万生集(生きる目的・理由・コツ)62 ~Manseishu/collection of meaning and knack of life~
Ms.Yoshiko Ishii said 'the cooking is not only eating but also making and selecting ingredients. That is, life itself including shopping.'
'Food' is life itself and my daily meals is creating my mind and body. Our life is made by 'food' and is 'food' itself. All of us are made and consist on the basis of 'food'. It is no exaggeration to say that after all our life is the 'life cycle of food'.
(2018/11/14 シンガーソングライター 加藤登紀子『農的幸福論 藤本敏夫からの遺言』⑥、Singer-songwriter, Tokiko Kato, 'Agricultural Eudaemonics.'⑥)