「刻晴 (Keqing)」Challenge
Keqing Challenge
This article is continued from following article. Please help yourself.
Two Vietnamese
In January 2023, I joined a "challenge" with two Vietnamese creators, imrich and carrot.
One day imrich started to imitate the structure of my models when he saw an unfinished 22.5 based CP of mine by designing his favorite character, "Keqing" from "Genshin Impact".
However, some back seaters also started to design their own Keqing at some point. It was me and carrot. Consequently, we three went to like "Let us show doing human models better than BP". The progress of imrich was incredible and it was interestig that creators from various countries giving advises for him in various way each other. Perhaps it will be another article. Incidentally the CP that pushed rich to went for like that was also based on a character from Genshin. It may be or not just a coinsidence.
Phase 0: Observation
I also love this character and had an idea of what to represent as an origami model even before the challenge.
Color Change
Color changing is my specialty. And in my opinion the configuration of the two colors on the model is totally independent from actual logical binaries of the colors. It is why I draw a rough sketch.
I put the color to where I definitely want to emphasize.
At the moment I finished the drawing I was so overwhelmed by the amount of the things in the sketch. Even though it is very begging of the creation, the progress is completely stopped. By the way meanwhile, Obelisk was also designing Raiden Shogun and drawing similar sketch to do similar process which are happy coincidence for us.
Obelisk draws with origamiish polygons on the other hand.
Genshin is a 3D action game, which for almost of the time we watch the characters from their behind. Thus the design of the original characters are well detailed aso on their back. Such like many flaps of sleeves are flowing to their behind.
To respect such aspect of the original design, I was also trying to make the details on the back.
Let her grab my sword
I do love how she slays.
Keqing unleashing her sword.
In terms origami design it requires asymmetrical structure and extra effort, but I want her to grab my sword by any chance.
Phase 1: The Base
紙は横向き axial structure
両足を中央縦軸上に魚の基本形として配置する(カドとして根元を共有しているため)The legs are from a fish base.
ツインテールも同様 ditto for the twin tails.
We impose these requirements, which leads to a structure in the following figure with 5 parameters (We also impose it be square so actually the degrees of freedom is 5-1=4).
two candidates
Imrich had picked up just two candidates out of those bunch of possibilities. Absolutely this part is not trivial and where he unleashed his creativity.
Basically the difference is the molecular at the middle. If we obey the lessons by Obelisk and eR, the left one is more preferable than the right one because it's more simple and more like the crane dragon base.
But I offered Imrich to use the right one because the left one cannot have enough "gaps" to represent the body, which has to be placed between two fish bases.
Phase 2: The Last Parameter
Imrich got the base.
The raw base
Here we had a conflict. Which purple area of those two fish beses is the head?
Imrich was trying to make the upper part (simpler one) to be the skirt since he was starting from the legs. But I was like
見慣れない比率の矩形をした下部をあまり加工したくない。 I don't like the irregular part to be processed so much.
むしろその変則性をスカートのゴテゴテ感に利用したい。 Rather I'd like to use that irregularities to make the messy details for the skirt.
黄色領域の大きいほうを腕部(袖や剣を作らなければならない)にしたい。I want to use bigger areas to make sleeves and the sword.
So I was watching the structure upsidedown all along. For Carrot, he even offered an intermediate plan or ones with trapezoid in the middle. Therefore, this conflict didn't settle. This is how the "challenge" started as I "stole" the results so far by imrich.
I was like "it's possible" when I saw this shape.
Then I checked the proportions of the flaps and configuration of the resources in the raw base. The stick figure looks like a human, there are some extra resources in the head, arms and the body. They are going to become as the hair accessories, long sleeves and gorgeous skirt.
Phase 3: The Sink Depth
基本形を得た次の段階は沈め折りの深さを決めること。22.5度(TTF、twenty two point five)の基本形そのままでは女性キャラクターの線の細さを追求するには限界がある。そこで身長と水平方向にほとんどの「ヤマ」、つまり各分子の中心をOpen Sinkする。このときに問題になるのがその深さ、どれだけ、そしてどういった基準で細くするかということである。
The next step is open sink hell. It's is difficult to represent thin shapes of a female simply with a raw TTF(22.5) base. We're going to open sink almost all of the tips of every molecules, but how depth and what kind of reference?
A example of sink hell by Imrich
森末はこの問題をある基準とルールを持って解く。Imrichのとある途中経過を見てほしい。I have a policy to solve this problem. Look at this halfway result by Imrich.
