韓鶴子総裁はホーリーマザー・ハン(聖母韓様)also known as マザームーン(文お母様)トゥルーマザー(真のお母様)マザーオブピース(平和の母)他(世界平和統一家庭連合・旧統一教会)
※ 前置きが長くなりました。お急ぎの方は、本文へ進んでください。
Silent Night, Holy Night
Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht
— 毒性女🏺鶴子 (@tsuboTSURUKO) February 9, 2025
ウソついたら偽証に問われる場での発言だからきっと真実😌 https://t.co/7cLqQSUIIh pic.twitter.com/ngZ0DdezES
文聖進 = 金東淑
長男 信一 = 国時詩織氏(要職を歴任した国時昭彦氏の長女)
長女 信美
次女 信淑 = 大塚洪孝氏(大塚克己元会長の長男)
— 毒性女🏺鶴子 (@tsuboTSURUKO) February 8, 2025
世界平和から最も程遠い統一教会 真の誤家庭🥲 pic.twitter.com/4iomFReBkj
Holy Mother Han을 모신 축복가정
ホーリーマザーハヌル モシン チュッポクカジョン
ホーリーマザーハンに 侍る 祝福家庭
◎◎의 이름으로
◎◎エ イルムロ
◎◎の 名前で
감사기도 드립니다.
カムサキド トゥリムニダ
感謝祈祷(を) 捧げます
宋龍天本部長が言ったように、皆さんの祈りと精誠には「ホーリーマザー・ハン(Holy Mother Han)に侍る祝福家庭○○○○の名によって、感謝の祈祷をいたします」という伝統が立てられなければなりません。
公の場においても、私的な祈祷においても、韓鶴子総裁を聖母韓さま(何故か英語でホーリーマザー・ハン)と呼称するように上意下達されたことで、韓半島発祥の信仰宗教(사이비 종교・サイビ チョンギョ)
文鮮明からセウォル号まで 韓国はキリスト教カルト天国
なぜ韓国社会でカルトが蔓延っているのか。 新潮45(2014年9月号)
We were honored to have @donaldjtrumpjr visit our booth here at SHOT Show 2025! Make America Great Again!
Posted by Kahr Firearms Group on Wednesday, January 22, 2025
また、聖マザー・テレサ(Saint Mother Teresa, Saint Teresa of Calcutta)の例をあげるまでもなく、Holy は父なる神・神の子・聖霊にのみ用いられます。(例:Holy See、聖座)
To some of these politicians, this kind of event might be a chance to get a free trip to Korea and some nice speaking fees. To the Unification Church, it is a big propaganda event showing that various world leaders respect Moon and do not treat her like a harmful cult leader. pic.twitter.com/3sbMJ0bUTb
— Jeffrey J. Hall 🇯🇵🇺🇸 (@mrjeffu) May 3, 2023
Honored to participate in the Summit for Peace on the Korean Peninsula and the Sunhak Peace Prize Award Ceremony. pic.twitter.com/xAWC0XlR3g
— Newt Gingrich (@newtgingrich) February 13, 2022
.@newtgingrich and I were delighted to attend the 2022 Sunhak Peace Prize Award Ceremony today in South Korea. pic.twitter.com/ddubT8QCzd
— Callista Gingrich (@CallyGingrich) February 12, 2022
Senior Advisor to the White House Faith Office
February 7, 2025 - (President Donald Trump)
May 3, 2018 – January 20, 2021 (President Donald Trump)
Born Paula Michelle Furr, April 20, 1966 (age 58), Tupelo, Mississippi, U.S.
Dean Knight (m. 1984; div. 1989)
Randy White (m. 1990; div. 2007)
Jonathan Cain (m. 2015)
1 Child
Message of Pastor Paula White in the Prayer Rally for Peace
Written by: Pastor Paula White, Pastor, Televangelist; President, Paula White Ministries; Spiritual advisor to former U.S. President Donald Trump
05 December 2021
I am honored to participate in this historic Interfaith Prayer Rally for the Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula. I want to honor and encourage Mother Moon for her great work as a spiritual leader who loves the Lord and seeks to carry out and bring comfort to the heart of God in all the areas of conflict in the world. I thank you for not quitting or giving up, Mother Moon, when the persecution and suffering was intense. Because of your courage, tenacity and bold spirit cloaked in love for God and humanity, we are seeing revolutionary opportunity around the world for peace and unity.
