
How to say “hello” and ”see you” at work in Japan (within the company)

You might notice that at offices in Japan, Otsukare-samadesu(おつかれさまです) is often used for greeting instead of Konnichiwa"こんにちは".
It is very important to get used to using Japanese for work.

Within the company

Otsukare-samadesu means "Hi" or "Hello" when you meet up someone at office. Here is a table below that shows how to say "hello" at work.
It separates into 3 cases, "daytime", "arriving at office" and "leaving office".
Right column shows that the greeting to boss and senior colleagues and left to junior colleagues.

To clients

Please note that you should not use Otsukare-samadesu to clients and people outside the company.
Please check the link about how to greet to clients.

I hope it helps your understanding. ^^

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