
[Study English] SUIT S6 - E7

Negotiation is always important in business. I am jealous about the skill of Harvey to negotiate with someone even in the case of being faced with adverse conditions. In my experience, I can not stop discussion when it does not go well. Someone tell negative points, but I need to keep discussing to find where we can meet. Harvey is aggressive to find the best place that is very close to him. I would like to learn it.

Words I learned this episode are below.
I started using PLaMo developed Preferred Networks to make an example by using a new word. The result is great. It looks better than other LLM so far.

  • hang in : 耐える
    The project is going through a tough phase, but we need to hang in and keep working hard.

  • pull the plug : 中止する
    The investors decided to pull the plug on the startup after realizing that the company's financial situation was unsustainable.
