バイ貝とは About Bai Shell
調理例 https://cookpad.com/search/%E3%83%90%E3%82%A4%E8%B2%9D
バイ/ばい貝/あずき貝/バイ貝貝類全般に言えますが、高たんぱく低脂肪です●タウリン ツブ貝やバイ貝にはタウリンが沢山含まれています。タウリンは、コレステロールや血圧を抑える作用があると言われています。また、肝臓の働きも助け、疲労回復にも効果があるようです。やバイ貝にはタウリンが沢山含まれています。タウリンは、コレステロールや血圧を抑える作用があると言われています。また、肝臓の働きも助け、疲労回復にも効果があるようです。やバイ貝にはタウリンが沢山含まれています。タウリンは、コレステロールや血圧を抑える作用があると言われています。また、肝臓の働きも助け、疲労回復にも効果があるようです。
WIKI 参照 調理は例えば多く穫れる富山県では、醤油と砂糖や味醂で煮たものが多く、祭の料理の定番だった。くるっと回しながら楊枝などで取り出すと内臓まで取れる。冷蔵技術が発達した1980年ごろから内臓以外が刺身として提供されるようになった。最初は料亭などだけだったが、スーパーでも売られるようになった。エスカルゴ風にしてパンサ・エスカルゴ(pince à escargots)で食べさせるレストランもある。2010年ごろから「バイ貝ご飯」も注目されるようになってきた[2]。
In recent years, many females have lost their reproductive abilities due to mid-male reproductive activity due to the contamination of the inner bay with organotin compounds , which are endocrine disruptors , and have been drastically reduced. For this reason, buys, which were once ingredients for the common people, became higher-grade ingredients called "hon-buys" and "black buys" since the 1990s, and prices were considerably higher. However, due to subsequent regulations on marine paints, it is said that some areas have been revived since 2000, and there is enough catch on the Sea of Japan side to market. In Ishikawa Prefecture, etc., this species is called azuki bee (Azukibai) based on its shell pattern to distinguish it from other "~ buys".
Etchu-bai (Ecchu-bai) is a member of the genus Ezobai, a family of the family Ezobai. Known as a delicious shellfish, it is widely distributed not only in the locality but also in the market. ● High protein and low fat
Bi / Bai / Azuki / Bai shellfish can be said in general, but they are high in protein and low in fat. Taurine is said to have the effect of suppressing cholesterol and blood pressure. It also helps the liver work and seems to be effective in recovering from fatigue. And mussels contain a lot of taurine. Taurine is said to have the effect of reducing cholesterol and blood pressure. It also helps the liver work and seems to be effective in recovering from fatigue. And mussels contain a lot of taurine. Taurine is said to have the effect of reducing cholesterol and blood pressure. It also helps the liver work and seems to be effective in recovering from fatigue.