
#万生集(#生きる目的 ・意味・コツ)194 ~Manseishu/collection of #purpose(#meaning) of life~




Consisting of investigation of things (格物'kakubutsu'), extension of knowledge (致知'chichi'), sincerity of the will (誠意'seii'), rectification of the mind (正心'seishin'), cultivation of personal life (修身'shushin'), regulation of family (斉家'seika'), national order (治国'chikoku') and world peace (平天下'heitenka').

Don't neglect to investigate things to acquire knowledge. If you investigate things, then you can get to know. After you acquire knowledge, your mind becomes sincere and after that your mind works right. If your mind works right, you understand to conduct yourself well. If you are at peace, your home is ready. If your home is ready in this way, the country is governed peacefully. If the country is settled, the world will surely be peaceful. 

Oriental morals have been perceived as 知行合一'Chigyo goitsu' (recognition and practice at the same time)of Yangmingism and have been more practical stance and presence than 'attitude'.

(2020.12.5.実業家 松岡正剛 『日本文化の核心』 ②、Businessman Seigo Matsuoka, ' The core of Japanese culture.'②)
