澤部 祐太&甘粕 伸幸&野村 和也【CODE BLUE SPEAKER インタビュー】
[Speaker interview, English follows]
今回は「Mal-gopherとは?Go系マルウェアの分類のためのgimpfuzzy実装と評価」の講演を予定されている、澤部 祐太氏、甘粕 伸幸氏、野村 和也氏のインタビューをお届けします。
―― 発表されるテーマを始めたきっかけは何ですか?
―― この研究を行う上で、障害となったことは何ですか?
―― この講演に参加しようと思っている人たちに一言お願いします。
“Who is the Mal-Gopher?
- Implementation and Evaluation of “gimpfuzzy” for Go Malware Classification”
―― How did you get started in the topic that you are presenting?
The increase in Go malware has been felt daily in our operations and research, as well as in the many security vendor articles that have been published.
On the other hand, one of the indicators to identify Go binaries is gimphash, which was used on MalwareBazaar, a specimen information-sharing site, in July 2022.
Our research started with the idea that this indicator could be improved to provide a more accurate classification of Go malware.
―― What were some of the obstacles in doing this research?
Go malware has a large file size, and the data set we handled this time was also quite large. The validation dealt with all combinations of just under 8,000 specimens, and a great deal of time was devoted to confirming the volume of data and the validity of the tabulations and results.
―― What would you say to the people thinking of attending this talk?
We believe that gimpfuzzy, which we will be presenting, will be helpful for Go malware research and classification. We hope to see you there if you are interested.
世界トップクラスの専門家による情報セキュリティ国際会議「CODE BLUE(コードブルー)」