We thank the Universal Peace Federation for this Rally of Hope, which is calling on the faith leaders to stand in Unity and Prayer. God is RESTORING back to the way things are supposed to be. Mt 12:13 refers to a man with a withered hand: “He stretched it forth; it was restored like the other”. Mark 8:25 refers to a blind man: “Jesus laid His hands on his eyes again and his sight was restored”. Mark 9:12 states that after the mount of transfiguration, “Elijah does come first to restore all things”.
All throughout the New Testament you find the term “apokathistemi”, which is translated to ‘restore’, which means “to reconstitute”. The CONSTITUTION of something refers to the way it was made and how it is designed to function. In the New Testament, reconstituting means the restoring of things back to the way they are supposed to be. The Lord is restoring people back to WHO they are supposed to be. He is restoring bodies to work as they are supposed to work. He is restoring cities and nations into what He called them to be. This restoration will include making you whole, bringing forth true sons and daughters, and the birthing of finances, property, and resources for ministries in order to reconstitute nations. And I believe, THIS RESTORATION will include the reunification of North and South Korea.
This restorative, resurrecting, recreating power of The Most High God is about to be released on this planet as never before! This move is not a result of who we are and our desires. It is a move birthed in WHO HE IS and WHAT HE WANTS. This move will bring every tribe together like in Joshua 6. The Bible tells us: “Now Jericho was shut up inside and outside because of the people of Israel. None went out, and none came in.” Much like North Korea.
And the Lord said to Joshua, “See, I have given Jericho into your hand, with its king and mighty men of valor. You shall march around the city … for 6 days … On the 7th day march around the city 7 times, the priests blow the trumpet. All the people shout with a great shout and the wall of the city will fall down flat”. This Prayer Rally has the same meaning as when Joshua united the 12 Tribes of Israel and marched around Jericho. At the end they shouted, and the Walls came down. The walls are coming down between North and South Korea…
When we unite as Faith Leaders, we will see walls come down. God is bringing together every tribe in unity who will “shout”– obey an illogical instruction by God - to what was a barrier is about to become a bridge. The Lord is very determined to bring in this harvest. He will not be stopped! MAY YOUR WILL BE DONE IN EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. This is not just a new season – it is a new ERA. We are about to see the greatest harvest come into the Kingdom and entire nations be transformed.
Many people in the Ekk-le-sia (the church - the called out) feel frustrated, because they KNOW they have not fully tapped into WHO they are and WHAT God has called them to do. God brought you here to prepare you and release you into this new era to do what you are destined to do. The Ekk-le-sia army (HIS CHURCH) is emerging with a rejuvenated spirit and the confidence to function as a well-trained fighting force.
In Ephesians 6:12, it says, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness of this world, spiritual wickedness in high places”. The Ekk-le-sia is all about government – The Legislative arm of God or His Kingdom government on the earth. You are not just called to bring an awakening, revival and outpouring, BUT to bring transformation and reformation. When you are TRANSFORMED there is a marked change in your appearance, form, function, character and nature…
TRANSFORMATION is Changing Thoroughly through the process of Forming. To be squeezed, pressed, mold into a form, fashion and frame. REFORMATION – “Is to straighten thoroughly, to put back into correct order or form”. WE ARE ENTERING AN ERA WHERE WE WILL SEE THE ANSWERS TO OUR PRAYERS. And THE PROMISES TO OUR PROPHETIC MOMENT COME TO PASS. We will see the Reunification of North and South Korea.
Rid yourself of any theology that allows Jesus to lose. Any theology that says we are barely going to make it in. You are part of an ever-increasing Kingdom, and we serve a King who CANNOT be defeated. He will do what He said He will do. You’re not saved just to get to heaven; you are saved to be endued with POWER from on High. Habakkuk 12:44 says “To be Baptized in fire – and to partner with The King to turn the world upside down for Him! That is WHO YOU ARE!” This is what is emerging NOW and throughout the rest of this era.
