Traditional way of coffee processing in East Africa.
Well if you're very lazy to read all this don't worry because I got you. Just watch this from our new YouTube channel and don't forget to like and subscribe and share to get more.
The purpose of this is to show and to remind people where we're coming from and where are we heading. In addition we need to show our culture and be proud of it . So let's go through the steps followed in coffee processing in East Africa.
Growth of the coffee beans.
One unique fact about coffee is that it doesn't grow everywhere just like some plants . Coffee grows under conditions :climate altitude, soil ad rainfall .
Grow in tropical and sub tropical climates with no frost and ample rainfall temperature of 18-26°.
Well drained soil with a pH level of 5.5 - 6.5.
Coffee harvesting is harvested in two ways strip picking and selective picking.
Selective picking is the process where you pick the ripe cherries are picked using hands while strip picking is when all the coffee beans are taken using machines .
For now since we are more interested in African way we use selective picking.
Soaking in water .
This is to enable the removal of the outer layer . This is done for a day or 24 hours 😜.
Filtering .
To separate the water and the coffee .
Drying in the sun .
This process is done for a week . For removing the water that's still remaining in the coffee beans . Also it's easy and efficient to separate roast them when they re dry then let it cool for 10 minutes.
To remove the inner layer . (Simple and easy right ?).
They roast it in a calabash until the coffee beans turn brown .
Cooling .
Is done for 10 minutes.
Until it becomes in powdered form and soft for like 1 hour or more .
To get the soft mixture.
Boiling the coffee.
This is done using the calabash . Just by adding coffee and water and let it boil.
Now you have your traditional or local coffee ☺️☺️.
Waiting for you in my next article please always feel free to like and share it with your friends 😀 . Welcome to East Africa.
Byee さようなら😂。
![East African life](https://assets.st-note.com/production/uploads/images/160298687/profile_12562adda360db1cb9b78558a249b093.jpg?width=600&crop=1:1,smart)