

香港の英字新聞「SCMP(South China Morning Post/サウス・チャイナ・モーニング・ポスト/南华早报/南華早報)」のデジタル・エディターであるシア・ドリスコル(Shea Driscoll)は2024年04月01日に、チャン・ヨンバン(Chan Young Bang)が2024年04月01日に公開した「How China can best counter the US-Japan-South Korea alliance」を紹介した。


中国が和平を示唆し、あるいは和平を仲介することができれば、21世紀は中国のものとなり、中国の最高国家主席習近平(习近平/President Xi Jinping)の政治家としての資質は世界的に尊敬されることになるだろうと予想している。


第三に、北朝鮮による武力挑発の新たな脅威により、米国、韓国、日本の安全保障協力が強化されている。 共通の恐るべき軍事的脅威に直面して、日本と韓国は歴史的な対立を脇に置き、戦略的協力を目指している。


このような大胆な行動は中国のイメージを向上させ、中国を国際社会で尊敬される大国に変えるのに役立つだろう。 戦争を長引かせれば世界の二極化はさらに悪化し、中国の経済と安全保障上の利益に影響を与え続けるだろう。

第二に、ジョー・バイデン米国大統領(US President Joe Biden)が提唱するルールに基づく秩序に対抗するために、中国は2023年の地球文明イニシアチブで導入された指導原則、つまり平和、発展、公平、正義、民主主義、自由に基づいた信頼できる外交政策を確立しなければならない。

実際、中国の外交政策が信頼できるものであるためには、地球文明イニシアティブと習主席のサンフランシスコ演説で表明された原則が中国の国内政策に具体化される必要がある。 旧ソ連の指導者ミハイル・ゴルバチョフ(Mikhail Gorbachev)がかつて指摘したように、外交政策は国内政策の延長であり、ひいてはイデオロギーの具現化でもある。

第三に、金正恩(Kim Jong-un)は2023年、北朝鮮の対韓国政策を根本的に変更し、韓国を北朝鮮の主な敵に再分類し、韓国を征服し、統合するために核兵器を使用すると脅した。







第四に、台湾との統一には有利な政治的、経済的環境が必要である。 中国政府は経済統合を追求し、続いて平和的な政治統合を追求し、台湾国民の心を掴まなければならない。

習首席がチャンスを掴むことができれば、21世紀は中国のものとなるだろう。 中国はわずか40年で8億人を極度の貧困から救い出した。 2008年から 2022 年の間に、一人当たりの国内総生産は 267% 増加し、世界の一人当たりの所得の押し上げに貢献した。

2013年に「一帯一路」構想が発表されて以来、中国は140カ国以上のインフラにUS$1兆以上を投資してきた。 このような成功は、他の発展途上国の基盤としての中国の経済モデルの信頼性を高めることになる。

習首席には、ウクライナ紛争の終結と朝鮮半島の非核化を促進し、同時に中国の経済的・政治的目標を達成することで、可能な限り最高の遺産を残すチャンスがある。 このような功績は、尊敬される政治家としての彼の世界的な地位を確かなものにするだろう。



チャン・ヨンバン博士の過去の原稿は、度々香港の英字新聞「SCMP(South China Morning Post/サウス・チャイナ・モーニング・ポスト/南华早报/南華早報)」で紹介されている。


Chan Young Bang, PhD is the founder and president of KIMEP University, principal investigator at its DPRK Strategic Research Centre, and a former economic adviser to Nursultan Nazarbayev, the first president of Kazakhstan. His current research focuses on nuclear non-proliferation and the economic development of the DPRK (North Korea). He is the author of more than 60 articles and several books on prospects for achieving peace and prosperity on the Korean peninsula. His latest book, A Korean Peninsula Free of Nuclear Weapons: Perspectives on Socioeconomic Development, was published in December 2023.
Opinion | How China can best counter the US-Japan-South Korea alliance
Illustration: Craig Stephens
The pact is a result of geopolitical polarisation amid tensions from Ukraine, North Korea, the East China Sea and the Taiwan issue. If China can signal peace, or even broker it, the 21st century will belong to China.
1 Apr 2024 - 5:30AM

Opinion | How Kim can lead North Korea to an unprecedented economic renaissance
Illustration: Craig Stephens
He will have to give up nuclear weapons and the current Juche ideology – political reform must precede economic ones. And world powers must offer security guarantees, and support and compensation for denuclearisation.
4 Jan 2024 - 6:35AM

