【The Happy Stress Effect 014】 Oxytocin: a neurotransmitter of love
海外の方々に向けて、英語でHAPPY STRESSを紐解くPodcast番組 『The Happy Stress Effect: Unleashing the Brain’s Potentials』
今週のテーマは「愛の神経伝達物質 オキシトシン」です。
014- Oxytocin: a neurotransmitter of love (2024/04/15)
Script Translation/日本語
皆さん、こんにちは。『The Happy Stress Effect: Unleashing the Brain’s Potentials』の世界にようこそ。私は進行のアルバートです。今日は、私たちの生活であまりにも馴染み深いトピック「ストレス」について掘り下げていきます。でも、ちょっといいですか?これは複雑な科学用語を深く掘り下げるということではありません。ストレスを共感できるものにし、理解しやすく、何よりも日常生活に適用できるようにするためのものです。
科学と技術の進歩により、私たちは今、ストレス反応を操る細胞や分子にのぞき込むことができます。私たちは、これらの魅力的な洞察のいくつかを「Happy Stress」(青砥瑞人 著)という書籍を使って、理解しやすい形で明らかにしていきます。
「感謝」という言葉をよく見ると、「感じる」と「謝する」を含んでいます。 「感謝」の「謝」は、言葉を射ることを内包します。伝えたい感情を認識したら、それを言葉にすることが感謝です。ただし、他人に対する礼儀やポジティブな感情を作り出すだけでなく、感謝を表現することで話す人自身にもポジティブな影響を与えます。
それでは、今日はここまでにしましょう!『The Happy Stress Effect: Unleashing the Brain’s Potentials』をお聴きいただきありがとうございました。もし本日のエピソードをお楽しみいただけたなら、ぜひチャンネル登録をお忘れなく、ハッピーの科学へのさらなる洞察をお楽しみください。次回まで、私、アルバートがみなさんの「HAPPY STRESS」と喜びに満ちた一日をお祈りしています。
Original Script/英語
Welcome, everyone, to "The Happy Stress Effect: Unleashing the Brain’s Potentials". I'm your host Albert, and today, we're delving into a topic that's all too familiar in our lives - stress. But hold on, this isn't going to be a deep dive into complex scientific jargon. We're here to make it relatable, understandable, and most importantly, applicable to our daily lives.
You see, stress isn't just an adversary; it's also a vital component that protects, strengthens, and even fosters growth within us. In this program, we're exploring how our brains and bodies interact with stress on a fundamental level. We'll uncover why stress is a natural part of our biology and humanity, and how knowing this can reshape the way we perceive it. But it doesn't stop there.
With advancements in science and technology, we're now able to peek into the very cells and molecules that orchestrate our stress responses. We'll be demystifying some of these fascinating insights using this book called "Happy Stress" by Mizuto Aoto in a way that's easy to grasp.
In our last episode, we explored the fascinating world of the autonomic nervous system and its crucial role in managing stress. We discussed how the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems work in harmony to keep us balanced, highlighting the importance of fostering a mindful connection with our bodies.
Today, I want to talk about a new neurotransmitter that is an ally against stress: oxytocin. In an earlier episode, we introduced beta-endorphin and serotonin. In addition to these, oxytocin is also a very important neurotransmitter.
Who do you trust and rely on? Or who do you love from the bottom of your heart? Such beings are indeed very reassuring for the brain as well.
When we exhibit stress responses, our body's homeostatic mechanisms automatically and unconsciously try to alleviate this state of stress. One such reactive substance produced in the brain in response is oxytocin.
Oxytocin is often referred to as the "love hormone," "love molecule," or "cuddle hormone" because it is released from a part of the brain called the pituitary gland when we hug someone. It is an important chemical that makes us feel connected and close to other people.
A well-known example is the trust game, which demonstrates that oxytocin plays a crucial role when we decide to trust others. Comparisons between groups that were artificially made to produce oxytocin and those that were not have shown that trust levels are significantly higher when oxytocin is induced. Hence, oxytocin is also called the "trust hormone."
