ことばを心に響かせる / Let the Words Touch the Heart
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このエッセイも「雷曲」/『空を掴め』の翻訳も、大学で共に詩を読んでいる受講生に向けて書いています。2020年度は、ロバート・ピンスキーが編んだアンソロジーThe Mind Has Cliffs of Fall: Poems at the Extremes of Feeling(2019)を読み、詩の感情表現について考えましました。私の翻訳を読んでもらう機会はありませんでしたが、普段、詩を読むことの実践と「解説」をしていることを踏まえ、学生ならこの英訳をどのように解釈するのか、どんな和訳を当てるのか、といったことを念頭に翻訳をしました。
アメリカでは、パンデミックで都市封鎖がされる中、いち早く“Shelter in Poems”という企画が米国詩人協会によって立ち上がりました。バーチャル・リーディングやハッシュタグを使い、詩を共有しようというものです。ポエトリー・リーディングが盛んなアメリカならではの実行力だと思います。それほど多くの人が詩を必要としているのでしょう。
Let the Words Touch the Heart
by Michiyo Sekine
translated by the author
During the COVID-19 pandemic, I translated the poem “雷曲” (“A Thunder Tune”) into English. To be precise, my translation is based on the photo poetry book Catch the Emptiness (2020), which was co-authored by Akiyoshi Taniguchi, a photographer, and Mizuho Ishida, a poet. I usually read poems in English and translate some into Japanese. However, this is the first time I have translated a Japanese poem into English. At first, I could do nothing but sit, without thinking of anything, before the poem/the book.
Murmur the words of the poem and turn the pages. Write down ideas with a pen. Gaze at the photos idly. Go for a walk and recite the lines. Look up at the sky, and let the words touch the heart while the thunder roars. Record and listen to the translation and wander. Those are the things that I did to gain an appreciation for “A Thunder Tune”/Catch the Emptiness when the first state of emergency was declared.
How easily poetry can bring richness to me.
I had many things to keep in mind when I translated it. Let’s say that my translation attempted, as much as possible, to leave the ambiguities of the words in the original poem in order to convey the texture. Anything confusing to a reader was left as is.
This essay and the translation were written for my students who read poems together at the university. In 2020, we read The Mind Has Cliffs of Fall: Poems at the Extremes of Feeling (2019), which was edited by Robert Pinsky and considered the expression of feeling in poetry. There was no opportunity to have them read “A Thunder Tune” in English. In light of the fact that we usually practice reading and explaining poems, I translated the poem with these things in mind: how the students interpret the English version and how they translate it into Japanese.
University students have also been living a hard life during the COVID-19 pandemic. They have been considered representatives of young people, they took classes online, and they were required to complete many assignments. Some of them were laid off from their part time job. Some dropped out of college. Not all SNSs necessarily acquire sufficient information. Instead, sometimes they are tired of the vortex of violent words.
In the U.S., while the nation was in lockdown during the pandemic, the project “Shelter in Poems” was quickly launched by the Academy of American Poets. The intention of this project is to share a poem with others using virtual readings and a hashtag. The project is a powerful and unique action that developed because of the fact that poetry readings are popular and the events are frequently held across the country. So many people would need poetry there.
The emotions and words, or the languages acquired from the experience of discussing poems with my students under the small shelter, are supposedly reflected in my translation. At the exhibition of “Catch the Emptiness,” which was held at the Kurenboh Gallery, the English version was written on the walls, and the words, which had been isolated, became part of the space. I felt ultimate bliss when I experienced the moment when the words came alive while I heard the echoes of children’s voices as they played in the park.