だて市政だより5月号(英訳版) Public Relations Magazine DATE English Digest - May 2024
Superintendent Kouki Watanabe Has Assumed Office
Looking Toward a Bright Future for Children
P9 渡部光毅教育長が就任 子供たちの明るい未来へ
Contact General Education Division, General Planning Section ☎ 024-573-5852
Term Three years starting April 1st, 2024
Background Currently residing in Fukushima City. He became a public school teacher in Fukushima Prefecture in 1985. He has served as vice principal of Date City Yanagawa Junior High School, principal of Bandai Junior High School in Bandai Town, and principal of Fukushima Third Junior High School in Fukushima City.

Message from the Superintendent
I will strive to grasp the current situation and challenges faced by Date City's education administration, and will work together with everyone to focus our efforts on a bright future for our children.
Date Elementary School Renovation Project Related Construction
P10 伊達小学校改築事業関連工事のお知らせ
Contact General Education Division, Facilities Management Section ☎ 024-573-5856
Construction on the Date Elementary School building has been completed, but related construction work will continue. Please note that there will be vehicles entering and exiting the site, as well as road closures around the site during the construction period.
City Public Road Negishi Street Improvement Project
Details Improvements to the road on the western side of the school (city public road Negishi Street)
Period Until September 30th, 2024
National Highway 399 Improvement Project
Details Improvements to the road (National Highway 399) on the northern side of the school
Period Until January 31st, 2025
Maintenance work outside of Date Elementary School's 4th and 5th construction areas
Details School grounds maintenance
Period Until January 31st, 2025

Due Dates for City Taxes, etc.
P15 令和6年度市税などの納期
For tax payments Collections Division, Collections Section ☎ 024-575-1231
For account transfers and refunds Collections Division, Management Section ☎ 024-575-1232
Due Dates for Fiscal Year 2024

City taxes are an important source of income for the safety and comfort of our citizens.
We ask that you pay your taxes on time to ensure the smooth execution of city operations.
~We encourage you to use bank transfers for tax payments~

*The A4 version of the list of due dates for municipal taxes, etc. will not be sent out individually. If you need one, please visit the Collections Division (1st floor of the East Building of City Hall) or a general affairs office regional branch.
Seismic Assessment of Wooden Houses to Ensure Safety
P22 安全確保のために木造住宅を耐震診断
Contact Construction and Housing Division, Management Section ☎ 024-573-5064
The "Seismic Assessment Project for Wooden Houses," in which a seismic assessment and reinforcement plan are prepared by a seismic assessor, is now open for registration.
Eligibility Wooden buildings and houses of 3 floors or less, built before May 31st, 2000
*Buildings built illegally are not eligible
Please bring A document that can confirm the date of the building’s construction, a ground plan, and current photo(s) of the building
Application Please bring the documents directly to the Building and Housing Division between May 13th (Mon.) and June 14th (Fri.) (First-come-first-served basis)
Price 7,000 yen (other conditions apply)
Contact Construction and Housing Division, Management Section ☎ 024-573-5064
Assistance with Expenses for Removing Dangerous Concrete Block Walls
P22 危険なブロック塀の撤去費を補助します
The city is providing up to 100,000 yen in assistance for the removal of concrete block walls that face public streets.
Please bring Picture(s) of the wall to be removed, a quote for the removal
Application Please bring the documents directly to the Building and Housing Division between May 13th (Mon.) and June 14th (Fri.) (First-come-first-served basis)
Contact Construction and Housing Division, Management Section ☎ 024-573-5064
Be Prepared with J-Alert Training
P22 万が一に備えましょう Jアラート訓練で確認を
Date & time May 22nd (Wed.) at 11:00 AM
Details From the Disaster Prevention Administration: “This is a J-alert test” (repeated 3 times). “This is from Date City Disaster Prevention.”
Other Information will also be distributed via the official city phone application, email registration system, and official city SNS accounts.
Registration for the email service can be done by scanning the QR codes below

Contact Disaster Prevention and Crisis Management Division, Crisis Management Section ☎024-575-1197
Be Prepared for Disasters
P23 災害に備えましょう
The Fukushima Prefecture has released a Fukushima Prefecture disaster preparation portal site. For your own safety please check the information listed on the website.
Details The latest weather information, road regulation information, river level information, evacuation information, and information on the opening of evacuation centers are displayed on a map in an easy-to-understand manner.
Contact Fukushima Prefecture Disaster Preparation Division ☎024-521-7194

The Fukushima Prefecture Disaster Alert Application is Out Now
P23 福島県防災アプリが完成
Fukushima Prefecture has created the "Fukushima Prefecture Disaster Alert App" to provide information about disasters and countermeasures, helping users evacuate promptly.
Main Features
・Notifications for disaster information
・View hazard maps
・Search for evacuation shelters
・Safety registration and confirmation
・Prepare evacuation plans, etc.
Download the app and always be prepared for a disaster!