Mature sons and daughters walking in power and authority. The enemy (Satan) will not be dealing with the same people he dealt with in the past. We will not be deceived, delayed, or denied. Shaking has occurred – Wheat is coming forth. We are being radically changed into God’s image, as a true legislative army of people who understand the AUTHORITY. He has given to them and KNOW WHO He’s made them to be…
Mt 28:18 says “All authority in heaven and in earth has been given to Me… Go therefore…” And by our love for one another. We often think of our spiritual life as just being with God, BUT HE tells us that spirituality is a life of love with both Him and with each other. Matt 22:37-40 says “Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” John 13:34-35 says “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this ALL people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another”.
I have seen Mother Moon practicing the teaching of true unconditional love. She teaches that True Love comes from having blessed marriages that are faithful to God. That is the love that Jesus has, we believe Father and Mother Moon have that love. How else could they survive going to the North to meet Kim Il Sung. They are strong anti-communists. They are against communism because it advocates that material is the only reality. They stand against communism because it denies the existence of God. However, they are not against people or the leaders of the communist countries. They believe if they can turn to God they too can be saved. And this is our prayer for Kim Jung-un and all that lead in North Korea.
In that light, we are celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Father and Mother Moon’s visit to North Korea in 1991. 30 years ago, today, they were in North Korea, having gone to bring truth and love to the leader of the North. They could have been killed – but something happened that touched the heart of Chairman Kim Il-sung. He understood that Father and Mother Moon were family and that they did not come to destroy anyone, but to testify to God and give His love. This feeling passed on to his son and now his grandson Chairman Kim. May God complete the work of restoration through all of us today as we each take responsibility and do our part to see the reunification of North and South Korea.
The leaders of this world have important responsibilities, however only religious leaders can lead the people of the nation to repent for their sins and seek God’s grace. Then with God’s grace the families and the people of the nation can become strong. II Chronicles 7:14 says, “If my people which are called by my name will humble themselves pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, l forgive their sins and heal their land.” Mother Moon is counting on us as religious leaders to speak the truth with the love of God to the people and their leaders. That is what is different about the power of Faith leaders, we have not come to destroy the enemy but to transform them through love and truth.
Though it is a life risking mission to speak truth to power, it is also a life-or-death prayer of commitment that can allow us to speak that truth with love. Only with love will the truth reach the hearts of the leaders of nations. Only with God’s love can the people be awakened to the possibility of real peace. Rom 13:8 reminds us, “Owe no-one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law”.
M. Pompeo: Address to Summit 2022, Special Program Honoring the Life and Legacy of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Sunday, August 14, 2022
Written by: Hon. Mike Pompeo, U.S. secretary of state (2018-2021)
Address to Summit 2022 and Leadership Conference, Seoul, Korea, August 11-15, 2022
Distinguished world leaders, ladies and gentlemen, it is a true privilege to be with you here today. It is an honor to be part of this memorial program to honor the life of Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon.
Having had the chance to visit North Korea and having met so many who lost their families and loved ones due to the Korean War in the 72 years of separation between North and South Korea, I know the unspeakable pain in the Korean people’s hearts for those who lost their loved ones. I know the pain has been deep in the heart of Rev. and Dr. Moon, yet through that pain, they have worked to reunite North and South Korea. This is a story of love, passion and a deep understanding about what makes people great.
Rev. Moon, as you know, was born in North Korea. He grew up under Japan’s occupation until America brought it to an end after the Soviet-backed communists led by Kim Il-sung took over North Korea. Rev. Moon was arrested, imprisoned and tortured along with many others, including other Christian pastors. He was sent to Hungnam, a North Korean communist death camp, and spent two years and eight months there. Every day prisoners were forced to read the communist Marxist doctrine. During this time, Rev. Moon learned the critical flaws of communist ideology, the most fundamental of which denies the existence of our God and the value of every human life.
