Darren Allen

Darren Allen


Behind the curtain, is a Job nobody wants

Behind the Curtain, is a Job nobody wants Job Chapter 1 verses 1 – 12 Job  Chapter 2 verses 1 – 7 He was richly blessed in all areas of his life, family, children, servants. He was a well known and wealthy man. It was said of Job, He was

    • You are Not making any sense

      Genesis chapters 10 -11 You are Not making any sense In chapter 10 we get the list of the table of Nations, descendants from Shem, Ham and Japheth, Noah's sons, who themselves had sons after the flood. The one name that usually stands out

      • The Rainbow connection

        Genesis Chapter 9 I apologize I am off on a tangent, here we go. If your old enough to remember, a puppet frog that sang eloquently about a 'rainbow connection'. The rainbow has been used in many varying ways over the years by individuals

        • Backyard barbeque and to much wine

          After the boat ride we are along way from the Edenic vision God had intended for us and the command to multiply and spread it over all the earth. With Noah and his family, God again blesses Noah and his sons and tells them to be fruitful an

        Behind the curtain, is a Job nobody wants

          Not all sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows

          Genesis Chapter 8 Eight people and a whole bunch of animals in a confined amount of space for a little over a year. At first this was probably a wonderful departure from the everyday experience, but as the months roll on, I could well imag

          Not all sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows

          Whatever floats your boat

          Genesis chapter 6 & 7 People are usually somewhat familiar with Noah's story and the flood. They build a boat take two of every animal aboard and food for the journey. For some people it is a kids Sunday school story, you know, with cute a

          Whatever floats your boat

          Departure delay, destination delve

          Revelations 7: 9-14 Before we get on the boat, metaphorically speaking, with an eye to all the recent events happening in the world, evil and destruction, including what was previously mentioned in the last blog post on the Watchers. I thi

          Departure delay, destination delve

          What about Covid-19?

          What about Covid-19? What about real issues that people are dealing with right now? All this scripture stuff that you write about may or may not have anything to do with nothing, and it does not help my situation. I can well imagine that c

          What about Covid-19?

          Who watches the Watchers?

          Genesis Chapter 6 The sons of God in the text are referring to spirit beings that did not stay in their designated home in the spiritual realm, the heavens. These Sons of God came to earth according to the book of Enoch and were two hundre

          Who watches the Watchers?

          Jared’s little boy

          Genesis Chp 5 In the history of Enoch, it says Enoch's son Methuselah was born when Enoch was 65 years old. After Methuselah was born, Enoch walked with God for 300 years. Verse 24 says Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took h

          Jared’s little boy

          You look like your Father

          Genesis Chapter 5 Genealogies, family history can sometimes be quite boring or fascinating depending on how you approach the subject. This is the list of the generations of Adam (humans). Notice at the outset God created the man and woman

          You look like your Father

          Where is your brother? And is he Able?

          Genesis 4: 1-25 Adam and Eve's first two boys, Cain a farmer of the land and Able a shepherd. They both knew and recognized GOD, one had more respect for GOD than the other. Cain brought some of his produce as an offering, not necessaril

          Where is your brother? And is he Able?

          Men are not from Mars, but dirt, and Women are part of men

          When humans were created, not from cosmic goo, not planet alien seeding, not by accident. It was by design, by love, by GOD. This has not changed, there is no one, I repeat no one is an accident. There are bad decisions made every day and p

          Men are not from Mars, but dirt, and Women are part of men

          The game is a foot ….. on his head

          One big question that comes to my mind, is this anointed cherub that covers (son of God) crazy? Going up against the Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent being. Nobody, not even the other sons of God have peered behind the curtain, to fully

          The game is a foot ….. on his head

          Week in Review part 2

          Genesis Chp1 – Week in Review part 2 Sudoku is the number puzzle that has you looking for what is missing. That is what we are doing in reviewing the week of creation part two. As was mentioned the sons of God were one part of creation tha

          Week in Review part 2

          Week End or Week Beginning? # 7

          On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because it was the day when he rested from all his work of creation. How many people like mysel

          Week End or Week Beginning? # 7