【The Happy Stress Effect 006】 Understanding the stress mechanism
海外の方々に向けて、英語でHAPPY STRESSを紐解くPodcast番組 『The Happy Stress Effect: Unleashing the Brain’s Potentials』
006-Understanding the stress mechanism (2024/02/19)
Script Translation/日本語
皆さん、こんにちは。『The Happy Stress Effect: Unleashing the Brain’s Potentials』の世界にようこそ。私は進行のアルバートです。今日は、私たちの生活であまりにも馴染み深いトピック「ストレス」について掘り下げていきます。でも、ちょっといいですか?これは複雑な科学用語を深く掘り下げるということではありません。ストレスを共感できるものにし、理解しやすく、何よりも日常生活に適用できるようにするためのものです。
科学と技術の進歩により、私たちは今、ストレス反応を操る細胞や分子にのぞき込むことができます。私たちは、これらの魅力的な洞察のいくつかを「Happy Stress」(青砥瑞人 著)という書籍を使って、理解しやすい形で明らかにしていきます。
それでは、ストレスの世界の構造を紹介して、ストレスに対する理解を深めましょう。そのためには、以下の三つの用語とそれらの関係を理解することが役立ちます: ストレッサー、ストレスメディエーター、そしてストレス。これらはすべて、ストレスに関連する専門的な用語ですが、これらを理解することはストレスを効果的に管理するために重要ですので、覚えておいてください。
不快な出来事に限られた注意が引き寄せられる瞬間は危険です。さらに、不快な出来事を繰り返し思い返すたびに、「Use it or lose it. (使わなければ失う)」の原則により記憶が強化されます。
The Happy Stress Effect: Unleashing the Brain’s Potentials をお聴きいただきありがとうございました。今日のエピソードをお楽しみいただけたら、来週も引き続き、ハッピーの科学へのさらなる理解も深めましょう。それではまた次回まで。アルバートが「HAPPY STRESS」と喜びに満ちた瞬間で溢れた一日をお祈りしています。
Original Script/英語
In our previous episode, we delved into the intricate dynamics of stress, uncovering its dual role as both a formidable challenge and a catalyst for personal transformation. Through the reflective exercise of 'Articulating the Benefits of Stress,' we engaged in a deep dive into our personal encounters with stress, recognizing those moments when it acts as a powerful motivator, fortifying our resilience and enriching our lives with joy. Additionally, we emphasized the value of sharing these insights, highlighting how communal exchange can amplify the positive impacts of stress.
Today, we're embarking on a fascinating journey into the heart of our stress responses—unraveling the mystery of how we perceive and process stress, both from the world around us and from within ourselves. It's a realm where physical sensations meet psychological interpretations, shaping our experiences in profound ways. But why is it so important to understand the nuanced differences between these stressors? How do they influence our ability to cope, adapt, and ultimately thrive in the face of adversity?
So let’s introduce you to the structure of the world of stress to deepen our understanding of stress. To do that, it would be beneficial to understand the following three terms and their relationships:
Stressors, Stress Mediators, and Stress. These are all specialized terms related to stress, but understanding them is crucial for managing stress effectively, so please remember them.
First, the most understandable term is stress. What we call stress becomes so only when we recognize it as such. We can say "I feel stressed" because we notice and recognize changes within our bodies.
The internal changes, the changes in the internal environment within our body and brain, are what we call stress mediators. It's through the synthesis of stress mediators within our bodies that we get the opportunity to notice stress.
Conversely, even if stress mediators are synthesized in the body, if we cannot notice their presence, they are not recognized as stress. Since a mediator means something that mediates, it can be considered a signal for being recognized as stress.
However, the term stress mediator might be unfamiliar to many, so in this book, we refer to stress mediators as stress responses. Stress responses occur in our brains and bodies, and by recognizing these responses, we call them stress. Stress responses are triggered unconsciously, and stress can be considered a state where the stress response is brought into consciousness.
Furthermore, stress mediators (stress responses) can be said to be the direct cause of stress. Without a stress response, we naturally wouldn't be able to feel stress. From this perspective, the cause of stress is not actually in the outside world but within our bodies.
You might say, "No, my stress is caused by my nagging boss." However, scientifically, that person cannot be considered the direct cause of stress. If that person was truly the cause of stress, they would have to be causing stress to everyone they meet all year round, which would make them a direct cause of stress.
