英語になった日本語たち [第4回] isekai
第4回 isekai (異世界)
今号で紹介する、isekai(異世界)は、ライトノベルやアニメのサブジャンルのことを指します。このことばが海外で通じることは、アニメファンでない方にとっては驚きではないでしょうか? このジャンルの定義やどうして人気なのかを探っていきましょう。
In March 2024, the Oxford English Dictionary added 23 new words of Japanese origin. In particular, the addition of the word “isekai” reflects the popularity of Japanese anime. While it directly translates to “another world,” isekai specifically refers to a subgenre of Japanese fantasy. For Japanese people who aren’t anime fans, it might be surprising that the term has become recognized abroad.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, its definition is as follows:
A Japanese genre of science or fantasy fiction featuring a protagonist who is transported to or reincarnated in a different, strange, or unfamiliar world. Also: an anime, manga, video game, etc. in this genre. Frequently [used] as a modifier.
Stories involving protagonists going to and having adventures in other worlds are nothing new, but isekai stories, with their overwhelmingly strong protagonists who bring knowledge of modern society into other worlds, and their appeal of escaping modern life’s constraints, have become increasingly popular.
Additionally, the settings of isekai stories are often inspired by video game environments, which resonate with readers who are also gamers.
Isekai can also be used as a verb. “Get isekaied” refers to getting reincarnated in another world, and is a slang expression used by otaku. English-speaking fans have also popularized its use. This phenomenon proves that isekai is fresh and attracting widespread appeal across cultures.
isekaiは、動詞としても使われます。「get isekaied」は、違う世界に生まれ変わることを指し、オタクの間で使われるスラングです。英語を話すファンの間でもそうした使い方が広まっています。この現象は、isekaiということばが新鮮であり、文化を超えて広く訴えかけることを証明しています。
【特集】「好き」で英語力アップ! マンガ・漫画・Manga
・インタビュー: 私の英訳作法