構成: 1-1 研究背景、1-2 研究目的、1-3 研究課題、1-4 研究仮説
The shrinking of Russia's sphere of influence in pre-Soviet states, including the Kyrgyzstan Republic in Central Asia, can be seen as a reconsideration of the national security framework between the former suzerain state and former dependent states. Solid stabilization in Central Asia is beneficial for the society and economics of the regional states and for politics and economics in the Eurasia continent. This study focuses on law enforcement agencies and internal ministries as responsible for police functions as actors allocated for authoritarian government stabilization.
構成: 2-1 中立権力論、2-2 権力の中立化、2-3 二重構造と多元化、 2-4 社会的防衛
The power transcend over Congress and the Constitution (neutral power) had existed before the adoption of the theory of neutral power in the 18th century, but the theories had a special character of conservative reactionary to brand-new established constitutionalism. As the developed executive and judicial agencies acquired powers that could not be overlooked, the division of power in politics extended to neutral power that wasn't naturally shared by others. Constitutional democracy, which has tension with administrative and judicial power, and which lacks with ability of prompt decision. that state of emergency declared by a sovereign(state of exception), which allows for immediate decisions, such as administrative bloated do that a permanent and multiple, In addition, with the creation of universal modern system on national security, conscription, and the police system became necessary to ensure the neutrality attitude of the competent organizations in conceivable contact with neutral power.
構成: 3-1 政治体制、3-2 キルギス政変、3-3 実力組織
Although the Kyrgyzstan Republic has a democratic legislative framework, various problems with due to the intentions of legislators and politicians and attitudes of law enforcement on duty. Central Asian countries have reduced the size of their armed forces and strengthened other forms of force, such as police and militias, in order to reduce financial burdens and prevent coups (coop-proofing system). However, the dysfunction of this institutional deployment in the face of ethnic clashes, protests, and coups indicates the earnest need for police reform.
構成: 4-1 国際援助、4-2 市民参加
Among the pre-Soviet states, the Kyrgyzstan Republic was one of the first countries to implement police reforms immediately after independence. Bilateral aid with Western countries began in 1998 under the Akaev administration, and multilateral aid began in 2003, focusing on funding and training following the Second Kyrgyzstan Political Change in 2010. This coup helped citizen participation in police policies and international aid under the Otunbayeva administration. In the subsequent administration, multilateral aid improved, but citizen participation in police policy was severely limited. Due to the absence of a responsible person and their successor, genus changes can be frequently identified in reform measures.
第4章 警察改革の施策改善
構成: 5-1 国際援助の修正、5-2 市民参加の可能性
No changes have been seen from the legislation framework established immediately after independence, and police reform itself has been transformed into a subject of administrative reforms. International aid has been assessed as having improved compared to the 2000s, but there are indications that funding management, duration of implementation, and training contents should continue to be improved. The trend of increasing suppression of civil society can be observed immediately after independence.
The conclusion of all of that.