Hello this is Chima.
I started note to record my days, especially the food I made! Please check out my note, although I update irregularly☺️
By the way, today's dinner is butter chicken curry! I have been loving Indian curry since I was 8, and finally I went to India and ate local curry 2 years ago! It was not too hot but spicy, I can't forget that taste. I really wanted to make that curry so I went to Indian teacher's cooking class after coming back to Japan. The recipe below is the arranged version.
バター 適量
しょうが ひとかけ
にんにく ひとかけ
玉ねぎ 1個
トマト(大) 1個
クミンシード 小さじ1/2
ローリエ 1枚
ターメリックパウダー 小さじ1
コリアンダーパウダー 小さじ 1
チリパウダー お好みで
塩 小さじ1
カルダモン 1個
クローブ 1個
シナモン ひとかけ
スターアニス ひとかけ
鶏もも肉 300g
牛乳 150cc
Butter chicken curry recipe
Ingredients (for 2 people)
3 piece of butter
1 clove of garlic
1 piece of ginger
1 onion
1 tomato
1/2 tea spoon of cumin seed
1 bay leaf
1 tea spoon of turmeric powder
1 tea spoon of coriander powder
chili powder (optional)
1 tea spoon of salt
1 cardamom
1 clove
1 piece of cinnamon
1 piece of star anise
300g of chicken
150cc of milk
Directions(It takes approximately 50 min.)
①Chop the ginger and garlic. Slice the onion.
②Heat the butter, ginger and garlic. After you feel the smell, heat the onion untill it becomes dark brown over high heat.
③Next to the onion, heat the butter, cumin seed, bay leaf over low heat, and mix it.
④Add the cut tomato, crush and stir it over medium heat.
⑤Wait until all the water is gone. Add the turmeric powder, coriander powder, and salt and mix it.
⑥Remove the bay leaf and blend it in a mixer until consistent.
【↑paste is done】
⑦Heat the butter, cardamom, clove, cinnamon, star anise over low heat.
⑧Add the chicken and stir it until the color on the surface changes to white over medium heat.
⑨Add the paste and stir it with chicken.
⑩Add the milk. After boiling, cover and simmer until chicken is cooked through.
It's ready to eat! 😆
#おうちごはん #料理 #世界のごはん #バターチキンカレー #インド #cooking #butterchickencurry #india