East Africa life.
Rites (ceremonies the event).
Birth rite .
Naming rite .
Initiation rite .
Marriage rite .
Death rite .
Rituals (activities/acts performed during the rites .
Naming rite.
The importance of rituals performed during a naming ceremony in traditional African communities.
Bathing the baby - sets in the beginning of new life .
2.shaving of the mother and the babies hair symbolizes new status .
3. Choosing the appropriate name to give the baby is for identification in co-operation into the wider society honour to the ancestors.
4. Feeding of the baby symbolized new life growth .
5 . Holding of the baby by members of the community shows concern for it / shared responsibilities by the extended family.
6.saying prayer for the mother and the baby words of blessing signified long life of both of them .
7. Slaughtering of animals is a way of Thanksgiving to God / ancestors.
8. Feasting is a sign of joys /socialism welcoming the baby /acceptance.
9. Giving presents to the baby mother is a sign of good will ownership of property.
10. Wearing protective charms signified protection for both .
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