研修はCohort-Based Learning(コーホート・ベースド・ラーニング)のスタイルで行われ、1時間のオンラインセッション、宿題、ディスカッショングループというセットを6週間繰り返す構成になっています。内容は、マネジメントの幹である「目標設定スキル」と「面談スキル」のみにフォーカスしています。

English version is following.
Designing Immersive Management Skill Online Training.
Who gets properly trained to be a “good manager”, really?
Some of us who are new to management positions have been through some sort of training, whether it's for soft skills or hard skills. In the past, it’s usually some sort of 1-2 day intensive classes/workshop that takes place in a big room. And now it’s more often to have a series of videos to watch, especially after covid, where everything has moved online.
I often wonder, though, about how much of the learnings from each training session actually stick with us in the end.
So when we tasked ourselves to design a training program to equip managers with foundational management skills, we knew we wanted a program that’s more than letting the participants know what good management might look like. What if we can have a program that truly enables participants to apply management skills to their work?
Learning by doing: the training should be straightforward, and embedded into the participants’ work environment.
The training program is done in the style of Cohort-Based Learning, consisting of a series of one-hour online sessions, homework, and discussion groups that repeat for 6 weeks. The program’s content focuses only on the very basic management skills: goal-setting skills and conversation skills. On the contrary of having intensive three-day 8-hour training sessions, it allows better involvement and reflections because it is immediately useful and the learning happens simultaneously with participants’ everyday managing work.

🤏Make each session short to achieve better focus.
We find that it works better when each session is as short as one hour. Not only is it easier to focus on a single subject each time, it also makes it easier for participants to mentally stay focused during each session, especially when the whole training is done online. (Let’s be honest, how many of us check emails and other things during online meetings?) On top of that, having the sessions spread throughout a longer time frame, in this case: 6 weeks, gives participants time and space to reflect on their learnings while they receive training as they carry on day to day managing tasks.
🤟 Assign homework that generates outcomes immediately useful in everyday work as a manager.
We intentionally assign homeworks that produces content that are immediately helpful for everyday managing work. Nothing is more powerful than seeing what you learn to take shape in real life. For example, exercises to understand current team members better, writing clear & motivating goals for actual people you manage, etc. Once participants see the effect of basic management skills, they tend to be more motivated for the rest of the program, and feel comfortable to intentionally apply the skills to their work.
🤝 Build a small support group within peers.
In Cohort-Based Learning, participants not only learn from program facilitators, but will also learn from each other. Since management involves a lot of soft skills and can be done in different styles, we believe that it’s helpful to continuously explore different perspectives and learn from different people’s experiences. By encouraging thought exchanges during classes, or having designated group discussion time, participants are set up to view each other as their own learning support system throughout and after the training program.
The most challenging thing will be to get time commitment from participants.
Although learning management skills can be useful in the long run, work is busy, and time is precious for managers. Participating in training programs is more than likely not on the priority list for most people. Therefore it’s important to make the training schedule work for the participants. Here are some things we found that work for us:
Schedule all the training sessions and discussion times in advance, so that it’s easier for participants to plan the weeks and don’t have to think about scheduling every week.
Be very clear about the intention of each activity/homework, and give clear directions and examples so that participants aren’t spending too much time figuring out what they need to do.
Assume that participants are not used to online classes / digital tools, and don’t have time to familiarize themselves outside of scheduled class time. Keep the first few sessions light in content to allow more time for participants to learn using the digital tools.
We humbly know that the training program isn’t, and will never be perfect. So we will continue to improve.
After each training program, we collect feedback about the content, format, and facilitation so we can continue to improve our training. We are also aware that the learning experience relies heavily on good facilitation, therefore we are also designing training for facilitators in order to have consistent training quality.
Aside from the design of the training program, we are still exploring what is the best way to customize for different organizations, which might include using different ways to deliver content, using different communication platforms, etc.
At the same time, we are carefully balancing facilitated learning VS self/group learning. Facilitated learning helps people get to a good start, while self/group learning allows the learning to continue even after the program.
In the end, I really do hope that through our training program, we can empower more managers to provide good working environments for teams.
Because good management might just be the thing that will help workers become more meaningful and fulfilling. And who doesn’t like that?