『NIJISANJI EN』がタレント契約解除で炎上-日米の微妙な”翻訳”ディスコミュニケーション問題
50回ほど配信して、多少は「Vtuber」が板についてきたかな? という私ですが、ここで皆様から嫌われそうな話をしてみます。
先日、大手Vtuberブランド『にじさんじ』の英語圏向けグループである『NIJISANJI EN』に所属していたタレントの『Selen Tatsuki』さんが、突如として契約を解除されるという事件がありました。
2月5日、VTuberグループ「にじさんじ」を運営するANYCOLORは、英語圏向けプロジェクト「NIJISANJI EN」に所属するSelen Tatsukiさんとの契約を解除したと発表しました。これを受けて海外ファンの一部はANYCOLORへの批判的な声が挙がっているほか、二次創作コミュニティがにじさんじに関するコンテンツの取り扱いを中止するなど、波紋を呼んでいます。
Selen Tatsukiさんはチャンネル登録者数78万人を誇る人気タレントで、(彼女を含む)メンバー33名中でもトップ5に位置していました。発表が突然だったこともあってかファンコミュニティは激しく動揺しており、運営批判やひいては(多くは運営に同情的な)日本側のファンに対する非難など、各地に飛び火してしまっているようです。
まず初めに言っておきますが、以前の記事でも述べたように、これは憶測や風評の流布、ANYCOLOR社やSelen Tatsukiさんへの誹謗中傷、炎上ビジネス等を目的として書かれている記事ではありません。私は「にじさんじ」ブランドを嫌っているアンチファンではなく、またANYCOLOR社の株価の下落や、所属ライバーの方々の評判を落とそうという意図は一切ありません。そういったものをお求めの方は悪質なまとめサイトでも見ていてください。
投稿はどちらも「NIJISANJI EN」のオフィシャルアカウントとなっており、日本語公式にはリポストされていません(2月12日現在)。これが本件の日本語圏ファンと英語圏ファンの著しい温度差の原因のひとつであるようにも思います。ファン層の違い以前に、公式からのわかりやすい発表が無いため、日本語圏の「にじさんじ」ファンは殆どこの騒動を知らないと見られます。
【「Selen Tatsuki」との契約解除のご報告】
— NIJISANJI EN Official (@NIJISANJI_World) February 5, 2024
この度、「NIJISANJI EN」所属ライバー「Selen Tatsuki」による度重なる契約違反とSNS上での誤解を招く虚偽の言動により、誠に遺憾ではございますが「Selen Tatsuki」との所属契約を解除する判断をせざるを得なくなりました。詳細は添付をご確認ください。 pic.twitter.com/tV13d2fv9W
【Notice: Termination of Selen Tatsuki’s Contract with ANYCOLOR】
— NIJISANJI EN Official (@NIJISANJI_World) February 5, 2024
We hereby announce that we have had to make the difficult decision to terminate our contract with the NIJISANJI EN Liver ‘Selen Tatsuki’ effective immediately, due to repeated breaches of contract and misleading… pic.twitter.com/arIds68TZu
5th February, 2024
Notification of Contract Termination with Selen Tatsuki
We sincerely appreciate your ongoing support of NIJISANJI and NIJISANJI EN.
It is with regret that we have had to make the difficult decision to terminate our affiliation contract with the NIJISANJI EN Liver, Selen Tatsuki due to multiple breaches of contract and misleading statements on social platforms. For transparency, we have provided a detailed explanation of the circumstances and reasons that have unfortunately led us to this decision below.
■ Activity Rules for Affiliated Livers:
ANYCOLOR has established activity rules ("Activity Rules") that our affiliated Livers agree to comply with. These rules are designed to prevent infringement of third-party rights, leakage of confidential information belonging to ANYCOLOR or third parties, damage to the reputation or credibility of third parties, and other acts that may violate rights, engage in illegal activities, or involve socially condemned behaviors. As a company, we are confident that, in order to deliver content for our fans to enjoy in the long term, and to create an environment where our affiliated Livers can safely perform their activities with the support of fans and various stakeholders, it is essential for both our Livers and our company to unite and adhere to compliance with the Activity Rules.
