
旧統一教会を擁護する有識者(マッシモ・イントロヴィニエ氏)による講演 - 日本では三つの勢力が再び団結して信教の自由と対立している。
一つ前の投稿で取り上げた(Think Tank 2022 の一環として先週末に開かれた)集会「神統一世界のための希望前進カンファレンス-普遍的人権に基づく信教の自由」(Conference of Hope for the Realization of a Heavenly Unified World - Advancing Religious Freedom through Universal Human Rights)で最後に登壇したのはマッシモ・イントロヴィニエ(Massimo Introvigne)氏でした。
弁護士として勤めたり、大学で教えたりしながら、CESNUR(Centro Studi sulle Nuove Religioni (Center for Studies on New Religions)、新宗教研究センター)の運営に1988年の設立から関わり、2018年からは Bitter Winter(CESNUR のオンライン雑誌)の編集長を務めているそうですが、長年に渡って(旧統一教会に限らず)カルト等を幅広く支持してきたようです。銃撃事件以来、日本の国内状況を魔女狩りであると非難し、旧統一教会とその関連団体を擁護し続けています。
マッシモ・イントロヴィニエ氏の意見の骨子がまとめられている「神統一世界のための希望前進カンファレンス-普遍的人権に基づく信教の自由」において(イタリア訛りの英語で)行われた講演の後半部分を下記に(Google 翻訳と併せて)引用しますが、右派や左派の考えはともかく、日本で暮らす一般人の考えは "Japan would be a peaceful country, if it were not for the Unification Church (the Family Federation)." ではないでしょうか。
(abridged) . . . and, now, the second national incident is the Abe assassination of 2022.
(前略). . .そして、次に、二番目の国家的事件は2022年の安倍(元首相)暗殺です。
The current campaign against the Unification Church / the Family Federation in Japan is based on a number of demonstrably false argument, is based on testimonies, telling lies and bearing false witness. And we can prove this and I believe I have proved this in several articles.
日本における統一教会 / 家庭連合に対する現下の反対運動は、多くの明らかに虚偽の議論に基づいており、嘘をつき虚偽の目撃を騙る証言に基づいています。そして、我々はこれを証明することができ、私はこれをいくつかの記事で証明したと信じます。
Ultimately, however, what we are seeing in Japan is the three forces I have described once again coming together to work against religious liberty.
First is the Japanese communist. They cannot forgive Reverend and Mrs. Moon for having stopped communism in Japan through the International Federation for Victory over Communism. They never forgive them for this. And, as a matter of fact, the Japanese Communist Party recently explicitly announced that they regard what started with the Abe assassination as "the final war" against the Unification Movement.
Second, the Japanese extreme right, in some cases Nazi, jumped on the bandwagon and started attacking sometimes physically the Family Federation, number one, because they are racist and anti-Korean and, number two, because what they cannot forgive is the larger effort by the Universal Peace Federation and other organizations to affirm in Japan the values of democracy against any totalitarian temptation.
Third, certain Japanese media and lawyers are motivated by different factors, including just making money, but they are also trying to spread in Japan the international secular humanist ideology by accusing any religious movement that is visible and successful to convert members and obtain donations through brainwashing, that is the usual secular humanist ideology.
But we should not make mistakes. It is not really about the man who killed Abe and it is not really about the Unification Church. Or, more precisely, it is not only about the Unification Church and the Family Federation. It is about the soul of Japan and it is about the global future of religious liberty, which some try to redefine as limited to a club of good religions, and they claim they have the right to define what religions are good and to exclude all the other religions by claiming they are cults.
So, the future of religion will now largely be decided by what will happen in Japan. Will it be a future of persecution or a future of liberty? Will it be a future of glory or a future of shame? Well, we are here to answer today. We are here to prevent the three ideologies from imposing their answer in Japan. We are here to make our voice heard but we are also here to make your voice and the voice of the Japanese members of the Family Federation and the voice of the Japanese citizens (who) concern about religious liberty heard.
