
16th Oct. 2021



I haven't expected too much from K, but not I cannot believe him any more. I found that he had begun the the second side business, a BBQ style restaurant. He found a place which had been closed due to pandemic. I remember that I got angry so much when I heard he wanted to start the second side job last year. It was already in the middle of the pandemic we saw many shops had to close and people lost their jobs. His idea seemed so crazy for me. A running a restaurant is better than his first side business, a bar, but I hate him do something important without telling me anything. Did he think I was mad if he told me before starting it? Yes, I might be, but be calm. We are not officially married. He's not my husband and I'm not his wife. So, he mustn't tell me everything. And I'm not responsible for what he does. I won't care about him.  He's someone living in the same house somehow.  


I don’t expect too much from K, but I cannot believe he has done this. I discovered that he had begun his second side business, a BBQ style restaurant. He found a place which had been closed due to the pandemic. I remember that I got very angry when I heard he wanted to start the second side business last year. It was already in the middle of the pandemic. We saw many shops had to close and people lost their jobs. His idea seemed so crazy to me. A restaurant is a better idea than his first side business (a bar), but I hate that he made such a big decision without telling me anything. Did he think I would be mad if he told me before starting it? Yes, I might be, but then I would calm down. We are not officially married. He's not my husband and I'm not his wife. So, he mustn't tell me what to do. And I'm not responsible for what he does. I don’t worry about him. Right now, he's just someone living in the same house.
