
Ride my bike and go wherever I want

Last Sunday, my husband came down with a recurring cold. I was not feeling well, and it was raining in the morning, so I wondered what to do.
But after noon, the rain had completely stopped and the road surface was thirsty, so I left home on my road bike.

First solo ride in a long time.
I didn't have much time that day, and I wasn't sure of my stamina, so I took the road I was used to riding on, and slowly climbed one very steep hill from near Noborito, and then went down, almost went a little further, but decided to go back the way I had come.

I thought about going home, but decided to extend the distance a little more and at least have a cup of coffee before heading home, so I turned left on the national highway and headed straight for CROSS COFFEE, a cycling cafe near Yanokuchi Station. I pedaled my bicycle, muttering to myself, "I thought it would be a short ride to Yanokuchi, but it's a little further than I thought”.
そのまま帰ろうかとも思ったが、もう少しだけ距離を延ばしてお茶ぐらい飲んで帰ろうと、国道を左に曲がってまっすぐ、矢野口駅近くのサイクリングカフェ、CROSS COFFEEに向かった。矢野口まではすぐと思ったけれど、意外にあるなぁなんて心の中でつぶやきながら、自転車を漕ぐ。

The occasional solo ride took my thoughts to unusual places. It is a small adventure in everyday life to turn the pedal in this way, at will, to any place I like.
I have tried much harder things in the past, going far away almost every week to ride on steep mountain roads, challenging unpaved roads, and sometimes riding long distances of 200 or 300 km in a day... Some might say, what's the adventure in riding on a few kilometers of a nearby national road, but riding with my husband is a completely different mindset than riding alone.

My husband, who has a good sense of direction and loves to think of routes, likes to think of new ways to get there each time, even in familiar places, and tries to avoid national roads with many cars as much as possible. It allows me to follow my husband on a comfortable route and to encounter many unknown places and beautiful landscapes. It's a wonderful experience.

However, my husband's efforts to take a different route each time and to choose the most enjoyable route possible made it even more difficult for me, who has a terrible sense of direction, to remember the way. I don't feel like I can come here again by myself at all. When I have a chance to ride alone, as I did on this day, I can finally learn the road a little better, and even if it is a busy national highway, just one unplanned turn on the road is a little fresh and exciting.

I remember when I had just started riding my bicycle. I was in high spirits when my husband and I went for the first time to Zebra Coffee in Tsukui, a popular place for bicycle riders. This was probably the first time I had rode less than 50 km from home, or nearly 100 km round trip, and I was happy to have made it this far.

Looking at the Google map, I said, "Hey, if we go straight on this road, we can reach Lake Yamanaka in another 50 km. Let's go there next time," I said excitedly. A few weekends later, I booked a lodge by Lake Yamanaka and carried out a challenge ride to Lake Yamanaka... It rained that day in early November, but we still couldn't give up and set off, having a hard time getting to Lake Yamanaka...
Google mapを見ながら、「ねえ、この道をさらにまっすぐ行ったら、あと50kmで山中湖まで行けるんだね。次は行ってみようよ」と、興奮気味の私。その数週間後の週末に、山中湖の湖畔に宿を予約し、山中湖までのチャレンジライドを実行した。11月初めのその日は雨が降り、それでも諦めきれずに出発して、大変な思いをして山中湖までたどりつくことになるのだが…。

The 50km from Zebra Coffee onward was a really tough ride for me as a beginner, as it was uphill all the way. It was well after dark when we arrived at the lodge, our rain-soaked body cold and exhausted. My husband said, "I heard that people who are used to it can make the round trip in a day”. At the time, I could not believe how such a feat was possible, but about a year later, we had made the round trip from central Tokyo to Lake Yamanaka, a distance of less than 200 km, in a single day.

Even now, when I ride the Doshi Road from near Zebra Coffee to Lake Yamanaka, I remember those days and feel happy. My husband, however, says that he does not want to ride on Doshi road with so many cars nowadays.

It is up to the individual to feel what part of the ride he or she enjoys most, but a bicycle is always full of possibilities and adventures. Whether it's a ride of a few kilometers around the house or hundreds of kilometers, there are always possibilities and adventures to be had on a bicycle. It was a solo ride that made me think about such things again.

At CROSS COFFEE in Yanoguchi (sorry for the photo, I was just about to drink it). The distance traveled that day was about 30 km, and it was the first time in a while that I rode solo and spent the day relaxing and thinking.
矢野口のCROSS COFFEEにて(飲みかけてしまった写真ですみません)。この日の走行距離は約30km。久しぶりのソロライドでのんびり、考えを巡らせる1日だった。

photo&text by Chie Ikumi

