~The Moment of Nuke Explosion~"75 Years Atomic Bomb" Dr.Soko DAY3/50
14 y.o, The Moment of Nuke Exploded
First of all, the atomic bombs dropped onto Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
spread vast amount of RADIATION in one millionth of a second,
emitted HEAT about 2000°C from 567 m above the sky,
and BLASTS clashed people and houses in 3-10 seconds.
People who got no injury seemed fine, but radiation penetrated their body deeply.
My aunt was survived on the day of August 6th, at Hiroshima station in a train. She, 15 year old was fortunately surrounded by train wall, concrete wall of the station, and window shade. Such shielding was one of reasons Nobuko could survive from the bomb.
Today I talk two more cases who survived on August 6th around 2km from ground zero.
14 year old boy, 2km from ground Zero
Students of grade8 were working to break houses in town for fire prevention. They were talking that American fighters of B29 were flying in the sky. They knew the difference of sounds between Japanese fighters and the US ones. The boy 14 year old suddenly lost his memory then. He got up when terribly hot blast blew hard. His friends fell down on the ground. To see one of his friend's face, he was surprised and said "Why is your face so grey?" When he touched his friend's face, the grey part of skin slipped and got off from face. "What happened with you?" He shouted with surprise. But his friend said, "Your face is much worse than me and others." Then, he eventually noticed his skin dropped off badly from his face and some parts of skin are hanging down with face.
This 14 year old boy was working outside to break houses for fire prevention as school work of grade 8 students. He was watching American air fighters with classmates,maybe saying "Hey, see those silver things! They must be B29!". So they may have had a standing posture with their faces up, which means they straightly directed to "Pika", flashes of the atomic bomb. Even if they were away from 2.0-2.5km from the ground zero, "without shielding" caused a vast damage on those young students. Their burn injuries were life-threateningly bad. What's more, they did not know at that time though, after this moment, it is no doubt that tremendously serious symptoms of radiation suffered those boys.
A doctor, no shielding area 2.5km away from Ground Zero
In the morning of August 6th, the sky was so clear and blue. Dr.Sashida stood on a school ground of Hiroshima Girls' Commerce School in current Minami-ward, Hiroshima. After he saw B29 in the sky, his eyes caught blue-white flash from the same direction. At the moment, his body felt a tremendous shock and floated in the air.He lost consciousness and his body fell on his boss's body.
"To our bodies fell down, hot blasts repeatedly came. That feeling is difficult to describe. I felt like I was stroking with the feathers of thin wire rather than hot air. To say more, it was like that my face was stroked repeatedly with the feathers that had become red and hot after being fired. Eventually, I gradually get back my consciousness.”(”A Memoir of the Atomic Bombing 原爆の記 指田吾一, Sashida Goichi”)
Right after he had this experience, Dr.Sashida started to try the best to see patients who had injured.
In Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there are local doctors who worked hard to help people right after this tragedy happened.
Even if he got injury and shock, even if he worried his loving family,there were doctors and nurses helped people in front of them.