英語になった日本語たち [第6回] ikigai (生きがい)
第6回 ikigai (生きがい)
ikigai(生きがい)という日本語が国際的な広まりをみせています。私たち日本人にとって、慣れ親しんだことば「生きがい」は、海外の人々には、どのように響いているのでしょうか? なぜこのことばが受け入れられたのでしょうか? 探っていきましょう。
The Japanese word ikigai has gained international attention in recent years. This term is deeply familiar to many Japanese, but how does it resonate abroad? And why has it become so popular? Let’s explore the reasons behind its global appeal.
The worldwide appeal of ikigai began with Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life, published in Spain in 2016. This book highlighted the values and lifestyle of Okinawan elders, introducing Okinawa as a “Blue Zone”—regions of the world known for long-living populations. The book suggested that ikigai is one of the secrets behind the longevity of Okinawans.
The book defines ikigai as the intersection of four key elements: “what you love,” “what the world needs,” “what you can be paid for,” and “what you are good at.” Beyond life goals, ikigai is also about embracing small, everyday joys. This flexibility makes the concept relatable to people with diverse values and lifestyles, contributing to its universal appeal.
In today’s rapidly changing world, many people are searching for happiness and purpose. Furthermore, the universal desire to live a long, healthy, and fulfilling life transcends cultures and time. Against this backdrop, the concept of ikigai, with real-life examples of Okinawan elders, offers a refreshing perspective. Unlike material success or the weight of a singular “life mission,” ikigai provides a more accessible, practical approach to finding meaning in life.
Additionally, as there is no direct equivalent for ikigai in English, the term has been adopted as-is, allowing it to spread across the English-speaking world while retaining its unique Japanese essence.
「どう変わる? アメリカと世界2025」
トランプ大統領が「MAGA(Make America Great Again)」を掲げ、再び政権に復帰しました。その影響はアメリカ国内にとどまらず、世界全体に広がることが予想されます。
1. 外交 2. 経済 3. 地球温暖化 4. 多様性 5. 民主主義
本特集では、上記の5つの視点に基づき、decoupling(関係断絶)、climate justice(気候正義)などの150の英語キーワードを通して、トランプ政権の政策がもたらす世界の変化を予測し、考察します。