And, certainly, we are not here to lose. I am not here to lose. I fully believe that, if we stay together, if we do not give up, if we continue to fight, we will come back here to this room one day to celebrate our victory.
Thank you.
2022年11月30日 マッシモ・イントロヴィニエ

マルクスにとって、宗教は「民衆のアヘン」であり、この世ではなくあの世における報酬を約束し、さらに金持ちは地獄に落ちるかもしれないと暗示することによって、貧しい人々を黙らせて革命を防止するための麻薬であった。 そして、貧富の差を取り除くことによって、共産党は宗教を消滅させると言ったのである。
共産主義、ナチズム、世俗的ヒューマニズムは互いに異なるイデオロギーであるが、すべて宗教を根絶させようと試み、自分たちの権力に服従する一部の宗教的形態だけを許容する。この三つはいまも生きて活動している。共産主義は世界で最も人口の多い国である中国を支配しており、世俗的ヒューマニズムは欧米の多くのメディア、大学、出版社を支配している。 そしてプーチンのロシアではナチス型の全体主義国家と侵略戦争が復活しているのである。
しかし、日本でも共産主義をはじめとする破壊的なイデオロギーが作用していた。 彼らは1995年に東京の地下鉄で起きたサリンガス攻撃事件を利用して、「カルト」というレッテルを貼られたすべての運動に対して、オウム真理教による犯罪の責任を負わせたのである。オウム真理教は、反カルト主義者たちの通常のターゲットとはまったく類似点のない特異な団体であり、それさえなければ健全な仏教団体に生じた腫瘍のようなものであると表現した方が適切であろう。いま反カルト主義者たちは、安倍暗殺というもう一つの国家的悲しみの瞬間を巧みに操っている。
宗教の自由の未来は、日本で何が起きるかによって大きく左右されるであろう。その未来は迫害か自由か? 栄光か恥辱か? 私たちは特定のイデオロギーが彼らの答えを押し付けるのを防ぐためにここに集まった。私たちは自分の声を聴いてもらうために、日本で迫害されている者たちの声を聴いてもらうためにここに集まった。もちろん、私たちは負けるためにここに集まったのではない。私たちが一致団結すれば、私たちが諦めなければ、私たちが戦い続けるなら、いつの日か勝利を祝うことができると私は確信している。
The Unification Church Crisis in Japan: The Three Enemies of Religious Liberty
Japan is emerging as the main battleground between forces that have attacked religious liberty for centuries and those defending it.
(A paper presented at the “Conference of Hope,” Cheongpyeong, 12 November 2022)

In 1965, French philosopher Paul Ricœur wrote a book on the destructive influence of three “masters of suspicion” who created a widespread hostility against religion in the modern Western world: the founder of Communism, Karl Marx, the creator of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, and the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.
For Marx, religion was the “opiate of the people,” a drug keeping the poor quiet and preventing revolutions by promising them that they would be rewarded not in this life but in heaven, and even suggesting that the rich might end up in hell. By eliminating both poverty and the rich, the Communist Party will cause religion to disappear.
For Freud, religion was the delusional product of both neurological and psychological problems. Once modern psychology will cure these problems, there will be no need nor room for religion.
For Nietzsche, religion existed because the state failed to educate strong citizens. The weak majority created and embraced religions hailing the weak and the meek (particularly Christianity). When a new state will educate children to be strong and merciless, the religions will disappear together with the meek.
Marx’s theory became the basis of Soviet Communism. Nietzsche was liberally used and quoted by the Nazis. Freud gave new impulse to the already existing secular humanism, which came to dominate, if not always the governments, the academia and the media in many Western democracies.
