normal marketer, my background was editor, PM and market analysis. That’s why I sometimes think of other ways such as improving products as the best way better than just nonsense marketing activities. One example was "2017 Sec


          The story behind LINE FRESH internship program IV

          LINE FRESH 2017 recruiting was the most creative one, we utilize “video” a lot in 2017, very low cost but drove viral effect. For example it was my idea that producing a “mannequin challenge" video to demo each team’s working environment,

          The story behind LINE FRESH internship program IV

          The story behind LINE FRESH internship program III

          When 3rd time of preparing LINE FRESH internship project, I started to assign a member to mainly own this annual project with me, in 2016 LINE FRESH, we also use a different way to promote, that was Youtube LIVE during the promotion press c

          The story behind LINE FRESH internship program III

          The story behind LINE FRESH internship program II

          From 2014-2018, annual LINE FRESH program was one of my most important projects, I would like to share how we did innovative plans to keep it "fresh” every year! LINE FRESH的精髓在於, 「把你當正職,每一天都精實」,第一屆在實習終了時還有團隊任務要完成 — 「一項新服務的規劃」。讓兩個月的時間除了處理

          The story behind LINE FRESH internship program II

          The story behind LINE FRESH internship program

          「LINE FRESH」Taiwan internship program was one of my favorite projects, I tried to recall how it happened, and how did we think and plan the whole process. 2014年初,當時接到一個來自總部最高的任務,目標明確:希望讓 LINE 台灣變成大學生最想投入的職場第一名... 。那...是要有第三方機構的調查排名囉?認真地找了一

          The story behind LINE FRESH internship program

          The inspiration of working in early stage of LINE

          Would like to talk about the inspiration while working in early-stage of LINE Taiwan. Not so many people but we were definitely a great team! We focus on "HOW" to reach the target together no matter how difficult it was. 我常在想到底是什麼原因,讓早期的LI

          The inspiration of working in early stage of LINE