Contact Fukushima Prefecture Crisis Management Division ☎024-521-8651
Partial Commuter Pass Subsidies for High School Students, etc.
P23 高校生などの通学定期券購入費用の一部を補助
Eligibility Parents of students who reside in Date City and commute to high school, senior high school for special needs, or technical college with a bus or train commuter pass.

then 16,940 – 15,000 = 1,940 yen of subsidies to be received.
Application After your commuter pass has expired, the following documents must be submitted within the same fiscal year as the expiration date. Please check the city website for more details.

Contact General Education Department, General Planning Section ☎ 024-573-5852
2024 Radiation Disaster Prevention Training
P24 放射線防災スキルアップ研修2024
The purpose of this training is to improve knowledge and skills related to disaster prevention.
Eligibility Certified Disaster Prevention Specialists
Dates & times
June 15th (Sat.) at 9:30 AM
August 3rd (Sat.) at 9:30 AM
October 19th (Sat.) at 1:00 PM
*Attendance to all sessions is required for certification
Location 1st and 2nd sessions: Soma City General Welfare Center
3rd session: Fukushima Medical University
Application period Until June 7th (Fri.)
Please check the application form for further details.

Contact Fukushima Medical University, Graduate School of Medicine ☎ 024-547-1894
Enjoy Exercising on a Bicycle
P25 自転車で気持ちよく運動しませんか
Start from Ote Village “Kitemi~na” and enjoy a cycling session.
Price Free (for those who need one, bicycle rentals are 500 yen)
Tsukidate Cycling
Date & time May 11th (Sat.) from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Location Tsukidate region (16km)
Participant limit 10 people

Date Cycling
Date & time May 26th (Sun.) from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM (includes a lunch break)
Participant limit 10 people
Location 37km round trip to Yanagawa

Contact Tsukidate General Affairs Branch, Community Affairs Section ☎ 024-572-2111
Trivia Night: Get to Know People Through a Quiz
P25 クイズで交流トリビアナイト
Date Friday, June 21st 6:00 PM ~ 8:00 PM (doors open at 5:45 PM)
Eligibility 32 people (first come first serve); open to expats as well as residents of the city
Location Date Central Exchange Hall’s Multipurpose Hall
Application Please apply using the following QR code.

Deadline June 14th (Fri.)
Contact Collaborative Community Development Department's Collaboration Promotion Section ☎ 024-575-1177
March Facility Guide
P26 5月の施設案内
Date City Public Library
The Date City Public Library and the Hobara Central Exchange Hall Library will be closed while we take inventory.
May 23th (Thu.) ~ 29th (Wed.)
*During this time, please return books to the Date City Public Library book drop box. For books borrowed from the Hobara Central Exchange Hall Library, please return them to the exchange hall office.
*The libraries in the Yanagawa, Ryōzen, and Tsukidate exchange halls will be open at regular hours.
Facility hours 9:00 AM ~ 7:00 PM (open until 5:00 PM on Sundays and holidays)
Closure Mondays
Contact ☎ 024-551-2132

Date City Yanagawa Art Museum
Green Photo Exhibit (free) until May 6th (Mon., holiday)
Palette Club Exhibition (free) May 15th (Wed.) ~ 19th (Sun.) *Closes at 3:00 PM on the 19th.
“An Early Summer’s Breeze, filling your soul with flowers” Fresh Breeze Group Mini Flower Exhibition
Facility hours 9:30 AM ~ 5:00 PM (doors close at 4:30 PM)
Closure Mondays (if Monday is a holiday, the facility will be closed the following day)
Contact ☎ 024-527-2656