Communism, Nazism, and secular humanism are different ideologies, but all try to eradicate religions, allowing only some religious forms subservient to their power. All three are still alive and kicking, with Communism dominating the most populous country of the world, China, secular humanism controlling many newsrooms, universities, and publishing houses in the West, and the Nazi model of a totalitarian state and the promotion of wars of aggression resurfacing in Putin’s Russia.
The ultimate goal of all three ideologies is to destroy all religions. However, through the tragedies of the 20th century, they learned that this is by no means easy. Religions are extraordinarily resistant to persecution.
Confronted with the impossibility of eradicating immediately all religions, all three ideologies decided to proceed gradually. They tried to reassure the larger, more powerful religions by telling them that they had nothing to fear, at least for the time being. They claimed they will destroy only the “bad” religions, leaving the “good” ones alone.
In China, the bad religions are called “xie jiao,” an old label used in Imperial China to designate religious groups that did not support the Emperor and now used against those that do not support the new Emperor, the Communist Party. In Russia, the groups not prepared to be strictly controlled by the state are designated as “extremist” and “liquidated.” In democratic countries, rather than to all religions, Freud’s model is applied to some minority religions labeled as “cults,” and accused of converting their members and gathering donations through “brainwashing.”
Dozens of groups were targeted, but three became the very symbol of “bad” religion and persecuted with special hatred. The Unification Church was targeted for its very effective criticism of Communism and the successes of the International Federation for Victory Over Communism. Scientology was attacked for its criticism of Freud, psychoanalysis, and the abuses of psychiatry. And the Jehovah’s Witnesses, who do not serve in the army and do not vote, were persecuted because their lifestyle is the opposite of the Nietzschean ideal of producing a strong and ruthless generation through a total state control and a militaristic education.
I have so far mentioned the West, but today the most important battle is fought in Asia, in Japan. Japan is not part of the West, but is an Asian country that, having lost World War II, had to recognize that religious liberty was necessary for democracy, admit its past mistakes, and introduce statutes protecting freedom of religion. Japan thus became an Eastern country with a Western notion of religious liberty, a bridge to the West and a model for all Asia.
Yet, the destructive ideologies were at work also in Japan, including Communism. They took advantage of the sarin gas attack of 1995 in the Tokyo Subway to make all movements they labeled as “cults” responsible for the crimes of Aum Shinrikyo, a peculiar group that had no similarities with the usual targets of the anti-cultists and could be more precisely describes as a tumor in the otherwise healthy body of Buddhism. Now they manipulate another moment of national grief, the Abe assassination.
The current campaign against the Unification Church/Family Federation is based on a number of demonstrably false arguments and on testimonies bearing false witness, as I have proved in several articles. Ultimately, however, it reveals the action of the same dark forces that are at work against religious liberty in other countries. Japanese Communists cannot forgive Reverend and Mrs. Moon for their contribution to containing and defeating Communism in their country, and indeed they have explicitly announced that they are now engaged in their “final war” against the Unification movement.
A Japanese extreme right jumped on the bandwagon not only because it is racist and hates any movement whose leaders are Korean but also because it resents the achievements of Ms. Moon and the UPF in defending democracy and denouncing all forms of totalitarianism. Certain Japanese media and lawyers have several motivations, including just making money, but some of them also try to spread in Japan the international secular humanist ideology accusing any religious movement that gains success and visibility of “brainwashing.”
Make no mistake, it is not about the man who killed Abe. It is not about the Unification Church either, at least not only. It is about the soul of Japan and the global future of religious liberty, which some try to redefine as limited to a club of “good” religions—until the day when they will be attacked as well—and excluding those “bad” religions that an obscure lobby has decided to call “cults.”
The future of religion liberty will be largely decided by what will happen in Japan. Will it be a future of persecution or liberty? Of glory or shame? We are here to prevent the ideologies from imposing their answer. We are here to make our voice heard, to make the voice of those persecuted in Japan heard. And certainly we are not here to lose. I fully believe that if we stay together, if we do not give up, if we continue to fight, we will one day celebrate our victory.