だて市政だより11月号(英訳版) Public Relations Magazine DATE English Digest - November 2023
Date Cycling
P5 だてなサイクリング
Date November 26th (Sun.) at 1:00 PM
Location Ote Village “Kitemi~na”
Details Participate in safe cycling of roughly 15km around Tsukidate. (The distance can be adjusted based on each participants’ experience.)
Participant Limit 10 people
Cost Free (bikes can be rented for 500 yen)
Contact Please call the Tsukidate General Affairs Branch (☎ 024-572-2111) and register by phone.
Guaranteed to Laugh Out Loud at the Health and Happiness Promotion Lecture “Secret Tips to Living a Longer Life”
P6 爆笑必至の健幸づくり講演会「健康寿命を延ばす裏技」
Contact Health Promotion Department’s Local Health Section ☎ 024-576-3736
The popular lecture from Hajime Kitaori will be held again this year. We invite both those who did and those who didn’t attend last year.
Date & Time November 21st (Tue.) from 2:00 PM ~ 3:30 PM (doors open at 1:00 PM)
Location Date City Hometown Hall: MDD Hall
Lecturer Hajime Kitaori (former producer for NHK’s “Tameshite Gatten”)
Participant Limit 500 people (first-come, first-served basis)
Price Free
Registration Period October 30th (Mon.) ~ November 10th (Fri.)
How to Register
① Online Scan the QR code below and fill out the registration form
② Phone Please call the Health Promotion Department (☎ 024-576-3736) and register over the phone. (Available on weekdays from 8:30 AM ~ 5:15 PM)
Lecturer Introduction
Hajime Kitaori was born in 1964. He worked as a full-time director of NHK’s Science and Environment Programming Department, and was in charge of “Tameshite Gatten” as well as an advisor of health-related programs. After retiring from NHK in 2013, he has been primarily lecturing and writing about health and wellness.

The Yanagawa Hometown Fall Festival Makes Its Return After 5 Years!
P8 やながわふる里の秋まつり5年ぶりに開催!
Contact Yanagawa Branch Regional General Affairs Section ☎ 024-577-1111
The annual “Yanagawa Hometown Fall Festival” will be held again after a 5 year hiatus! Stop by to enjoy fresh vegetables and delicious food.
Date November 11th (Sat. ) ~ November 12th (Sun.) from 9:00 AM ~ 3:00 PM
① Mirai Hall Yanagawa – Labor
② Machi no Eki Yanagawa
① Labor stage (Taiko, balloon art, etc.), children’s festival corner (bounce house, etc.), food trucks
② Machi no Eki Yanagawa, Hokkaido Matsumae Town product exhibition, tuna carving show, game corner, outdoor stage (music)

Pick Up a Book During the Autumn of Reading
P19 読書の秋に本を読んでみませんか?
Contact Date City Municipal Library ☎ 024-551-2132
October 27th (Fri.) to November 9th (Thu.) is the “77th Reading Period.” The slogan for this time is “My bookmark moves at my own pace.” Why not spend a long Autumn evening with a book?
The library is convenient and exciting!
Themed displays
The general libraries and children’s libraries will have a different theme being displayed each month. (Free studies, travel, sports, rain, Christmas, etc.)
We also have audio book CDs, DVDs, and braille books
We provide audio book CDs and braille books for those who need them. There is also a "face-to-face reading room," which is a space where someone can transliterate (read aloud) a book that the visitor wants to read on their behalf.
We have books written in larger fonts!
For those who have difficulties with their eyesight, we have roughly 1,200 books written in large fonts available.
The Date City Municipal Library is Going on the Road! (Library Displays)
The Date City Municipal Library will be lending books to the libraries found inside the various exchange halls around the city. The books on display will be new books published roughly one year ago. Anyone with a library card can borrow these books. *This is offered each month at the Hobara location.
Display schedule
Ryozen Library: October & January
Yanagawa Library: November & February
Tsukidate Library: December & March
We offer book transfer services!
Books that are available at the main branch, any of the central exchange hall libraries, or any other facilities are available to be transferred to a library near you. Please fill out a request form or request a transfer online.
Please check out our e-library!
You can read books on your phone or tablet using our e-library.
We have roughly 1,800 books ranging from children’s books and other texts, as well as business books or child-rearing books for adults.
Anyone who is a resident of Date City and also is a library card holder can freely use this service.
A message from our staff
We want to provide books that make Date City residents think “I want to read this!!” Therefore we wanted to gather current and popular books as well as a variety of genres. I hope you all can incorporate the joys of reading into your own lives through the various services that we introduced here.
Here’s hoping you come across that book that can change your life...

Are You Receiving the Proper Information?
Confirm With J-Alert Training
P21 情報届いていますか? Jアラート訓練で確認を
Date November 15th (Wed.) at 11:00 AM
Details from the Disaster Prevention Administration “This is a J-alert test” (repeated 3 times in Japanese). “This is from Date City Disaster Prevention.”
Other Information will also be distributed via the official city phone application, email registration system, and official city SNS accounts.
Registration for the email service can be done by scanning the QR codes below

Contact Disaster Prevention and Crisis Management Department’s Crisis Management Section ☎024-575-1197
General and Gynecological Checkups
P21 市民健診・婦人科検診受診を
General examinations
Mass examinations are offered until Friday, November 10th. Please call and ask about availability.
Breast cancer & cervical cancer screenings
Date December 3rd (Sun.), December 4th (Mon.) from 9:00 AM ~ 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM ~ 2:00 PM
Location Date Fureai Center
・ Cervical cancer screenings…Women age 20 and above, whose age within this fiscal year is an even number
・Breast cancer screenings…Women age 40 and above, whose age within this fiscal year is an even number
※ Exams can also be taken by those who did not do so the previous fiscal year
※ There is a limit to the number of exam recipients
Reservation period November 14th (Tue.) ~ November 16th (Thu.) from 9:00 AM ~ 4:30 PM
Reservation phone numbers
☎ 024-572-7356
☎ 024-573-0538

Contact Health Promotion Department’s Health Management Section ☎ 024-575-1116
Gathering of 20-Year-Olds Invitations
P21 二十歳のつどい案内状を送付
Invitations for the Gathering of 20-Year-Olds, to be held on January 7th, 2024, will be sent out in November to those applicable. For those who wish to attend but live outside the city, application is necessary in advance. Please scan the QR code below for the application form.