Equal Depth
We can see 3 kinds of sinks. Each sink looks natural for the specifications of its belonging molecular:
A:魚(カエル)の基本形の幅を半分にする fish base in half
B:風船の基本形を6等分する balloon base in 6th
C:変則分子の幅を4等分する an irregular molecular in 4th
However the width of flaps in the crease pattern, which is going to be the twin tails, is the thickest one of those 3, B. Even though you're trying to make them thin by 4th in C, the thickest surface of B appears after all.
The solution is to make the sink depths consistent.
4th grids are powerful enough
Now the problem is even difficult since we have to find one universal depth for all of the molecules.
Consistent sinks with C by Imrich
Thanks to dividing the molecules equally, we have local BP structures. Thus we can process or shape with BP techniques locally, despite the structure is globally a TTF. We will experience the power of such hybrid techniques later in this article. Instead however, we have to avoid sinks with irregular with.
Let me explain it by an example. The lower part is a fish, the upper part is a crane here. How can we make them thinner?
I hate this type of sinks.
This is a bad answer. The lower part is divided in half so that some BP like structures are appearing there. On the other side, the upper part has a tiny fraction from the sink, which is not suitable for BP treatment.
So except the case where you expect the upper right corner to be TTF, such like where you're trying to make a octagonal wheel from it, we have to those structures to be consistent. Now you can see that we have to adjust the raw base at this phase.
An example with sinks of equal width and TTF at the upper right corner.
Or you can do this to preserve the TTF structure at the upper right.
Now we have to sink it until "properly" thin shape. Epistemically, it's enough to have 4th grids most of the cases. You also can have 3 or 5 grids though, you don't have any more positive effects from it than annoying folding sequences. 2, 4, 8 are the most feasible possibilities.
Phase 4: Bones and Flesh
Stick Figure
A modern idea for character designs is to make "bones".
A typical model for a character.
When we have this crease pattern for a character:
We typically open it in the middle and flatten the model. In the following phase, we sink the structure so that it looks like T-pose.
Here we always have a problem that we have to make the neck even more thinner. The neck bridges two massive parts: head and body. If we're going to sink the base up to the width of the neck, the model get too much thin and hard to collapse.
The solution is "bones". The operation itself is simple: just to fold the model in half vertically, and to watch the model as the stick figure. Especially from the front view, the thickness of the neck is basically only that of paper, we even don't have to sink the tips.
When we sink the tips, the neck looks valid from any angles. On the other hand we have to flesh out something since the model looks thin too much.
How do we make flesh? We can represent it by making the flaps a bit longer such like head or the unused areas for clothes, and "picking out" them out of the bones. If you let the neck or the waist just as a bone, you can even get some more additional potential for the shaping phase.
Neck Twist
Now you can understand the reason why I was watching the base with folded in half and confirming that extra areas for fleshing out at the picture in Phase 3.
By the way I'm not insisting that designs without those techniques are already out of date. We have good examples by my Masters (in the previous article):
"Ling Lan" by eR
铃兰#Arknights #ArknightsFanArt #折り紙 pic.twitter.com/n163Lq7FyC
— eR (@Dhujsi) January 21, 2023
"Yu Mei Ren" by Obelisk
虞美人 v2 (FGO)
— 陈晓 Chen Xiao (@__ObeLisK) February 7, 2021
From 60cm*60cm craft paper. Better reference points now. And her dress is more layered.#FGO #origami #折り紙 pic.twitter.com/5UtbaWp1G1
などで、それぞれ違ったアプローチで「首」と闘っている。They're struggling with the "neck" with their own approaches.
首といえばこの競作ではもう一つ、森末はNeck Twistというアプローチで「首」に迫っている。本来は首の前後を入れ替える既存のテクニックだが、森末はここではシンプルに首「許」を細く見せる技として駆使した。
Speaking of the neck, I additionally used an approach called neck twist to have better result in the neck. The neck twist is originally a technique to switching the front and back of the head though, I applied it to simply make the throat more clear.
I love her collars
Keqing has big collars and accessories around her throat. So I represent the shape of the throat by slant pleat (open sink) fold. getting even thinner from the shoulders to the head.
Description of the neck twist. Of course we're watching the character from the side.
It is not recommendable to neck twist by means of structure. A huge zig zag is all across the structure. And fortunately or unfortunately, the structures divided by it can not interfere each other.
The structure is divided into independent areas by the neck twist.
Phase 5: Local BPs in TTF
We're not folding any paper in the phases so far.
The structure determined so far
等間隔の沈め折り、単純な分子、半分に畳まれた体、そしてNeck Twistを要請するとだいたいこのくらいまで展開図が描ける。
The equal width, simple molecules, folding in half and the neck twist imposes this crease pattern.
