「オセロー」ドラマトゥルクによる往復書簡 No.4
【「オセロー」ドラマトゥルクによる往復書簡 No.4 】
East Asia Theater Interacion 2022 in Fukuoka
Future Creation Program(FCP)[ オセロー/ W シェイクスピア]では、今回ドラマトゥルクとして、福岡の演劇ユニットそめごころの石田聖也さん、台湾の文学研究者のShin Chang/張新さんに入っていただいています。
この思いは、石田さんが昨日お会いした後におっしゃったことと結びついています。あなたは、佐藤信さんが提案した東アジアの地図を私に教えてくれました。この地図では、福岡と釜山が海で隔てられ、沖縄から石垣島までの島々が九州と台湾を美しい弧を描いて結んでいます。この 3 か所は東シナ海を中心として、互いに接近する地理的フィールドを形成しています。 3つの場所のつながりを視覚的かつ直接的に新しい視点から感じることができるので、私はこの地図がとても好きです。
あなたが言及した異なる精神性(精神性)について、私はよく似た考えを持っています。私の日本演劇の知識は限られており、韓国演劇の知識はさらに少なく、完全な韓国公演を見たことがありません。このような状況下では、百瀬さんが舞台で鍛え上げた韓国人俳優の体型や演技の質が、どれだけ韓国人の演技指導から受け継がれているのか、百瀬さんの体操からどれだけ受け継がれているのか、判断できませんでした。 (同時に、各俳優の個々の演技スタイルも見ることができました。)この質問は重要ではないかもしれませんが、日本、韓国、台湾の精神性が異なる場合、「アジア/東アジア」(東アジア)?この問題について、私は結論を持っていません。おそらく、それについてさらに議論することができます。
▼in English
Dear Mr. Ishida,
Yesterday, I finally arrived at Kyushu Island, which is about the same size as Taiwan. The weather here is as hot and humid as Taiwan, and the hills, forests and fields outside the car window are also similar to Taiwan. Unlike Europe, where the dry and fresh outdoor air tells you that you are in another place as soon as you step out of the airport, I felt a spatial continuity here in Okawa, Fukuoka. Although I may be projecting or imagining, there seems to be a lot of commonality between Kyushu and Taiwan, just across the East China Sea, that I did not anticipate.
This thought ties in with what Mr. Ishida said yesterday after we met. You shared with me the map of East Asia proposed by Makoto Sato. On this map, Fukuoka and Busan are separated by the sea, and the chain of islands from Okinawa to Ishigaki Island connects Kyushu and Taiwan in a beautiful arc; these three places are centered on the East China Sea, forming a geographical field that closes in on each other. I like this map very much because I can feel the connection between the three places visually and directly from a new perspective.
As I mentioned yesterday, there was a controversy about the map in Taiwan many years ago. A north-south map that used to designate Taiwan at the edge of China was positioned horizontally, placing Taiwan in the center, which caused a political storm. The Taiwan education minister who proposed the map made the same statement as you did: "Any place in the world can be the center." But the horizontal map of Taiwan still has the land at its center; the map of East Asia, on the other hand, with the ocean at its center, can show "relationships." The ocean, usually seen as the border of a country, an empty geographical space, is now a hub that connects different places, symbolizing the possibility of openness. I like this kind of "virtual connection." This also echoes what Mr. Momose said: the core of theatre is relationship, and what the actors have to convey is the invisible.
Last night, I had the opportunity to watch a full rehearsal of Othello, which triggered a lot of thoughts, and I also asked Mr. Ishida many questions. When I read your last letter, I can better grasp what you said about this performance. I am particularly curious about the "duality" (二面性) of the characters that you mentioned in your letter: For what reason did you want the actors to think about things that were completely opposite to their impressions of the characters? I ask this question because the image of the characters that I saw in the whole rehearsal was really different from my usual impression. I'm curious what you want to convey through this duality. Besides that, I also want to know what you mean by "Othello's deteriorated physicality" (オセロの劣化した身体性).
I often have similar thoughts about the different spirituality (精神性) you mentioned. My knowledge of Japanese theater is limited, and my knowledge of Korean theater is even less, and I have never seen a full Korean performance. Under such circumstances, I could not judge how much of the physical style and performance quality of the Korean actors trained by Mr. Momose on stage was inherited from the Korean performance training and how much from Mr. Momose's physical exercises. (At the same time, I could still see each actor's individual acting style.) This question may not be crucial, but if the spirituality of Japan, Korea, and Taiwan are different, then what could be the physicality and spirituality of "Asia/East Asia" (東アジア)? I do not have any conclusion on this question. Perhaps we can discuss it further.
Finally, I would also like to talk about the issue of translation and communication, which you wrote about in your letter. However, due to space constraints, I may have to leave that for another letter.
I look forward to hearing from you in your next letter.
Best wishes.