だて市政だより7月号(英訳版) Public Relations Magazine DATE English Digest - July 2023
The Pivotal Aspect of Mutual Aid
The Current State of Local Disaster Prevention Organizations
P4 共助の要 自主防災組織の現状
The Lifeline that Protects Lives and the Community
At Date City, we recommend that residents of the region set up “local disaster prevention organizations”; formed independently, and based on the awareness that “We protect our region by ourselves.”
Everyday activities include understanding dangerous places, performing drills, and stockpiling disaster response equipment. During times of disaster, attention is focused on relaying information and leading evacuations, etc., taking action to protect the region and the lives of residents.
Date City’s percentage of households enrolled in such organizations is only around 60%, falling below both the national and prefectural average. Although the number of organizations is increasing year by year, the current situation is that there are many neighborhood councils and associations which have not become a local disaster prevention organization.
In order to build a community that is strong against disasters, forming local disaster prevention organizations, determining roles at a time of disaster, and sharing information on evacuation routes as well as those who need help evacuating, are all activities linked to saving many lives.

Percentage of Households Belonging to a Local Disaster Prevention Organization (Divided by District)

Percentage of Households Belonging to a Local Disaster Prevention Organization (Compared to that of the Nation and Prefecture)

Date City’s Local Disaster Prevention Organizations
Number of Organizations: 116
Number of Households in Date City: 20,489
Number of Households in a Local Disaster Prevention Organization: 12,679
Percentage in such an Organization: 61.9%
(Current as of April 1st, 2023)
What are “Modern Japanese Western-Style Paintings”?
Exhibition of the Sugar Trade Organization’s Collection
P11 日本近代洋画ってなに? 糖業協会コレクション展
Contact Date City’s Yanagawa Art Museum ☎ 024-527-2656
Date Saturday, July 8th ~ Sunday, August 13th
9:30 AM ~ 5 PM (Admission ends at 4:30 PM)
※Closed on Mondays or the following weekday, in the case of a national holiday
Location Date City’s Yanagawa Art Museum
Details Approximately thirty works by modern Japanese Western-style painters, such as YASUI Sōtarō and KOISO Ryōhei, will be exhibited from the art collection assembled over many years by the Sugar Trade Organization (Public Corporation)

※ Upon the display of a disability certificate, the named person and one assistant are granted free admission
※ ¥100 discount granted upon display of the exhibition flyer
(Associated Event) Lecture by the Director of the YOROZU Tetsugorō Memorial Museum
Date … Saturday, July 22nd 1:30 ~ 3 PM
Location … In the permanent exhibition room, on the 1st floor of Date City’s Yanagawa Art Museum
Speaker … Mr. HIRASAWA Hiroshi, Director of the YOROZU Tetsugorō Memorial Museum
Admission Fee … Free (A same-day ticket for the exhibition is necessary)
Check if any immunizations have been forgotten
P22 予防接種の受け忘れがないか確認を
There is a determined eligibility period for each vaccination. In order to prevent illness in children, please check the eligible periods in your Mother-Child Health Handbook.
Eligible Vaccinations Haemophilus influenza type B vaccine, pediatric pneumococcal vaccine, rotavirus vaccine, DPT-IPV (combination vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and poliomyelitis), DT (combination vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus), MR vaccine (combination vaccination against measles and rubella), varicella vaccine (vaccination against chickenpox), Japanese encephalitis vaccine, etc.
Application Method Please make an appointment in advance with your family physician
Necessary Items Mother-Child Health Handbook, Medical Pre-examination Document ※ Please contact the Health Promotion Department if you do not have a Medical Pre-examination Document
Fees Free (Please be aware that vaccination outside of the eligible age range is undertaken at one’s own discretion and expense.)
Contact Health Promotion Department’s Health Management Section ☎ 024-575-1116
Beginning of Reservation Acceptance for City Resident Health Exams (Tsukidate & Yanagawa Sites)
P22 市民検診(月舘・梁川会場)予約開始
This year’s mass health exams are offered by appointment only. Please make an appointment by telephone or through the internet.