The release of oxytocin in response to stress responses is a good example of why humans are considered social animals. Thus, it is an indispensable chemical for forming social bonds.
Utilizing the secretion of oxytocin, especially when feeling stressed, can help ease dark stress.
Have you ever felt healed simply by being hugged by someone you trust? A loving hug can promote the release of oxytocin, soothing the mind. Sometimes, a warm embrace, without seeking reasons or solutions, can be more effective than any words or problem-solving approaches.
Hugging is not only beneficial for the person being hugged. Naturally, the person doing the hugging also experiences oxytocin release, benefiting themselves as well.
The reason parents can care for their children so devotedly is also largely due to the effects of oxytocin. Just having a loved one in front of you can release oxytocin. Child-rearing is full of unpredictability and often things don't go as planned. Naturally, the brain and body will show stress responses. However, the reason it doesn't always feel burdensome is likely due to the release of oxytocin.
Child-rearing is challenging, and there might be times when stress responses dominate. But in such moments, if you take a moment to embrace your child wholeheartedly, you'll likely find the stress response diminishes. The key is to hug with all your heart, focusing on the present. Often, when our stress responses are heightened, we are trapped in the past or worried about the future. So, if you find yourself caught in such a moment, cherish the opportunity to embrace. Doing so should help alleviate any inner dark stress you may be experiencing.
Oxytocin is released when we feel close and connected, so even imagining, looking at photos, or watching videos of loved ones can have a similar effect. Soldiers heading to war zones often keep photos of their beloved families close to ensure they can cope with the immense stress they might face.
Holding onto cherished photos or talismans, and investing emotional energy in them, can make them significant for calming oneself. The more you cherish these items, the more they become triggers for peace and tranquility, teaching your brain to associate them with calmness.
Someone once held an old talisman dear. There are those who scorn such spiritual or unscientific, illogical methods. However, it might be worth reconsidering. The owner of that talisman might share numerous episodes and memories with it, perhaps given by someone deeply cared for, filled with heartfelt intentions. Imagining what the giver went through to deliver it can deepen the connection felt towards the talisman, potentially making it a source of oxytocin release for its owner. Although invisible, these connections exist in the mind as memories.
Just because something is invisible doesn't make it unscientific or purely spiritual. Science has yet to capture everything, but even the intangible can be represented in the brain through cells, molecules, or energy, significantly affecting our reactive nature, as history has shown.
Various religions bring to life countless stories and teachings, imprinting the unseen in our minds. Even if they are invisible, each person's brain can house these entities through combinations of memories. Without utilizing the brain to manifest these entities, they won't be represented in the mind.
For those who devoutly believe, these entities become vivid in their minds, influencing their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and ultimately, their way of life, as history and religions around the world have shown.
Therefore, believers' brains will manifest these entities, while non-believers' will not. Perhaps there's truth in the saying that faith will save you. Beliefs vary widely, as do the objects of our faith. It's not about what's right or wrong; having something to wholeheartedly believe in can be a significant comfort to an individual.
The object of belief doesn't necessarily have to be religious, but religion historically offers wisdom and stories that easily resonate with our brains. Reconsidering what you truly believe in and incorporating it into your life might bring tranquility and richness you never knew were missing.
Additionally, expressing "gratitude" is an effective way to induce the synthesis of oxytocin, which is produced when we think of others.
The importance of gratitude is something we learn experientially within society. Let's re-examine the value of gratitude from a neuroscientific perspective.
When do you usually feel grateful? Often, gratitude arises when we experience positive emotions, which prompts us to thank those who facilitated these feelings.
This process cultivates crucial learning within our brains. When positive emotions emerge, and we acknowledge them, we might say "thank you," write a letter, bow, etc. This cycle has been repeated countless times throughout our lives, leading to learning based on the principle that "neurons that fire together wire together."
Positive experiences are stored in the hippocampus as episodic memories, and positive emotions are recorded in the amygdala. When gratitude is consistently expressed simultaneously with these emotions, it becomes associated with many positive emotional memories, or in other words, a content amygdala.