My very first plot
Here I would like you to note that, that draft crease pattern can produce this first plot. The picture in Phase 2 is taken on Jan 19th and this plot is on 23rd of January. So this plot is still at the begging since the model is finished on Feb 25th.
In the following phases, we settle the immediate creases in the plot into flat foldable crease pattern. It is just like "ink in" a pencil lines in a draft. In this case, we ink the creases by embedding local BPs in TTF.
Even sink depths (green lines) tells us that the structure is equivalent to a simple BP with 42nd grids (in precise it is 41≒24+12√2). So it is relatively easy as a BP model.
Mist importantly, the yellow areas beneath the dish bases, we can always see "local" BPs.
Another plot fir the head folded after the first plot. Note that BP in the front hair and TTF in the face are at the same place.
Since the structure is locally given, one can do a test fold or processing partially with the bottom-up style. As the BP grid is given, it is not "add some grids if it is short" but "" (please refer the previous article).
We can refer a lot of references for BP test folding or techniques here.
Most of the time of designing is paid for this phase and I don't have further formal ways to express the way to ink a structure.
Here however, I have to emphasize that TTF and BP can be iterated as a nested structure.
Here is an example that shows the resolution of the structure is growing gradually. An ordinal fish base is recursively generating itself locally through the bones and BP processing. One can also say that this is one of the design techniques that hierachazes the parts in the model by their scales.
When you're trying to make a dense model, it gives an effective and formal approach than that treats every single feature of model parallel.
Phase 6: Kado Colle
Phase 5 determines almost every draft crease as an inked crease line.
What we have to do here is to ink the TTF flaps that is not consistent with BP processing (green points). Incidentally, the upper two TTF remains as they are since those are twin tails and we are going to treat the pleats as the hairlines.
TTFのカドにペンを入れるには、「角コレ」を用いる。角コレとは、point splitting をはじめとした、TTFを加工する方法の総称(として森末が提案したもの)である。
To ink a TTF flap, we apply "Kado Colle". Kado Colle is a collection of TTF processing.
Kado Colle contains any transformations inside the green octagon.
The variations of Kado Colle. The bottom right is what we call point splitting. The upper left is the most familiar one, simple open sink.
To express the tip of the heels of Keqing's shoes, I applied the one that divides a TTF into two different size of flaps.
I call this Morisue pattern.
This pattern can be used not only for the tip of a leg but also for the jaws of a dragon.
Partial test fold gor the skirt and the leg made on Feb. 9th.
Phase 7: Shaping
Now we have settled the inks and the crease pattern is determined. Perhaps one wants to finish it here though, since the target itself is 3D, you can't express the model just by a flat foldable crease pattern. I define "shaping" as "the creases that can't be inked in a flat foldable crease pattern".
The final base = final crease pattern.
The base at the final phase made on Feb. 8th.
It is specific for shaping if a character to make a posture. Most of the cases where the bones are not used in the phase 4, making complicated posture is not easy and we tend to finish with a simple posture.
Keqing with simple posture.
Now this time we have bunch of bones, that can make any posture. As like shaping of a figure, we have to pour one's creativity for what kind of posture to apply, we don't argue about that point.
The posture that Obelisk asked me to do. It's cute.
My posture plan. Bad ass.
Bad ass from her back as well.
Specifically Obelisk complained (had a request?) about the posture that I were going to apply. It really differs that what kind of posture one thinks of for a character…
Posture and the Bones
The bones are hidden, so we can apply any kinds of pleats on them.
Here, we only have to apply two kinds of operations on the bones to make a posture: pleat and twisting.
Observing the bones.
Firstly we extract the kinks of the bones with 3D oriented observation. Especially we have to care about the green dots, the body and the trunk, which is not usually treated.
An example that shows the bones only.
Those nodes are tend to be bent to the front/back. So we have to care not to observe the model only from the front side, also not to bend the bones to the right/left only.
As you can see in terms of the bones, one doesn't have to process such complex operations on it. One just have to be careful about the pleats/twists are applied on proper place and making proper direction of a kink (still difficult to do it though).
The results of the challenge
It's basically as efficient as Keiqing though, he was struggling with adjusting the proportions such like the length of the arms.
He finished the challenge first despite he started the challenge at the last.
He had applied the most simple structure out of three results.
And I was interrupted by carrot because I had to experience how efficiently the model is constructed.
After finishing kerrot, I was like "huh why do I have to manage those complicated structure while carrot is saving his efforts in this way…"