Opinion | How a China-brokered peace deal on the Korean peninsula would benefit all
Illustration: Craig Stephens
With economic prosperity on a Korean peninsula free of nuclear weapons and US troops, Xi Jinping would secure his legacy as a top statesman and China’s peaceful rise as a world power.
26 Jun 2023 - 3:30AM

Opinion | Kim Jong-un’s miscalculations leave his North Korean regime hanging by a thread
Illustration: Craig Stephens
Three events have precipitated the crisis: UN sanctions, Kim’s harsh Covid-19 controls and his failed bid to court Russia and China in a defiant nuclear push. The only remaining means of preserving state integrity is the use of terror and repression.
18 May 2023 - 9:15AM

Opinion | Why South Korea must lead efforts to denuclearise the peninsula
Illustration: Craig Stephens
The US’ past attempts to denuclearise the peninsula have been too dependent on ‘sticks’ and a resolution is not the matter of life and death it is to South Korea. Yoon must offer Kim a deal which has China’s support and that offers the regime a better chance of survival without nuclear weapons.
10 Mar 2023 - 4:35AM

Opinion | Kim’s dream of an alliance with Russia and China will remain just that
Illustration: Craig Stephens
Such an alliance is not the key to North Korea’s survival, when its threats and crises are internal. Crucially, both Russia and China are opposed to its nuclear tests. And China will never join such a disadvantageous alliance.
20 Dec 2022 - 1:00AM

Opinion | As North Korea cosies up to Russia, China has one good policy option
Illustration: Craig Stephens
China could insist on the pre-war status quo or embrace a trilateral alliance with Moscow, but either option would hurt its strategic aims, including the one-China policy. Or it could make Pyongyang an irresistible offer.
1 Nov 2022 - 3:30AM

Opinion | With North Korea on the edge, Kim has three options
Illustration: Craig Stephens
Kim could maintain the status quo, or trade nuclear arms for the lifting of sanctions and security guarantees while maintaining totalitarian rule. His only realistic choice is to deliver a bright future by agreeing to open up the economy.
4 Oct 2021 - 8:45AM

Opinion | Biden can offer Kim’s North Korea a denuclearisation deal he can’t refuse
Illustration: Craig Stephens
Biden must cooperate with other six-party talk members to craft a deal that speaks to the cost-benefit calculation of economic development in exchange for denuclearisation.
1 Feb 2021 - 1:19AM

Opinion | Time for North Korea to open up and embrace denuclearisation
Illustration: Craig Stephens
While Kim has a vision for his country’s future, the lack of an exit strategy from his nuclear programme has thwarted peace talks. Embracing denuclearisation in exchange for security guarantees and development aid will help the economy soar.
3 Dec 2020 - 3:45AM

Opinion | Only Xi Jinping can unlock a bright economic future for North Korea
Illustration: Craig Stephens
Given Chinese president’s personal history combined with China’s pivotal role in North Korea’s economy, Xi is well placed to convince Kim that economic reform is his best option. A US$300 billion fund, mostly financed by China, could get the ball rolling.
10 May 2019 - 3:49AM

How Putin can make the most of his upcoming summit with Kim
Illustration: Craig Stephens
The US has failed to sell a denuclearisation deal to North Korea, so Russia’s president should take up the challenge, starting with setting the conditions for a modernisation fund.
24 Apr 2019 - 1:45PM

Opinion | What Trump must offer Kim to make the deal of the century
North Korea leader Kim Jong-un (left) and US President Donald Trump shake hands after their meetings on Sentosa Island in Singapore on June 12. Photo: AFP
The US lacks a strategy that pleases all stakeholders on the Korean peninsula, including Kim Jong-un. Sanctions and diplomatic pressure should be supplemented by the promise of an economic development fund, infrastructural support and security guarantees.
8 Nov 2018 - 2:14AM


Chan Young Bang

    Chan Young Bang, PhD is the founder and president of KIMEP University, principal investigator at its DPRK Strategic Research Centre, and a former economic adviser to Nursultan Nazarbayev, the first president of Kazakhstan. His current research focuses on nuclear non-proliferation and the economic development of the DPRK (North Korea). He is the author of more than 60 articles and several books on prospects for achieving peace and prosperity on the Korean peninsula. His latest book, A Korean Peninsula Free of Nuclear Weapons: Perspectives on Socioeconomic Development, was published in December 2023.
    Opinion | How China can best counter the US-Japan-South Korea alliance
    Illustration: Craig Stephens
    The pact is a result of geopolitical polarisation amid tensions from Ukraine, North Korea, the East China Sea and the Taiwan issue. If China can signal peace, or even broker it, the 21st century will belong to China.
    1 Apr 2024 - 5:30AM

