【The Happy Stress Effect 016】 Become the producer of your world
海外の方々に向けて、英語でHAPPY STRESSを紐解くPodcast番組 『The Happy Stress Effect: Unleashing the Brain’s Potentials』
016- Become the producer of your world (2024/04/29)
Script Translation/日本語
皆さん、こんにちは。『The Happy Stress Effect: Unleashing the Brain’s Potentials』の世界にようこそ。私は進行のアルバートです。今日は、私たちの生活であまりにも馴染み深いトピック「ストレス」について掘り下げていきます。でも、ちょっといいですか?これは複雑な科学用語を深く掘り下げるということではありません。ストレスを共感できるものにし、理解しやすく、何よりも日常生活に適用できるようにするためのものです。
科学と技術の進歩により、私たちは今、ストレス反応を操る細胞や分子にのぞき込むことができます。私たちは、これらの魅力的な洞察のいくつかを「Happy Stress」(青砥瑞人 著)という書籍を使って、理解しやすい形で明らかにしていきます。
このプログラムの基本となる書籍『HAPPY STRESS』では、パフォーマンスを向上させ、成長を促し、幸せを感じさせるストレスを「ブライトストレス」と呼んでいます。
ここで神経科学の原則「Use it or Lose it. (使えば機能し、使わなければ失われる)」が適用されます。選んだ情報にどのように反応し、それをどのように認識し、脳を物理的に変化させてその情報を記憶にエンコードするかです。私たちの注意と反応は色彩豊かで、神経細胞の構造を物理的に変えます。これは、私たちの頭蓋骨の内部で彫刻や絵画をするようなものです。
それでは、今日はここまでにしましょう!『The Happy Stress Effect: Unleashing the Brain’s Potentials』をお聴きいただきありがとうございました。もし本日のエピソードをお楽しみいただけたなら、ぜひチャンネル登録をお忘れなく、ハッピーの科学へのさらなる洞察をお楽しみください。次回まで、私、アルバートがみなさんの「HAPPY STRESS」と喜びに満ちた一日をお祈りしています。

Original Script/英語
Welcome, everyone, to "The Happy Stress Effect: Unleashing the Brain’s Potentials". I'm your host Albert, and today, we're delving into a topic that's all too familiar in our lives - stress. But hold on, this isn't going to be a deep dive into complex scientific jargon. We're here to make it relatable, understandable, and most importantly, applicable to our daily lives.
You see, stress isn't just an adversary; it's also a vital component that protects, strengthens, and even fosters growth within us. In this program, we're exploring how our brains and bodies interact with stress on a fundamental level. We'll uncover why stress is a natural part of our biology and humanity, and how knowing this can reshape the way we perceive it. But it doesn't stop there.
With advancements in science and technology, we're now able to peek into the very cells and molecules that orchestrate our stress responses. We'll be demystifying some of these fascinating insights using this book called "Happy Stress" by Mizuto Aoto in a way that's easy to grasp.
In our program's foundational book "HAPPY STRESS," stress that enhances our performance, promotes growth, and makes us feel happy is referred to as "Bright Stress."
The various changes in our body's internal environment that accompany a stress response each have their meanings and roles. For instance, the stress hormone cortisol, which we introduced before, can shut down the prefrontal cortex when secreted excessively. However, its essential role is to support the metabolism of fats and sugars, helping the body and brain to utilize energy more efficiently.
Other stress hormones, like catecholamines, increase heart rate and blood flow to the skeletal muscles, enhancing our performance in cooperation with the sympathetic nervous system. Another hormone, Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), acts on a protein known as nerve growth factor (NGF), which helps prevent the death of nerve cells and supports the creation of new ones, thereby aiding our learning processes.
People who fully harness the energy of these "Bright Stresses" are rare, because where there is Bright Stress, there is naturally the potential for Dark Stress to arise. This can lead the majority of your attention to be consumed by Dark Stress due to a negativity bias.
However, what may feel like a dark, stress-inducing environment for one person can be perceived and processed as a source of Bright Stress by another.
Both Dark and Bright Stresses activate similar brain areas and involve similar chemicals being synthesized. It's the intensity of the reaction, and how it is perceived and remembered by the brain, that determines whether the stress response will cast a shadow or light.
Especially in modern times, which could be described as conducive to generating darkness, leveraging Bright Stress as a source of energy becomes increasingly important. Despite the many conveniences brought by scientific and technological advancements, new forms of darkness are undoubtedly emerging. For example, while it's wonderful that social media allows us to communicate with people far away, it has also created new types of stress reactions that didn't exist before.
When we say modern times are prone to producing darkness, we mean that the rapid changes and unpredictable nature of our era make it easier for uncertainties, or shadows, to appear.
Of course, predicting the future has always been challenging, no matter the era. However, the rate of change in our world's conditions and environments is now so fast that it increasingly obscures future predictions, making it easier for darkness to emerge.
The overwhelming acceleration in environmental and situational changes is undoubtedly driven by scientific and technological progress. In just the last hundred years, humans have taken to the skies and then ventured into space in a few decades—a remarkable rate of change.
To consider something more relatable, think about how communication has evolved. From the Nara to the Kamakura period, spanning roughly 500 years, the primary means of communication over long distances was through letter writing.
Now, think about the present. About 30 years ago, communication often involved leaving messages on chalkboards at stations or using public telephones. Collecting telephone cards might feel nostalgic, but it's just a recent memory. Suddenly, pagers became popular, and before we knew it, everyone had mobile phones. Then, within a decade, smartphones appeared, and our ways of communicating transformed rapidly.
