
All/all of, most/most of, no/none ofの違い


A tutor asked me about spending day off that are last Saturday and Sunday. But I didn't prepare to answer it, so I wasn't able to answer because I'm confused as usual. 


But I managed to say that my wife and I learned how to bathe and change a baby's diaper (note: it seems that you can also say "nappy" in the UK) at a seminar held by the city hall and also to say that I helped my parents to plant rice fields last Sunday.


The tutor asked me, "Are all the rice fields yours?" so I tried to say "They ask us to take care of some rice fields.", but I couldn't. Well, I just need to practice. 

さて、今回学習したワードは、allやall ofといったニュアンスの違いです。自分なりの各イメージをまとめます(自信はないですが)。間違ってたら誰かコメントください🐯

Then, this time I studied the words for the difference between "all, all of" or something like that. I've summarized these images and impressions that I got from the text pages. But I'm not sure, so If I have them that are wrong. Please send me a correct message.



The grammar textbook that I've mainly been using is the following.

イメージがはっきりしない "all" 類

1.「all, some, any, most, much/many, little/few , no + 名詞」のイメージは、「ぼやぼや」とそのイメージがはっきりしないイメージ。

2.例えば、All cars have wheels.「全ての車にはタイヤがある」のように世界中の車とか一般的にとか、どの車かを限定してない。

All cars have wheels. 
Some cars can go faster than others. 
③(on a notice) No Cars. (=no cars allowed.)
Many people drive too fast.
⑤I don't go out very often. I am at home most days.

English Grammar in Use, P176

3.all of carsとかsome of peopleとかは言わない(仮に言う場合は、ケースにもよるがsome of them)。その場合は、some peopleでよい。ofを付けた時点で説明範囲が限定的になるイメージになるから

Some people learn languages more easily than others.

English Grammar in Use, P176

4.この場合の、「ほとんどの〇〇」といった具合の「most+名詞」の場合、本来の最上級的な扱い「the most+名詞」にならないので注意が必要。ただし、この場合も一般的にとか、【例】で言うと旅行者を限定していない。

The Most tourists don't visit this part of the town.

English Grammar in Use, P176

イメージを限定化する "of" の働き

1.『「all, some, any, most, much/many, little/few , half, none」+「of」+ 「the, this, those」+「名詞」』のイメージは、ofが付いた時点で説明範囲を限定している

Some of the people I work with aren't very friendly.
None of this money is mine.
③Have you read any of these books?
④I was sick yesterday. I spent most of the day in bed.

English Grammar in Use, P176

2.allとhalfの後ろにofを付ける必要はない。しかし、自分の会話する際にallを使う場合、話す対象範囲が広すぎるので(ぼやぼやイメージ)、all ofで説明範囲を限定しながら話す方が相手側にとっても親切になる。その一方で、講演する場合などの時は、一方的に聴衆へ話すのでallでも自然な感じがしそう。

All my friend live in Los Angeles.
→もしくは 、 All of my friends live in Los Angeles.といった具合に、どちらでもいい。

English Grammar in Use, P176

3.AllとAll of、それとMostとMost ofの比較をしてみると、限定的に説明をする必要があることが分かる。

・All flowers are beautiful.

【All of の場合】
・All of the flowers in this garden are beautiful.

Most problems have a solution.

【Most of の場合】
・We were able to solve most of the problems we had.

English Grammar in Use, P176


1.「some of 、all of 、none of + 代名詞(it / us / you / them)」 と組み合わせることが出来る。

①How many of these people do you know?
 "None of them." / "A few of them."

②Do any of you want to come to a party tonight?

③Do you like this music?
 "Some of it. Not all of it"

English Grammar in Use, P176


①Some cars have four doors and some have two.
→4 つのドアを持つ車もあれば、2 つのドアを持つ車もある。といったように、同じ名詞(ここだとcar)について繰り返す場合、carを省略できる。

②A few of the shops were open, but most (of them) were closed.
→少しの店は開いてたけど、ほとんどの店は閉まってた。といったように、shopsを省略している。一方で、of themで表すことも可能。

English Grammar in Use, P176

I was a little tired so that was all for now.

Thanks for reading to the end!
I also run my Twitter account. @tsubuman8