Opinion | How Kim can lead North Korea to an unprecedented economic renaissance
Illustration: Craig Stephens
He will have to give up nuclear weapons and the current Juche ideology – political reform must precede economic ones. And world powers must offer security guarantees, and support and compensation for denuclearisation.
4 Jan 2024 - 6:35AM

Opinion | How a China-brokered peace deal on the Korean peninsula would benefit all
Illustration: Craig Stephens
With economic prosperity on a Korean peninsula free of nuclear weapons and US troops, Xi Jinping would secure his legacy as a top statesman and China’s peaceful rise as a world power.
26 Jun 2023 - 3:30AM

Opinion | Kim Jong-un’s miscalculations leave his North Korean regime hanging by a thread
Illustration: Craig Stephens
Three events have precipitated the crisis: UN sanctions, Kim’s harsh Covid-19 controls and his failed bid to court Russia and China in a defiant nuclear push. The only remaining means of preserving state integrity is the use of terror and repression.
18 May 2023 - 9:15AM

Opinion | Why South Korea must lead efforts to denuclearise the peninsula
Illustration: Craig Stephens
The US’ past attempts to denuclearise the peninsula have been too dependent on ‘sticks’ and a resolution is not the matter of life and death it is to South Korea. Yoon must offer Kim a deal which has China’s support and that offers the regime a better chance of survival without nuclear weapons.
10 Mar 2023 - 4:35AM

Opinion | Kim’s dream of an alliance with Russia and China will remain just that
Illustration: Craig Stephens
Such an alliance is not the key to North Korea’s survival, when its threats and crises are internal. Crucially, both Russia and China are opposed to its nuclear tests. And China will never join such a disadvantageous alliance.
20 Dec 2022 - 1:00AM

Opinion | As North Korea cosies up to Russia, China has one good policy option
Illustration: Craig Stephens
China could insist on the pre-war status quo or embrace a trilateral alliance with Moscow, but either option would hurt its strategic aims, including the one-China policy. Or it could make Pyongyang an irresistible offer.
1 Nov 2022 - 3:30AM

Opinion | With North Korea on the edge, Kim has three options
Illustration: Craig Stephens
Kim could maintain the status quo, or trade nuclear arms for the lifting of sanctions and security guarantees while maintaining totalitarian rule. His only realistic choice is to deliver a bright future by agreeing to open up the economy.
4 Oct 2021 - 8:45AM

Opinion | Biden can offer Kim’s North Korea a denuclearisation deal he can’t refuse
Illustration: Craig Stephens
Biden must cooperate with other six-party talk members to craft a deal that speaks to the cost-benefit calculation of economic development in exchange for denuclearisation.
1 Feb 2021 - 1:19AM

Opinion | Time for North Korea to open up and embrace denuclearisation
Illustration: Craig Stephens
While Kim has a vision for his country’s future, the lack of an exit strategy from his nuclear programme has thwarted peace talks. Embracing denuclearisation in exchange for security guarantees and development aid will help the economy soar.
3 Dec 2020 - 3:45AM

Opinion | Only Xi Jinping can unlock a bright economic future for North Korea
Illustration: Craig Stephens
Given Chinese president’s personal history combined with China’s pivotal role in North Korea’s economy, Xi is well placed to convince Kim that economic reform is his best option. A US$300 billion fund, mostly financed by China, could get the ball rolling.
10 May 2019 - 3:49AM

How Putin can make the most of his upcoming summit with Kim
Illustration: Craig Stephens
The US has failed to sell a denuclearisation deal to North Korea, so Russia’s president should take up the challenge, starting with setting the conditions for a modernisation fund.
24 Apr 2019 - 1:45PM

Opinion | What Trump must offer Kim to make the deal of the century
North Korea leader Kim Jong-un (left) and US President Donald Trump shake hands after their meetings on Sentosa Island in Singapore on June 12. Photo: AFP
The US lacks a strategy that pleases all stakeholders on the Korean peninsula, including Kim Jong-un. Sanctions and diplomatic pressure should be supplemented by the promise of an economic development fund, infrastructural support and security guarantees.
8 Nov 2018 - 2:14AM
