Step 1 次の内容を1分間英語で話そう!
Step 2 1分間英語を丸暗記しよう!
Okayama Prefecture is well-known as the setting for the manga If My Favorite Pop Idol Made It to the Budokan, I Would Die by Auri Hirao. Additionally, the prefecture is a very important area in the sake industry.
Sake is made from rice, but not the same type as the one that we normally eat. Japan has been developing special rice for sake brewing for a long time. Omachi is a sake rice strain originally from Okayama that is the root of Yamadanishiki, a type that’s often called the king of sake rice. Sake brewed with omachi rice tends to have a robust flavor, and those who love it call themselves “omachists.” The type of rice used to brew the sake is usually indicated on the label. Appreciating sake made from different rice varieties allows you to enjoy sake in many ways!
・Okayama Prefecture: 岡山県
・If My Favorite Pop Idol Made It to the Budokan, I Would Die: 『推しが武道館いってくれたら死ぬ』。平尾アウリによる人気の漫画で、岡山県が舞台
・Omachi: 雄町。岡山県原産の酒米で、山田錦の祖先にあたる品種
・sake rice: 酒米
・Yamadanishiki: 山田錦。稲の品種の一つで「酒米の王」と言われる
・omachist: 雄町米で作られた日本酒を特に好む人々のこと
・label: ラベル
Step 3 使える表現をカスタマイズしよう!
❶ be well-known as... :〜として知られている
Omachi is well-known as a sake rice with bold flavor.(雄町は力強い風味の酒米として知られています)
❷ additionally :加えて
Additionally, sake can be enjoyed as hot sake. (さらに日本酒は熱燗でも楽しめます)
❸ not the same as... :〜とは同じではない
Sake is not the same as shochu.(酒は焼酎と同じではない)
❹tend to... :〜の傾向がある
Kubota tends to have a higher alcohol content.(久保田は度数が高い傾向にある)
❺ appreciate... :〜を堪能する
I’m appreciating the pairing of sake and cheese.(日本酒とチーズの組み合わせを堪能しています)