This pace of change isn't limited to communication. In recent decades, significant advancements have also been made in how people with full-body paralysis communicate. When movement in all muscles is paralyzed, it becomes difficult to use the muscles in the mouth to speak. However, these individuals can still receive sound and understand language, and they can think. They are merely unable to respond.
Today, such individuals can communicate with the outside world. For example, patients with full-body paralysis can imagine each letter of the alphabet, and by training a computer to recognize the brainwave patterns associated with these thoughts, the words they want to express can appear on a screen.
While the rapid environmental changes from the Nara to Kamakura era and the last few decades are incomparable, our era's pace of change is notably faster.
Our world, filled with ambiguities and uncertainties, prompts our human brains to react sensitively to unknowns, exposing us to more darkness.
The technological innovations meant to enrich our lives may instead be expanding the darkness right before us. However, it's not that technological advancements are inherently bad. Just like the example of communication aids for patients with paralysis, technology enriches our lives.
In this era of change, we are presented with two paths: one where we cynically accept new forms of darkness without seeking ways to utilize them effectively, merely accumulating Dark Stress; or another where we accept and illuminate these dark aspects, turning them into opportunities for growth and actively changing our perception of the world.
It's not that one path is unequivocally correct, but the latter offers a possibility that is likely necessary and adaptive for our future.
As Charles Darwin famously said, "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change." Enjoying this transitional period and adapting to the VUCA era can be exciting. Let's embrace Darwin's words and explore how to transform stress into strength and capture Bright Stress.
An interesting aspect of the human brain is that it has the mechanism to consciously and intentionally select the information it receives. Our brain does not recognize the world as it exists, but rather as it perceives it to be. This perception can be chosen by oneself.
If you focus solely on the ugly aspects of the world and humanity, the world that emerges in your brain will be an ugly and difficult place to live. And if you utilize your brain's information processing system to focus on information from those who criticize, naturally, you will be more prone to being critical of the world and everything in it.
On the other hand, even if you look at the ugliness of the world and humanity, if you accept it and focus on the charm and interest that exists beyond that ugliness, the world will appear as a treasure trove of interests and curiosities in such a person’s brain.
In the VUCA era, an era of change, the world exists just as that—an era of change. The kind of information you pay attention to in such a world, and how you allow your brain and body to react to it, is entirely up to each individual's mindset and can be changed in any number of ways.
What kind of world do you want to project in your brain? You are undoubtedly the producer of that world. How you perceive the world depends on where you direct your attention and the information that is consequently written into your brain.
There is no definitive answer to what the world is like. Even if a renowned scholar says "the world is like this," it only reflects the world as perceived by that scholar's brain. Of course, you can use their view as a source for your own world perception, but ultimately, the world you see is yours to create.
Misunderstanding might also be wonderful. People who completely misunderstand the world and are happy despite it might be more biologically adaptive and advanced than those who demand correctness from the world and accumulate dark stress from not meeting their expectations.
You can choose the material for the world you project in your brain. The information that your brain can process and that you can pay attention to is limited; you can't process all information, so you need to selectively choose what you want your brain to represent.
Next, how you edit that material is crucial. This editing can color the material you've chosen. You can make it gloomy, calm, or dazzling. By editing and coloring this material yourself, you can manifest the world you envision within your brain, and by actively doing this editing yourself, you strengthen the memories stored in your brain.
The principle of neuroscience, "Use it or Lose it," applies here. How you respond to the information you choose, how you recognize it, and how you allow your brain to physically change to encode this information into memory. Our focus and reactions, rich in color, physically alter the structure of neural cells. It's like sculpting and painting inside our skulls.
However, this sculpting must be intentional and conscious, or it may be shaped by the unconscious lead of the brain's negativity bias or by the environment and others, which could shape your brain's formation and memory traces.
"Take control of yourself" is often said. This means to confront oneself and choose the information to leave in your brain. The information you choose will leave footprints in your brain, becoming a part of you.
Ambiguity and uncertainty often highlight their negative aspects, edited as dark stress, and become part of you, making you increasingly avoidant of the unknown.
Conversely, even in highly uncertain situations, focusing on the interesting aspects and potential and editing this information can increase your brain's likelihood of approaching uncertainty, that is, the probability of tackling new and unknown challenges.
You are the producer of how you perceive the world. Having the mindset to create your own beautiful world is necessary to harness bright stress.
As we wrap up today's episode, let's reflect on the power of perception and the role it plays in determining how we experience stress. Our discussion revealed that the human brain doesn't just passively receive information; it actively selects and interprets what to focus on. This selection process can turn what is essentially the same world into a place of beauty or a source of anxiety.
The key takeaway from today's conversation is the concept of "bright stress" — the idea that stress doesn't have to be debilitating. It can actually enhance performance, promote growth, and foster happiness when managed correctly. By consciously choosing to focus on the positive and engaging aspects of our environment, we can transform potential stressors into opportunities for personal development.
Remember, you are the producer of your own reality. The way you choose to see the world and the information you decide to focus on can profoundly affect your mental health and overall well-being. Embrace the challenge of this VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world by recognizing the potential for growth it brings, and consciously steer your perception towards the positive. This proactive approach to stress can transform your experiences from overwhelming to empowering.
That’ll be it! Thank you for joining us on The Happy Stress Effect: Unleashing the Brain’s Potentials. If you enjoyed today's episode, don't forget to subscribe for more insights into the science of happiness. Until next time, I'm Albert, wishing you a day filled with "HAPPY STRESS" and joyful moments.