


尹雄大 (2023)聞くこと、話すこと 大和書房 p.125

“You never try to change the person. You just allow the person to be that person.”


尹雄大 (2023)聞くこと、話すこと 大和書房 p.125

“When I heard the phrase, ‘I focus on you in the here and now moment,’ I thought, "In Europe, we call that love.”


When we talk with people, how much do we focus on their "now"? Are we not covered by filters that transcend time and space, such as the person's past experiences and idealized image of the future?


In fact, I feel that I also often do such things.
From the person’s experience, I guess that this person must be like that, so what he/she said is lie / true. Or because the person has this future, his/her words mean like that.


Of course, I think it is very important as well because you can protect yourself and be appreciated from your experience by doing so.


However, to put it the other way around, the idea might be judgmental and preconceived by you.


If you focus on the person in that moment, you will see not the filtered personality, assertions, and actions of that person, but the true feelings of that person that are unspoken and unexpressed.


The book made me think that it can be true ‘love’ by practicing something for the partner based on your realizing by allowing the person to be that person.