Essentially, the direct cause of stress is the stress response that unfolds within our bodies. Without this response, it would not become stress. But still, the nagging boss cannot be denied as being involved in stress. The information or stimulus that leads to such stress responses is called a stressor.
A stressor is a stimulus that leads to a stress response and can be considered an indirect factor of stress. A stressor does not necessarily lead to stress but is information or a stimulus that can potentially cause stress.
Stressors can be broadly categorized into two types: exogenous stressors and endogenous stressors. Exogenous stressors are external stressors, like the nagging boss or loud noises. On the other hand, endogenous stressors are internal, such as when the act of recalling being yelled at by the boss triggers a stress response. Remembering unpleasant events is not due to the person who caused the unpleasantness but is the work of your own brain that retains and recalls those memories.
Lastly, let's briefly explain the differences between stressors, stress responses, and stress through a concrete example. Suppose suddenly, you hear a loud gunshot nearby. Without any conscious effort, your heart starts pounding, your attention is drawn to the direction of the sound, and you're no longer in a state to continue reading this book. This involuntary pounding of the heart is thanks to the stress response.
Specifically, for instance, the amygdala, a part of the brain, becomes highly active, triggering emotions of anxiety and fear. Stress hormones such as cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) are synthesized, delivering information throughout the body. The sympathetic nervous system, a part of the autonomic nervous system, activates, increasing heart rate and supplying energy to the entire body to prepare for immediate escape. These various changes in the body related to stress are collectively referred to as stress mediators (stress responses).
In this example, the gunshot sound can be considered an exogenous stressor. And, if in such a situation, you can become a bit calmer and recognize, "Ah, I am startled and frightened by this loud gunshot," then you can call that stress. This recognition of the stress response is undoubtedly contributed by the salience network.
It plays a role in alerting us to changes in our internal environment and signals to make us aware of that state. The brain mechanisms for making us aware and those for stress responses are different, so understanding each separately is crucial.
This is because, to cope well with stress, we need to be aware of our stress responses. One type of person who falls prey to dark stress, experiencing difficult times, is someone who doesn't recognize their own stress. In other words, although the stress response is occurring, people who can't notice these responses are more susceptible to dark stress.
People, to a greater or lesser extent, become aware of their stress responses and take actions to alleviate that stress. It's because they are aware of changes in their internal environment that they can take such actions and alleviate dark stress.
Of course, merely being aware of one's stress responses doesn't mean one is coping well with stress. If anything, merely being aware and paying attention might even exacerbate dark stress. Therefore, while being aware of one's stress responses is a necessary condition for coping well with stress and leading to growth and happiness, it is not a sufficient condition.
To transform stress into strength or reduce dark stress, it is immensely helpful to learn about the mechanisms of stress responses that occur within our bodies. Therefore, in addition to stressors, stress responses, and stress, I will introduce the concept of homeostasis (the mechanism for maintaining stability).
Our bodies indeed have unconscious, automatic mechanisms that trigger stress responses, but similarly, we are equipped with mechanisms that unconsciously and automatically alleviate those stress responses.
A state where a stress response is occurring is like a state where the balance in various parts of the body is disturbed. This disturbed balance is automatically and unconsciously restored by the brain and body's functions, and this mechanism is called homeostasis.
By understanding the mechanism of homeostasis that counteracts stress responses within the body, we can see how to consciously confront our stress responses.
Why is such a stress system constructed within our bodies in the first place? Let's consider its role and significance.
Firstly, the occurrence of a stress response informs us about the nature of the stressor and what it means to us. It plays a role in modulating stimuli or information, thereby organizing our responses.
If a stress response is not triggered by the sound of a loud gunshot nearby, no evasive action would be prompted, significantly lowering the individual's chances of survival. The emotions of fear and anxiety that accompany stress responses also have their significance.
Moreover, the stress system does not merely convey what kind of information it is but also affects the memory system. Information or stimuli that induce a stress response in oneself should naturally be stored in the brain as memories to increase the chances of survival. Therefore, in situations where a stress response is triggered, a certain type of learning (memory consolidation) occurs. This can cause us distress by strongly anchoring unwanted memories in our brain, but biologically, it's important to consolidate memories that lead to stress responses to increase reaction speed when similar information or stimuli are inputted in the future.