Telephone Number for Reservations:
☎ 024-572-7356 or 024-573-0538
Reception Times: 9 AM ~ 4:30 PM (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)
Reception Period: During the reservation reception period for each district
※ If there are openings in the schedule, reservations will be made upon request, so please contact us.
※ People from outside the Tsukidate or Yanagawa areas can also receive an examination.
Distribution and Collection of Colon Cancer Screening Kits
Kits distributed at the Hobara Health Center, the National Health Insurance and Pension Department, or any of the general branch offices (excluding Hobara).
Please kindly go to the trouble of returning unused and unneeded kits at the exam site, or to one of the distributing locations.
Reservation Website Please use the reservation form to make an appointment by 4 PM, seven days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) prior to the exam date.

Local History Course Held
The Former Kameoka Residence Explained
P25 郷土史講座を開催 旧亀岡住宅を解説
Date Saturday, July 15th 1:30 ~ 3 PM
Admission Free
Capacity 30 people (first to apply)
Location Hobara Total Park’s Administration Building
Application Method Please apply by phone
Contact Hobara Museum of History and Culture ☎ 024-575-1615
Befriend Music and Entertainment at the Hometown Assembly Hall
P25 ふるさと会館で音楽と演芸に親しむ
MDD Free Live
Date Saturday, July 1st
Venue opens at 12:30; performances begin at 1 PM
Details Musically active city residents present the fruit of their practice
MDD Floor Rakugo Theatre
Date Saturday, July 8th
Venue opens at 1 PM; performances begin at 1:30 PM
Details Featuring rakugo performances by storytellers who also have a day job
Location 2nd floor of the Date City Hometown Assembly Hall
Admission Free
Contact Date City Hometown Assembly Hall ☎ 024-583-3244
Cooperation Sought with Blood Donation
P25 献血にご協力を

Donors will be given a commemorative gift.
Date Wednesday, July 26th
Location Date City Hall … 9:30 AM ~ 4 PM, Yanagawa General Branch Office … 1 PM ~ 4 PM
Other Information Requests to refrain from donation may be made due to one's health condition or use of medication.
Contact Health Promotion Department’s Health Management Section ☎ 024-575-1116

Date City Municipal Library
P26 伊達市立図書館
Lending of Recommended Summer Books for Students
The municipal library, as well as the libraries in each of the central exchange halls, are lending out recommended summer books for students. In order that many people can make use of these books, the lending period is one week. Many other books, useful for research projects and book reports, have been prepared as well.

Hours 9 AM ~ 7 PM (until 5 PM on Sundays and Holidays)
Closed Mondays
Contact 024-551-2132

Date City’s Yanagawa Art Museum
P26 伊達市梁川美術館
Special Exhibition: What is “Modern Japanese Western-Style Painting”?
Exhibition of the Sugar Trade Organization’s Collection
Saturday, July 8th ~ Sunday, August 13th ※ Details in above article
Permanent Exhibition ŌTA Ryōhei Memorial Hall
Admission required (general admission, ¥200; high school and college students, ¥100; elementary and middle school students, ¥50)
Temporary Closure
Saturday July 1st ~ Friday, July 7th

Hours 9:30 AM ~ 5 PM
Closed Mondays (or the following weekday, in the case of a national holiday)
Contact 024-527-2656

Date City’s Hobara Museum of History and Culture
P26 伊達市保原歴史文化資料館
Permanent Exhibition (Admission required) Showcase of Date City History
Special Exhibition The World of KAMEOKA Masamoto’s Documents
Through Monday, September 25th
Former Kameoka Residence
Completely open for viewing from Saturday, June 17th
Local History Course
Saturday, July 15th
※ Details in above article

Hours 9 AM ~ 5 PM
Closed Tuesdays
Admission Fee ¥210 (Elementary~high school students, ¥100)
Contact 024-575-1615