Date Hometown Hall
May 12th (Sun.) Fukushima Music Festival (Fukushima Music Association)
May 26th (Sun.) Kibitaki Music Festival (Matsuno Planning)
Hometown Hall hours 9:00 AM ~ 10:00 PM (reception desk open until 5:00 PM). Closed Mondays (if Monday is a holiday, the facility will be closed the following day)
Contact ☎ 024-583-3244

Health Newsletter
P28 健康通信
Contact Health Promotion Division, Regional Health Section ☎ 024-576-3736
~Start by paying greater attention~
May 17 is Hypertension Day
Why not take some time to think about blood pressure and your lifestyle on this day. It is important to take steps to prevent high blood pressure, as it can be a cause of life-threatening diseases.
High Blood Pressure is a Silent Killer
The Japanese Society of Hypertension has created "Hypertension Day" to raise awareness of prevention methods. Of the three major causes of death, stroke, heart disease, and blood pressure are the main causes.
Even if someone has high blood pressure they may not realize it, because there are often no symptoms. Therefore, only 20% of people with high blood pressure receive proper treatment. This can lead to the body becoming overwhelmed without even realizing there was an issue.
The Close Relationship Between Salt and High Blood Pressure
Consuming high amounts of sodium can lead to…
Sodium causing blood vessels to constrict and blood pressure to rise.
Thirst and increased water retention. Increased blood volume and blood pressure.
Salt and blood pressure are inseparably linked.

The 17th of Every Month is “Low Sodium Day”
Date City is engaged in various activities to prevent people from consuming too much salt. The Japanese Society of Hypertension has designated "Low Sodium Day." Tissues with information on reducing sodium intake have been placed in 38 stores in the city (as of the end of February 2024).
Starting on May 17, we regularly conduct awareness-raising campaigns on the streets at stores and restaurants that support the reduction of sodium intake on the 17th of each month. We promote awareness of the reduction of sodium intake in daily eating habits.

It’s Hard to Realize on Your Own
Date City also offers "health counseling" on how to read the results of health checkups, body and mind, diet and exercise, etc.
Location Date City Health Center
Date & time Weekdays 8:30 AM ~ 5:00 PM (excluding 12:00 PM ~ 1:00 PM)
We also accept requests to give lectures to be held at each district exchange center or meeting place.
Date & time Also available on weekends
Details Lectures about blood pressure or sodium intake. *All available for free.

Blood Pressure Monitors are Being Installed at 11 Locations in the City
By knowing your normal blood pressure, you can notice any changes or abnormalities in your physical condition. Please take advantage of this service. Blood pressure pocketbooks are also available.

Is Your Salt Intake too High?

The amount of salt you intake on a regular basis is actually quite high. In order to properly manage your intake, you must first find out how much you consume in a day. Even a slight reduction in seasoning will lessen the burden on your blood vessels over time.
Anyone Can Do it
Consider putting in some effort on Low Sodium Day. For example…
Visit stores that promote the reduction of sodium intake.
Reduce the amount of soy sauce and other sauces used for cooking.
Use low-sodium seasonings.
Reduce the amount of strongly flavored foods such as tsukemono and tsukudani.
Refrain from drinking noodle broth.
Check the salt content of restaurant foods and processed foods.
Eat more vegetables.

Put this into practice daily, take care of your body, and live a healthy and energetic life. Please check out our website and videos for more information and the initiatives introduced in this issue article!

Coordinator for International Relations’ Monthly Column by Lara Justice
P31 連載コラム 国際交流員の活動日誌
May Flowers
“April showers bring May flowers,” is a common saying in the west. While June has been proven to be the wettest month of the year, for most of the US, April is historically the month with the most rain showers. That precious rainfall coupled with increasingly long, warm and sunny days, are the perfect recipe to encourage a multitude of gorgeous flowers to bloom in May. However, this saying is not merely a comment on weather patterns. It has an implicit poetic meaning of “misfortune is often the basis for good things to come.” These words are often used as encouragement.
While I believe it is extremely important and natural to feel emotions such as sadness and grief when unfortunate events happen, having something to give you hope and strength to move forward during trying times can be just as vital.
Furthermore, I find these words to be extremely fitting of Date City and Fukushima as a whole, for the people who call them home have shown themselves to be resilient and forward-thinking.
Including COVID-19, Fukushima has suffered greatly from events in the past, such as the notorious Great East Japan Earthquake. However, I can see nothing but flowers blooming now and in the far future, thanks to the tireless efforts of everyone who live and work here.