Step 1 次の内容を1分間英語で話そう!
藤の見頃は4 月下旬から5 月上旬。栃木県のあしかがフラワーパークが有名だが、岡山県の和気(わけ)町藤公園は日本一の花の種類を誇る! 四季折々の景色が恋しくなったら、歌舞伎の『藤娘』で藤を楽しむのはいかがだろう。花の美しさとパフォーマンスは言葉の壁を越えるよ!
Step 2 1分間英語を丸暗記しよう!
My family name is Fujishiro, which may make you think of Mt. Fuji. In the name, one kanji means ‘wisteria,’ the flowering plant. Wisteria symbolizes good luck and kindness in Japanese culture. Also, the kanji for ‘fuji’ symbolizes longevity and protection from evil. The best time to see wisteria is usually from late April to early May. While Ashikaga Flower Park in Tochigi is famous, Wake Fuji Park in Okayama has Japan’s largest variety of flowers! If you miss the seasonal views, how about enjoying wisteria at a kabuki dance called Fuji Musume (Wisteria Maiden)? The beauty of the flowers and performance transcend language barriers!
Step 3 使える表現をカスタマイズしよう!
❶ make A think of... : A に~を思い出させる
【応用】The smell of fresh bread baking in the oven makes me think of home.
❷ symbolize : ~を象徴する
【応用】The dove symbolizes peace.(鳩は平和を象徴している)
❸ While A, B : A である一方、B は……。
【応用】While Sarah is outgoing, Emily is more reserved.
❹ large variety of... : 多くの異なる種類の~
【応用】A large variety of fruits are available at the market.
❺ How about ...ing ? : ~するのはどうですか?
【応用】How about taking a day trip to Ashikaga Flower Park?