■ Violations by Selen Tatsuki of the Activity Rules:
Despite our efforts to uphold these rules, Selen Tatsuki has repeatedly violated the Activity Rules since joining NIJISANJI EN in July 2021. Selen Tatsuki's actions in violation of the Activity Rules encompass a wide range of issues, such as non- compliance with rights confirmation and authorization flows, which could potentially lead to infringement of third-party rights, including copyrights. The violations also include unauthorized usage of works and assets belonging to others affiliated with ANYCOLOR, disregarding the intentions of these Parties, as well as lack of communication with creators resulting in delays in Selen Tatsuki's commission payments to creators. Furthermore, there have been ongoing reports about inappropriate behavior by Selen Tatsuki throughout her time as a NIJISANJI EN Liver. We have been addressing these concerns as they arise.
As a company, we recognize that these violations of the Activity Rules could damage the trust placed in NIJISANJI EN. We are also aware that such violations jeopardize the ongoing activities of other Livers affiliated with ANYCOLOR.
Furthermore, we had consistently issued warnings to Selen Tatsuki each time there was a violation of the Activity Rules. However, she repeatedly disregarded these warnings, often failing to reciprocate communication with her managers. Additionally, Selen Tatsuki has repeatedly posted false or misleading information on social media, insinuating that the violations of the Activity Rules were due to mismanagement by ANYCOLOR.
In May 2023, we sent a notice to Selen Tatsuki, stating that any further violation of the Activity Rules or engaging in false or misleading statements that could damage ourcompany's reputation would result in the termination of our affiliation contract. However, she has continued to violate the Activity Rules.
■ Events Leading to Suspension of Selen Tatsuki's Activities: All times are in JST.
Amidst the aforementioned circumstances, on December 26th, 2023, Selen Tatsuki posted a music video on the 'Selen Tatsuki 【NIJISANJI EN】 'YouTube channel without prior approval, as required by the Activity Rules. The materials for the music video were shared for the first time with our management on December 24th. Since some elements in the music video lacked proper authorization, on December 25th, we communicated to Selen Tatsuki that permission needed to be obtained from relevant parties, requesting her to wait before releasing it. Despite this, Selen Tatsuki disregarded the notice and proceeded with the unauthorized posting.
Our immediate response was to make the music video private until all authorizations were confirmed from our end. At the same time, the reasoning was clearly explained to Selen Tatsuki. However, Selen Tatsuki took to social media, specifically 'X', making misleading statements that omitted essential context, notably "management has privated the Song." Furthermore, Selen Tatsuki's post includes a statement encouraging third parties to re-upload the music video, which breaches ANYCOLOR's 'Guidelines for Secondary Creation,' (Article 1 Paragraph 2). These actions led to various misunderstandings that damaged the reputation of both ANYCOLOR and NIJISANJI EN.
In an effort to calm the situation, we sought to either publicly disclose the reasons for making the music video private or have Selen Tatsuki disclose them herself. While being mindful of Selen Tatsuki's physical and mental health, management did their best to communicate with not only Selen Tatsuki herself, but also her emergency contact. However, despite frequent communication with Selen Tatsuki's emergency contact while remaining considerate of her situation, we were unable to come to an agreement on how to proceed. The decision was made to temporarily remove her access to accounts on various social media platforms and video distribution services under the name 'Selen Tatsuki.'
■ Termination of Affiliation Contract:
After attempting to address the aforementioned situation and communicating with the legal counsel representing Selen Tatsuki, we conveyed the necessity for Selen Tatsuki to inform the public about the reasons behind our decision to make the music video private. Additionally, we expressed to Selen Tatsuki our expectations for future compliance with the Activity Rules from hereon.
Despite our efforts, Selen Tatsuki demanded that ANYCOLOR should be held legally responsible. She claimed that she was no longer able to engage in her activities as a Liver due to the decisions made by ANYCOLOR, was being harassed by other affiliated Livers due to mismanagement, etc., while refusing to acknowledge her responsibility for violating the Activity Rules. Moreover, Selen Tatsuki insisted that if the negotiations did not progress, she would proceed to release a statement regarding her claims to the public.
ANYCOLOR believes that the claims raised by Selen Tatsuki are in fact referring to situations that arose when she was warned about her breaches of the Activity Rules and attempts to shift the responsibility for these violations, damaging ANYCOLOR and NIJISANJI EN's image. This led to the deterioration of the relationship between her, ANYCOLOR, and other Livers affiliated with ANYCOLOR. ANYCOLOR firmly believes that we and the other Livers under our affiliation have not engaged in unjust practices towards Selen Tatsuki.