In humans, based on these memories, it is possible to make predictions and inferences, allowing for preemptive actions. This brain function of risk judgment is also possible thanks to the stress system.
All of these are equipped to enhance our chances of survival. Among the programs inherent in living beings, those related to maintaining life are most strongly represented. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that this stress system fundamentally exists to protect human life.
When this crucial stress system malfunctions, it can naturally threaten our lives. Therefore, scientifically understanding this important stress system and exploring ways to effectively manage it is a crucial step in enriching our lives and survival.
I previously discussed that stressors can be categorized as exogenous, including physical and chemical stressors, and endogenous, which are biological and psychological stressors. In this book, we will primarily focus on psychological stressors, but I will briefly introduce the other types as well.
Physical stressors include tactile sensations, cold stimuli, pain signals, and wavelengths such as light and sound that appeal to our sense of touch, sight, and hearing. Chemical stressors appeal to our sense of taste and smell. Biological stressors include stress responses caused by inflammation, infection, or hunger.
The key point to remember about physical, chemical, and biological stressors is that if these stressors are present in our environment, our attention can be monopolized by them due to the limited nature of our attention. This means if we're surrounded by noise or feeling unwell, our attention can be captured by these signals, making it difficult to focus on the information we want to. In other words, it becomes hard to concentrate and perform well. Therefore, to effectively manage psychological stressors and achieve growth and happiness, it's important to maintain our environment and condition, managing physical, chemical, and biological stressors as a prerequisite.
However, physical, chemical, and biological stressors can become habituated unless the stimuli are excessively overwhelming. This habituation occurs because the input signals are relatively constant, and the organism adapts to them.
Even if the environment and conditions are not constant and are disrupted, it's still possible to focus on what needs to be done through conscious top-down attention and mindset. However, it's preferable to organize one's environment and condition to focus on managing psychological stressors and transforming stress into strength.
Disruptions in physical condition or environment can distract us, making it difficult to effectively address psychological stressors, potentially amplifying psychological stress responses. Psychological stressors are based on memories of experiences and are not simple signal inputs, making them hard to habituate.
Experiments with mice have shown that while there is habituation to physical (electric) stressors, with repeated stimuli leading to reduced stress responses (norepinephrine secretion), psychological (fear or anxiety) stressors can amplify stress responses instead of habituating.
Psychological stress involves multifaceted information from experiences, which are inscribed in the brain's neurons as memories. The stronger the psychological stress response, the more strongly it's inscribed in the hippocampus as episodic memory and the amygdala as emotional memory. This causes us to dwell on and revisit the stressful event even after it has passed.
This moment when our limited attention is captured by an unpleasant event is dangerous. Moreover, every time we revisit an unpleasant event, the memory strengthens due to the "Use it or Lose it" principle.
Additionally, memories recalled in the brain are not always accurate and can be embellished or exaggerated, further amplifying the memory of the unpleasant event.
Entering this unconscious negative spiral due to negativity bias is risky. Expressing negative scenarios in our brain and inscribing that information as memory allows negative elements to persist within us. Therefore, it's crucial to recognize when we're exhibiting a stress response, address it, and let go of the memory promptly.
As we draw this enlightening episode to a close, we've journeyed through the intricate web of stress, exploring the delicate interplay between external triggers and internal reactions. Today, we delved into the essence of stressors, stress mediators, and the stress response itself, unraveling how our bodies and minds navigate this complex terrain. The key takeaway? Stress isn't just about the challenges we face from the outside world; it's deeply rooted in how we interpret and react to these challenges internally. By understanding the mechanisms of stress within us—how our bodies signal and process these experiences—we unlock the power to transform stress from a formidable foe into a formidable ally. Remember, it's not the external stressors that define our stress experience, but our internal response to them. Embracing this knowledge empowers us to manage stress more effectively, leading to enhanced resilience, growth, and well-being. Let's carry this insight forward, using it as a beacon to navigate the complexities of stress in our lives.
Thank you for joining us on The Happy Stress Effect: Unleashing the Brain’s Potentials. If you enjoyed today's episode, don't forget to subscribe for more insights into the science of happiness. Until next time, I'm Albert, wishing you a day filled with "HAPPY STRESS" and joyful moments.