Contact Lifelong Learning Department’s Lifelong Learning and Sports Section ☎ 024-573-5709
Training and Support for Those Seeking Reemployment
P21 再就職へ向けて 職業訓練と就職支援
We are offering courses and benefit programs for those seeking re-employment, those on leave, etc.
Scan the QR code below for details

Contact Hello Work Fukushima ☎ 024-534-4121 (43#)
November 9th ~ 15th is the Fire Prevention Collaboration Period
P22 11月9日~15日は火災予防運動期間
In order to promote fire prevention, two fire prevention parades will be held using Firetruck No. 9.
Date November 9th (Thu.)
Location Date Regional Fire Station
Contact Disaster Prevention and Crisis Management Division, Crisis Management Section
☎ 024-575-1222
A Museum Festival will be held on "Culture Day"
P23 「文化の日」に資料館祭り開催
Date November 3rd (Fri., holiday)
Location Hobara History and Culture Museum, Former Kameoka Residence
① 10:00 AM & 1:00 PM: storytelling by the Takako Storytelling Group
② 9:00 AM ~ 11:00 AM & 1:00 PM ~ 2:00 PM: class on making magatama
Price Free (materials for the magatama class cost 300 yen).
Contact Hobara History and Culture Museum ☎ 024-575-1615
Hometown Hall MDD Events
P23 ふるさと会館(MDD)各イベント
Fusanosuke Kondo with Mantetsu & Kin Botan
Date November 8th (Wed.)
Doors open at 6:30 PM, performance begins at 7:00 PM
Pre-sale: 2,000 yen (unassigned seating)
Day-of: 2,500 yen (unassigned seating)
Motoyoshi Hosotsubo 50th Anniversary Tour
Date November 4th (Sat.)
Doors open at 2:00 PM, performance begins at 2:30 PM
Price Pre-sale: 6,000 yen (assigned seating)
Date November 24th (Fri.)
Doors open at 6:00 PM, performance starts at 6:30 PM
Pre-sale: 1,500 yen (unassigned seating)
Day-of: 2,000 (unassigned seating)
Contact Date City Hometown Hall ☎ 024-583-3244
Smart Phone Consultation
P25 スマホ相談会(初開催)
① November 14th (Tue.) ~ 24th (Fri.)
※Not available from Saturday ~ Monday and on holidays
② November 27th (Mon.) ~ December 8th (Fri.)
※Not available from Saturday ~ Sunday
From 9:30 AM ~ 4:30 PM
① Date Central Exchange Hall
② General Affairs Office Yanagawa Branch
※Consultation at Hobara, Ryozen, and Tsukidate is also being planned (please check the next issue for further details)
Details Addressing smart phone usage and any concerns
Contact Digital Transformation Division, DX Promotion Section ☎ 024-575-1159
This Month’s Payment Deadlines
P30 今月の納期
The payment deadline is Thursday, November 30th
・National Health Insurance (5th payment)
・Nursing Care Insurance (5th payment)
・Late-stage Elderly Health Insurance (4th payment)
・Date City Nishinezeki Land Improvement Expense (second half)
Coordinator for International Relations’ Monthly Column by Lara Justice
P31 連載コラム 国際交流員の活動日誌
The Magical Autumn of Ryozen
When looking up Date City, Mt. Ryozen is one of the first things to pop up, so I knew about it before even stepping foot in the City. However, it wasn’t until November of last year, after having resided in Date City for a year, did I finally try climbing the mountain.
I went during the yearly Mt. Ryozen Autumn Festival, held during the peak of the changing leaves of fall. Before even making it past the trail head, I couldn’t help but stand with my mouth agape at the gorgeous array of colors. Once I started up the path, it was breathtaking—literally! I was panting my way up the first and steepest section of the mountain, doing my best to muster enough breath to return the friendly greetings of the other trail-goers as they passed.
Once the trail evened out a bit, I was able to experience a plethora of adventures such as optional boulder climbing, using ropes to pass difficult sections, seeing historical ruin and more!
However, I was surprised at the number seemingly dangerous areas along the trail, such as steep drop-offs without rope or guardrails. The cliff area named “Ari no To Watari,” translated roughly to “The Crossing of the Gateway of Ants” in English, especially surprised me the most. It is an extremely narrow passage, with a drop-off on either side, so only one person can cross at a time. My legs were tired and shaking by the time I came upon it. Luckily, it’s one of the many optional areas, but I couldn’t help but watch in awe at the brave group of elderly people who passed through it with expert speed.
The view from the top was indescribable and something I will never forget. It made me wish I had visited earlier! As there were many people that day, there were not many traces of wildlife, but I hope to one day climb Mt. Ryozen and catch a glimpse of the Japanese serow that are said to reside on the mountain.
It was a very soul-soothing experience that left me feeling tired physically, but emotionally rejuvenated, so I deeply encourage everyone to give it a visit! The views this year are sure to not disappoint.