Bicycle festival, BIKELORE AKIGASE
BIKELORE Akigase is an annual bicycle festival held at Akigase Park in Saitama Prefecture on the first weekend of December. This year, I participated on both Saturday, December 2 and Sunday, December 3.
Team rallies, dog rallies, fun costume classes, kids' roar, and ARAKAWA12, which runs throughout the night. In addition to these various types of cyclocross races, there are run events, camping sites, kitchen cars, and lots of bicycle-related goods vendors, so it's just two days of fun and games.
On the first day, I participated in the first-ever Rapha-sponsored ride from Rapha Tokyo in Shibuya to Akigase Park. My husband supported this ride. The 15 or so participants were divided into three groups and proceeded at a leisurely pace along a route that chose roads with few cars on them. The participants spent three hours chatting over the approximately 40-km distance. Upon arrival, we were treated to a lunch of rice balls and soup and a dessert of parfait from Patisserie Asako Iwayanagi. This was the climax of the ride.
1日目は、今年初出展となるRapha主催の、渋谷にあるRapha Tokyoから秋ヶ瀬公園に行くライドに参加。夫はこのライドのサポートに当たった。15人ほどの参加者は3グループに分かれ、車通りの少ない道を選んだルートをのんびりペースで進む。約40kmの距離を、おしゃべりしながら3時間かけて走った。到着すると、おにぎりとスープのランチに、Patisserie Asako Iwayanagiのパフェのデザートをいただく。このライドのクライマックスだ。
I was surprised to see more exhibitors and many more people than before last year. It may be that the the coronavirus pandemic has dawned, but the event itself seems to have grown bigger than before the pandemic.
Soon after, the Rapha Presents Super Fun Class race began. The rule was to run wearing rapha clothes or pink somewhere, and the riders ranged from chic black jerseys with pink lines to those in full pink, and they ran at their own pace, from serious to leisurely. There were also awards for the top three finishers and a best-dressed prize.
I visited several booths, chatted with people I knew, and left the venue before dark.
The next day, with a recurring cold, we drove to the venue. we I had planned to arrive in time to watch the small wheels bicycle race organized by BROMPTON, which was also being held for the first time, but we had trouble parking our car and didn't make it in time.... The number of visitors was much larger than in the past, and it was quite difficult to find an open space in the parking lot, so we parked a little farther away from the venue.
On this day, I had entered a team rally with a group of friends that started at 12:30 pm. We had an early lunch and then tried out the course for just one lap, wearing matching clothes as a team of four, and rode about three laps each, taking turns at each lap. BIKELORE is fun to cheer for, but it is even more fun to ride it yourself.
It is exactly like this: "There are dancing fools and watching fools , you will lose if you don't dance like a fool.
Running hard or leisurely is fine, and there is a snack "Umaibo" corner along the way, so we stop to pick one up as we run. The first year, I coughed up a few of the crunchy "Umaibo" and had a hard time, but I got used to it after a few bites. This kind of jokey race is what BIKELORE is all about.
It was nice to be cheered on here and there on the course.
After the race was over, we wandered around the venue again. We stood around here and there talking and buying snacks. When we returned to the spectator area where we had laid out our picnic sheets, my husband made coffee on the alcohol stove. Next year, it will be fun to camp.
The climax of the BIKELORE is the Owl Class race, where participants dress up in costumes of their choice. There were cartoon characters, Santa Claus and his reindeer, a group of poopers, bunny girls, "Umaibo," and a cute father and son dressed as takoyaki (octopus dumplings). The legs of the girls who were beautifully dressed as their favorite characters were muscular, and despite appearances, they were very fast, which made for an interesting gap.
Anyway, BIKELORE is full of the fun of bicycling. I was happy to be able to participate in this event again this year, which makes me feel excited just by being at the venue. Even if you don't ride a bike, you can participate by running, camping, or just enjoying the feeling of day-camping while watching the race. If you have never experienced this event, why not participate next year?
photo by Tatsuhisa Yogi, Chie Ikumi text by Chie Ikumi