
海外ファンは日本のアニメを英語でどう語るのか? #1【進撃の巨人】

技術の発達で世界同時視聴も可能となり、世界中で人気の日本アニメ。彼らは果たして、英語でその想いをどう語っているのでしょうか? その内容の一部を抜粋して紹介します。今回は「進撃の巨人」の英語レビューです。



I actually fi nd it extremely interesting that after the most recent
events regarding Eren Yeager and the situation that he’s been put into, that a lot of people have literally come to hate Gabi as a character, not as a joke, not as a meme, but generally have hatred for her. The reason I find this funny is because the same reasons that a lot of people hate Gabi is also the same reasons on why they should hate Eren.

Funny enough Eren and Gabi are two sides of the same coin. They parallel each other very beautifully and they show a very harsh realistic nature from both paradise and Eldia’s perspective with Eren Yaeger, but then we also get Gabi’s perspective from Marley.

I’ve really come to enjoy how Isoyama uses Gabi as a character, how he betrays her, how the morality within her character and how she views certain situations is extremely convoluted. Both mentally and emotionally she is conflicted. Especially within the most recent events, the self-reflection of
Gabi’s character and what she came to understand from paradise and the people within is almost heartwarming.

Then everything that Marley has done up to this point to her specifically to hate Eldians to any extent that these people are the devil̶she has broken that ideology that’s been instilled into her. She’s realized that Eldians aren’t as bad has Marley portray them to be, that these are just people wanting to live
just like everyone back over on Marley.







  • meme:(ネット)ミーム、ネットを通じて拡散されるネタ要素の強い動画や文章

  • hatred for...:~に対する憎しみ

  • parallel:類似する

  • harsh:残酷な

  • perspective:見方

  • morality:道徳性

  • convoluted:複雑な

  • be conflicted:葛藤する

  • self-reflection:自己反省

  • heartwarming:心温まる

  • specifically:明確に、具体的に

  • instill:吹き込む

※この記事は「多聴多読マガジン 6月号」の内容を再編集しました。