Two things happened in that prison camp. First, Rev. Moon survived because of his faith in a loving God. Second, he determined he would devote his entire life to helping the world free itself of and overcome communism. Rev. Moon saw clearly why communism would always seek to destroy religion, because faithful obedience to God leaves no room for submission to a totalitarian regime. He also knew that it is only God’s love that can satisfy the human soul and no man or government can make itself ruler over men and women who have been born free.
War came here to the Korean Peninsula. Thanks to Gen. Douglas MacArthur and his soldiers and their landing at Incheon, United Nations coalition troops—many of whom were American and, like my father, served in the navy during that war—bombed Hungnam and the prisoners escaped from their hell. Rev. Moon did not flee, though; he went back to Pyongyang to gather church members who would go with him to the south. Even when he had finally found freedom, Rev. Moon continued to work every day to save others. He walked to the border, crossed it and came back to Seoul to found the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. He called for the unity of all Christians and for each of us to love one another. He taught that Christianity, through strong families and faith in the Lord, must not oppose God and must constantly oppose God-denying communism.
The Lord then blessed him. He married Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon in 1960 and the church continued to grow. Due to his experience with communism, he knew that it was critical that Japan and Korea join America to stop the expansion of communism in Asia and indeed all around the world. This remains true today.
He began by starting what became Victory Over Communism activities to educate Japanese and Korean students that communism as an ideology was empty and barren of hope and love. He offered a different view, one which affirms that God is the origin of all life, and challenged the fallacies of communist ideologies everywhere. He worked tirelessly to stop communism and understood the importance of America and its place in fighting communism.
He had seen it when he was freed from that prison camp in North Korea, that America must be strong, moral and free and have a free press. He knew that America must be supported by the timeless pillars of freedom, faith and family. I could not agree more. In 1982, Rev. and Dr. Moon started The Washington Times, which is also when I began my journey as a young cadet. This year it will celebrate its 40th anniversary, which is a testament to the work and vision of Rev. and Dr. Moon. This lovely story, this remarkable history is where I would like to close today.
This last remarkable story of Rev. Moon’s life has to do with North Korean dictator Kim Il- sung, who had sent assassins to kill Rev. and Dr. Moon in South Korea and when they traveled to America. Undeterred by this danger, Rev. and Dr. Moon resolved that they would love their enemy no matter the potential personal costs to each of them. This was as they knew, as Christ had commanded his faithful to do many years ago on the shores of Galilee. In this spirit, they went to the north to meet with Kim Il-sung in 1991. They went with sincerity in their hearts and a deep desire to help North Korea move towards freedom and democracy. Many would have balked at such a mission, thinking that two people should not take such a risk because the likelihood of North Korea changing decades of division to tyranny was simply too great—but Rev. and Dr. Moon did not go there as two people. No, they went there instead as humble servants of the Lord called to spread His word in His name and in that place.
In his preparation meeting with Chairman Kim’s close advisor, Rev. Moon boldly proclaimed that Kim’s juche ideology would not work, for it denies the existence of a living God who we all know and love. Many expected that the meeting with Chairman Kim would be canceled because he had said that and even feared that Rev. and Dr. Moon’s delegation might be arrested for having uttered their commitment to the Lord. Instead, a miracle occurred. Chairman Kim welcomed them to a dinner and they talked like distant relatives brought together after a long separation. Rev. and Dr. Moon broke bread with their persecutor just as Christ had broken bread with sinners.
This meeting marked the beginning of a long peace process of which I was privileged to be a small part during my time as America’s secretary of state. I am humbled and thrilled to be here today because I know that one day we will see the Korean people united in freedom.
Following Rev. Moon’s passing, Dr. Moon has continued this noble great work that she and her husband had spent their lives engaged in. She embraces leaders who are with us today from all across the world, from the Middle East and Asia; Africa, Europe and the Americas; and China, Russia and North Korea. We have seen over these last few days leaders from everywhere joining her in her efforts to bring North and South Korea together peacefully. She has done magnificent work in expanding what she and her husband started. Bless you Madam Moon.
On this memorial day, my wife, Susan, and I want to thank Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon for their work towards peace, and we pray for Dr. Moon’s success in bringing North and South Korea together. It is the Lord’s work. God bless all of you, and may we one day gather in peace together.
Thank you.