万生集(生きる目的・理由)9 ~Manseishu/collection of meaning of life~
(「使われる命」=「使命」「天命」「宇宙と和する」。「そ・わ・か =掃除・笑い・感謝」)
どうしても何かを考えなくては生きていけない人は「念を入れて生きる」こと。目の前にいる人を大事にし、今、目の前のことを大事にする、やっていくこと。(「念」=「今」+「心」) 常に「ありがとう」を言いながら感謝をして生きていくこと。
Live our life of request. To be a person that please people.
All life is decided in the scenario since before birth.
Do not need to think about anything of life.Should trust my destiny and fortune to the cosmos in peace.
People ,who can not live without thinking about something, should live with Nen(念 Nen=今 Now+心 sprit). Take good care of the people in front of us and do carefully what is in front of us.
Live saying Arigato(Thank you) with gratitude.
(2018/2/25 作家 小林正観『100%幸せな1%の人々』、 Author Seikan Kobayashi『100%幸せな1%の人々(1% people are happy 100%)』)