
シュメール文明の神話(アヌンナキ)を、斜めに読み始めました (consider the mythology of the Sumerian civilization from a different angle)

Neanderthal Anunnaki hypothesis

参考文献:杉勇 (翻訳), 尾崎亨 (翻訳)、「シュメール神話集成 (ちくま学芸文庫) 」Kindle版
I started reading the mythology of Sumerian civilization obliquely with consider the mythology of the Sumerian civilization from a different angle. Below are some thoughts.
References: Isamu Sugi (translator), Toru Ozaki (translator), “Sumerian Mythology Collection (Chikuma Gakugei Bunko)” Kindle edition

冥界へ下るエピソードって、故人の肉体は、看取った人の目の前で、処分されているはずだが、何故か、冥界に死体が釘で引っ掛けられているとか、土葬にしても、死体が腐乱しても、骨は残る。死後、冥界へ行く存在は何なんだろうか? 情報?
In the episode where the deceased goes down to the underworld, the body of the deceased is supposed to be disposed of in front of the eyes of the person who cared for him, but for some reason, the body is hung in the underworld with nails, and even if it is buried, the body is decomposed. However, the bones remain. What kind of being goes to the underworld after death? information?

主人公が、女王だけど、女性なのは何故? とりあえず、紀元前4千年時点で、人間界には、階級があったってことね。王族と平民。
The main character is a queen, but why is she a woman? Anyway, as of 4000 BC, there were classes in the human world. royalty and commoners.

However, the contradictory episode (the idea of God and the idea of the underworld) from 4000 BC (6000 years ago) affirms the existence of God and the soul, distorting modern society.

Did the ancients believe that the human body is a reproduction device for the soul (information)?

I do think that a situation will occur in which a portion of an individual's soul (information) is copied through communication, and the brain tissue of another person is borrowed.

``A dead body is hung on a nail in the underworld'', is it treated as a replicant in the movie ``Blade Runner''?

In this era, there were nails.

紀元前4千年時点で、神と人間の存在がありきなのも、何故? シュメール文明の伝説では、人間は、神によって創られている。神は、どうやって生まれたのかは、書いてない。エンリル神含む複数柱、存在していた。
Why was the existence of gods and humans common in 4000 BC? According to the legends of the Sumerian civilization, humans were created by God. It is not written how God was born. There were multiple pillars, including the god Enlil.

If the dead are information, then is God also some kind of information?

Among the "great gods of the Anunnaki" is the god Enlil. The first translator was a fraud, and said that the correct word for ``Anunnaki'' was ``Annunna,'' and that the meaning of ``Anunnaki'' was ``noble.'' Therefore, the correct translation for "the great gods of the Anunnaki" is "the noble great gods." In any case, as of 4000 BC, the existence of God was affirmed.

After the creation of the heavens and the earth, the Mother Goddess appears. It seems that the being who first built the embankments and created the country in the Tigris and Eurates region is considered a god. The gods may or may not be humans (classes). Irrigation civil engineering technology existed over 4000 BC.

I want to know more about the past, more than 10,000 years BC.

In the time of King Gilgamesh, buildings and places created by gods existed, but it seems that the gods themselves did not exist...

The Annunaki sometimes hold meetings. In reality, the Annunaki may not actually exist, but are just virtual fronts of powerful people. It makes decisions and gives instructions to humans.

There was a concept of evil spirits.

There are prayers to God.

Even in those days, there was a profession called scribe. There were also blacksmiths, carpenters, masons, merchants, singers, and priests.

Cows are plowing.

Both cows and pigs were eaten. There was bread.

There were rich people and poor people

humans can lie

God had a concept of family lineage.

There was love between gods and humans. He was married and divorced.




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