This means that just by harboring a sense of gratitude, we can draw out positivity within ourselves, similar to how Pavlov's dogs salivated at the sound of a bell, even without meat.
The extent to which we can summon positivity depends on how heartfelt our gratitude is in our daily lives. To invest one's heart means to cherish the positive emotions that arise within us, savoring them if we're mindful enough to notice them, and then attaching a verbal or physical label of gratitude.
The more heartfelt the gratitude, the more likely it is that positive memories will be etched into the brain, allowing for an accumulation of positive information within. Ultimately, what information do we want to inscribe into our brain's memory system? Memories aren't abstract concepts; they're material changes in cells and molecules. And the one capable of shaping these is none other than ourselves.
If we closely examine the word "gratitude," it involves "feeling" and "expressing thanks." "Thanks" can also be seen as "shooting" words. In other words, once we're aware of our emotions, we articulate them, and that's gratitude. But it's not just about courtesy towards others or generating positivity in them; expressing gratitude also creates positivity in the speaker.
However, the key is to do it with sincerity. Gratitude that's merely formal and lacks emotional involvement misses the essence of true gratitude. We should always express heartfelt thanks for even the smallest kindness from those who bring joy and happiness into our lives, not just strengthening our bonds with others but also enhancing our own positivity.
Furthermore, the original meaning of "thank you" suggests that being is difficult. It speaks to the miracle of our existence in this world.
The miraculous meeting of a microscopic sperm and egg, the incredible program of cell division, proliferation, and structuring that follows, creates us. This program isn't just predefined; it's flexible, constantly adapting to the environment, allowing us to enjoy coffee, appreciate music, explore the universe in our minds, and even create new life. Each of us possesses a truly irreplaceable, miraculous body. The mere fact of our existence is marvelous.
Comparing ourselves to others in terms of abilities or superiority is trivial compared to the miracle of our existence. We often forget how miraculous it is to simply be alive, as it's taken for granted. The opposite of gratitude is taking things for granted.
Taking the difficulty of existence for granted, those with such cognitive biases may find it challenging to appreciate their own existence. Many people, despite financial wealth, cannot feel happiness. This may be because when the state of having money and obtaining desired items through financial means is repeated, the brain, unless consciously aware, won't harbor gratitude.
Instead, if a certain state continues, it becomes unsatisfactory, and any state below that expectation tends to trigger negative stress responses. While maintaining positive expectations would be ideal, that's challenging. People who cannot feel happiness without constant, larger pleasures or stimuli seem to have a deteriorating brain.
Life is filled with seeds of joy and pleasure. It's up to us to find them, and those who can turn even the smallest things into joy and pleasure have truly advanced brains. This isn't to say luxury is wrong, but becoming unconsciously accustomed to it risks learning that as the norm in the brain, leading to a continuous high state of expectation. This increases the frequency of disappointment, reducing the individual's happiness level.
Paying attention to and appreciating the happiness and small pleasures we take for granted, expressing gratitude for one's life, close ones, family, and friends can enrich our lives. Perhaps the treasures of positivity you've taken for granted are abundant. It might be worth embarking on a treasure hunt in your everyday life.
In today's episode, we delved into the profound impact of oxytocin, often dubbed the "love hormone," on mitigating dark stress. We discussed how oxytocin, released through heartfelt connections and acts of gratitude, acts as a formidable ally against stress. This episode highlighted the intrinsic power of human relationships and the simple yet profound act of gratitude in fostering a sense of peace and well-being. Through understanding and harnessing the effects of oxytocin, we're reminded of the capacity to navigate life's challenges with a more resilient and connected spirit. Remember, in moments of stress, the warmth of a hug, the comfort of close relationships, and the sincere expression of gratitude are not just emotional gestures but powerful tools for psychological balance and health.
Now that’ll be it for today! Thank you for joining us on The Happy Stress Effect: Unleashing the Brain’s Potentials. If you enjoyed today's episode, don't forget to subscribe for more insights into the science of happiness. Until next time, I'm Albert, wishing you a day filled with "HAPPY STRESS" and joyful moments.