万生集(生きる目的・意味・コツ)178 ~Manseishu/collection of purpose(meaning) of life~
Probably because Mishima do not look away the meaningless of human life and risks his life on the meaningless life.
Do not boggle because you don't find out the meaning, but act that's why it is meaningless. The beauty rises in that moment.
Meaningfulness or meaningless become a problem at first and abandon it from a priority on efficiency in modern society. Mishima has known that we would alienate humans if pursure it.
The attitude that just takes our lives on the meaningless, closes in on us now.
(2020.10.22.日経新聞@ホテルJALシティ宮崎 無意味な生に懸けるということ 三島由紀夫の50年後の問い 映画監督 吉田大八、Movie director, Daihachi Yoshida,'Risk his life on the meaningless life. Question 50years later of Yukio Mishima.' by Nikkei newspaper @Hotel JAL city Miyazaki.)