Considering the irreparable damage to our company's reputation and threat to the ongoing activities of other affiliated Livers, we regrettably concluded that the termination of our affiliation contract with Selen Tatsuki was unavoidable.
Since becoming a part of NIJISANJI EN in July 2021, Selen Tatsuki has undeniably played a significant role in the growth of NIJISANJI EN. We fully understand that our decision to terminate the contract will have a significant impact on Selen Tatsuki's fans and supporters of NIJISANJI EN. However, ensuring responsible content creation through adherence to the Activity Rules is fundamental to our mission. It is with deep regret that we must part ways with our affiliated Liver Selen Tatsuki, as we could not reach an agreement on our points of view; however, we would like to ask for the understanding of our fans as to the circumstances that led to this decision.
As of today, the 5th of February 2024 JST, Selen Tatsuki's activities will cease. Her YouTube membership will be closed and her social media accounts will be made private. We will also gradually halt the sale of merchandise and voice-related content. Please note that merchandise produced in 2023 featuring Selen Tatsuki or including her in their line-up may be released in the future. Selen Tatsuki's revenue payment for these has either already been completed, or is planned to be settled by the end of February.
The NIJISANJI EN VTuber group OBSYDIA will pursue their activities with Rosemi Lovelock and Petra Gurin.
We sincerely thank all the fans who supported Selen Tatsuki and apologize for any inconvenience caused by this announcement. We humbly request your continued support for OBSYDIA and NIJISANJI EN in the future.
For all inquiries related to this matter, please contact ANYCOLOR
(https://www.anycolor.co.jp/en/contact) and refrain from contacting ANYCOLOR'S Livers (including any contact on social media or on stream).
「Selen Tatsuki」氏による他のライバーに対する嫌がらせはあったのか?
Furthermore, there have been ongoing reports about inappropriate behavior by Selen Tatsuki throughout her time as a NIJISANJI EN Liver.
ANYCOLOR believes that the claims raised by Selen Tatsuki are in fact referring to situations that arose when she was warned about her breaches of the Activity Rules and attempts to shift the responsibility for these violations, damaging ANYCOLOR and NIJISANJI EN's image. This led to the deterioration of the relationship between her, ANYCOLOR, and other Livers affiliated with ANYCOLOR. ANYCOLOR firmly believes that we and the other Livers under our affiliation have not engaged in unjust practices towards Selen Tatsuki.
さらに、「SelenTatsuki」さんのNIJISANJI ENライバー在籍中の不適切な行為についても報告が続いております。
ANYCOLORは、「SelenTatsuki」が提起した主張は、実際には彼女が活動規則違反について警告を受けた際に生じた状況を指しており、これらの違反に対する責任を転嫁し、ANYCOLORとNIJISANJI ENのイメージを傷つけようとしていると考えています。これにより、彼女とANYCOLOR、およびANYCOLOR所属の他のライバーとの関係が悪化しました。ANYCOLORは、私たちおよび所属する他のライバーが「SelenTatsuki」に対して不当な行為を行っていないと固く信じています。
日本語版は明確に「ANYCOLOR関係者からは「Selen Tatsuki」による嫌がらせや不適切な行為を受けている旨の相談が継続して」報告されており、最終的にTatsuki氏と周囲の関係が悪化したものの、「ANYCOLOR及び所属ライバーとして、不当な対応は取っていなかったものと確信しています」と述べて、元はと言えば「Tatsuki氏側からのハラスメントが存在した」ことが原因で、最終的に「関係悪化」が起きた、という論理構成になっています。
しかし英語版では、Tatsuki氏の「ルール違反」の一端を示すだろうこの重要な箇所が省略され、「ENライバー在籍中の(Tatsuki氏の)不適切な行為についても報告が続いております」と述べるに留まっている一方、「ANYCOLORは、私たちおよび所属する他のライバーが「Selen Tatsuki」に対して不当な行為を行っていないと固く信じています」と変更されており、感情的な揉め事や、ハラスメントの事実自体を認めていないような書き方になっています。
一番理解に苦しむのは、今後の法的措置の展開も左右さねかねない、最も重要なポイントについてなぜ公式のステートメントが矛盾しているのか? という点です。