Date City Hometown Assembly Hall
P26 伊達市ふるさと会館
Saturday, July 1st MDD Free Live (jointly-hosted event)
Saturday, July 8th MDD Floor Rakugo Theatre (sponsored event)
Sunday, July 16th Piano Recital (hosted by Seino Music School)
Monday, July 17th Presentation (hosted by Fukushima Kokeshi Association)
Saturday, July 22nd JA Kyosai Anpanman Traffic Safety Caravan (hosted by JA-Fukushima Mirai Agricultural Cooperative)

Hours 9 AM ~ 10 PM (Reception desk closes at 5 PM)
Closed Mondays (or the following weekday, in the case of a national holiday)
Contact 024-583-3244

With Cancer Screening, Early Detection is Important
Let’s Get Screened for Cancer!
P29 がん検査は早期発見が大事
We live in an age when one in two people develop cancer. However, due to advances in screening and treatment, if cancer is found at an early stage before it progresses, there are high chances of recovery.
As early-stage cancer does not have obvious symptoms, it is difficult to notice by oneself. In order to find cancer early on, let’s undergo cancer screening.
Recommended Aspects of Date City’s Cancer Screening
Exams can be had in a nearby region
Making rounds of the nearby central exchange halls, exams are held for 43 days.
This year they begin on August 8th!

Mass Exams on Weekends
Exams can be undergone on weekends as well.
Combined Health Exams = Cancer screening + specific exams
In Date City, each of the following types of exam can be taken during a mass examination.
Stomach Cancer*/Colorectal Cancer/Lung Cancer/Uterine Cancer*/Breast Cancer*/Prostate Cancer
Exams marked with a star (*) are also available at facility-based exams
What percentage of Date City undergoes cancer screening? The national goal is 50% percent or above
▶ Screening for stomach, lung, and colorectal cancer … approximately 30%
▶ Screening for breast and uterine cancer … approximately 20% ※ The percentage of young people receiving screening has remained particularly low
Increasing the percentage of those screened for cancer
“Free Coupons” and “Exam Handbooks” are distributed to women of certain ages eligible for cervical and breast cancer screening
All Health Exams Require Appointments
▶ Online Reservations

▶ Telephone Reservations
Reception is handled on a local basis; please contact us for details.
Please see the above article, Beginning of Reservation Acceptance for City Resident Health Exams (Tsukidate & Yanagawa Sites), for details on local reservations accepted in July.
¥This Month’s Payment Deadlines
P30 今月の納期
The payment deadline is Monday, July 31st
Fixed-Asset Tax (2nd payment)
National Health Insurance (1st payment)
Nursing Care Insurance (1st payment)
Higashine Irrigation Canal Land Improvement District Fees (Full payment)
Coordinator for International Relations’ Monthly Column by Lara Justice
P35 連載コラム 国際交流員の活動日誌
Dog Days of Summer
Every year beginning early July to around mid-August, summer temperatures are at their highest in the northern hemisphere. This period is called the Dog Days of Summer. Can you guess why? Some say it is because it is so hot that dogs are left panting even in the shade, but the origins stem from the Romans and their association of the hottest days of summer with the star, Sirius. Sirius, as the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major, is also known as the “Dog Star”. Around this time of the year, Sirius appears to rise and set along with the sun, so Romans believed that the heat from these two stars together is what makes the temperature so hot and unbearable.
So hot, in fact, my brother was once able to bake brownies in his car where he lives in Las Vegas, where temperatures reach a high of around 104℉ (40℃) on average in July. There is even a saying that goes “it’s so hot, you could fry an egg on the sidewalk.” At hotter temperatures it may not be too far from the truth. Most people wear shoes so it can be easy to forget how hot walkways can get, but asphalt temperatures can reach over 125℉ (52℃) on even a sunny 75℉ (24℃) day. For children who might run rampant barefoot, and pets whom their owners take for walks with good intentions, exposure to these temperatures or higher could cause severe burns.
In addition to taking precautions against heatstroke, please be sure to look out for the wellbeing of your precious family members (including pets!) as you spend these dog days of summer.