#万生集(#生きる目的 ・意味・コツ)202 ~Manseishu/collection of #purpose(#meaning) of life~
校訓「徳においては純真に 義務においては堅実に」。これは神様と人の前に素直で裏表がなく、さわやかな品性を備え、人間としてやるべきことは最後まで責任を持って果たす強さを持つ、という意味。
The school precepts, 'SIMPLE DANS MA VERTU FORTE DANS MON DEVOIR(Simple in virtue, strong in duty)' This means that you should be honest, not two faces and have a refreshing character and strength which is responsible for what you should do as a person.
The education policy, 'Make children aware that human is created as an irreplaceable thing by God and each person is given a mission. Then unleash the infinite possibilities children have and help to grow up to be a person God wants.'
(2020.12.11.明治42年雙葉学園発祥の地、42nd year of Meiji, the birthplace of Futabagakuen.)