【code blue RBインタビュー】鵜飼裕司
English text follows Japanese.
7月15日、CODE BLUE 2022 CFP(Call For Presentations)の第一次締め切りを終えました。最終締め切りは8月15日となりますが、ここでレビューボードの鵜飼裕司(FFRIセキュリティ)氏に話を伺いました。鵜飼氏は、日本のセキュリティ業界を2000年代より牽引し続けるパイオニアであり、世界有数のセキュリティカンファレンスであるBlack Hatのレビューボードも務めています。CODE BLUEのCFPは現在選定中とのことで、具体的な言及はありませんが、コロナ禍がカンファレンスに与えた影響や、レビューアーがCFPに求めるポイントなどについてコメントをいただきました。
―― 国際カンファレンスにおけるコロナ禍の影響、とくにCFPへの影響を教えてください。
今年のCODE BLUEに関して言えば、CFPの数はそれなりに戻ってきています。締め切りを二段階に設定したことも良い方向に影響しているのかもしれません。
―― セキュリティカンファレンスの現在の動向について、傾向などあれば教えてください。
―― コロナ禍でCFPの応募が減ったとのことですが、それに伴ってカンファレンスの講演ラインナップの質が低下してしまう懸念はありませんか。
―― CFPに採択されるにはどのような点に配慮すべきでしょうか。
―― これからCFPに応募しようとする人にメッセージをお願いします。
鵜飼:カンファレンスのスピーカーになると多くのメリットがあります。さまざまな人たちと交流する中でリスペクトされますし、人とのつながりも増える。さらに今後のキャリア形成にも役立ちますし、所属する組織のステータスも一気に上がると思います。個人も組織もWinWinでハッピーになれると思います。日本のセキュリティ業界内において、CODE BLUEの知名度やブランド力はトップクラスです。ぜひ、挑戦してください。
On July 15, CODE BLUE 2022 CFP (Call For Presentations) completed its initial deadline. The final deadline is on August 15. We spoke with review board member Yuji Ukai (FFRI Security). Mr. Ukai has been a pioneer in the Japanese security industry since the 2000s. He is also a member of the Review Board for Black Hat, one of the world's leading security conferences.
CODE BLUE CFPs are currently under review, so the review board does not have comments on each application. We asked Mr. Ukai to answer some questions on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the conference. We also asked about the CPF reviewing processing, what CPF reviewers look for in an submission.
―― What is the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on international conferences, especially on CFPs?
Ukai : The COVID-19 pandemic caused a significant reduction in the number of CFP submissions. The situation has gradually improved and restrictions on cross-border movement have been eased. The number of CFPs is slowly increasing but has not returned to pre-COVID levels.
This again showed us that in addition to keeping up with the latest information, there was also a significant aspect of people wanting to interact with each other at international conferences. Many people were not submitting to the CFP if they could not meet face-to-face.
As far as CODE BLUE is concerned this year, the number of CFPs has returned to a reasonable level. I think the two phased approach by adding an additional deadline has had a positive effect.
―― What are the current trends in security conferences?
Ukai : A recent trend in regards to the technical topics, the diversity of technology that gets covered has increased. Cybersecurity is a technology that is needed in many different places and situations. If you are a professional who covers many areas of security, you need to keep up with the latest information. I believe the conferences are places to learn about topics you are unfamiliar with.
In terms of non-technical aspects, due to the current geopolitical environment "national security" is a hot topic worldwide.
―― I understand that the COVID-19 pandemic has reduced the number of CFP submissions, but are there any concerns that the quality of the conference speaker lineup will also be impacted?
Ukai : We do not believe there are any such concerns. The members of the Review Board will evaluate the submitted presentations based on their areas of expertises. Each evaluation is converted into a quantifiable score, and submissions with the highest scores are being selected.
Although the number of submissions has decreased over the past few years, we do not believe this has led to a decline in quality since the criterion for selection has not changed. The significant decrease in the number of submissions were submissions that were submitted basically as "I just applied as a challenge" level submissions.
―― What should submissions consider to be selected for a CFP?
Ukai : I think there are two things: the novelty of the research topic. It should be clear what makes the research new. Another thing is that the research results should be tangible. Ideally results should be quantifiable.Still, even if they are not, the evaluation will be higher if the credibility of the results can be inferred to some extent or if they are written objectively.
―― Please give a message to those who are interested in submitting to a CFP.
Ukai : There are many benefits to becoming a conference speaker. You get to interact with many people and get respect from them. In addition, it might help you in your future career development, and I believe that the status of the organization you belong to will improve dramatically too. I believe both the individual and the organization will be happy with a win-win situation. CODE BLUE's name recognition and brand recognition are top class in the Japanese security industry. I encourage you to take on this challenge.
鵜飼裕司(うかいゆうじ)Yuji Ukai
1973年徳島県生まれ。博士(工学)。Kodak研究開発センターにてデジタルイメージングデバイスの研究開発に従事した後、2003年に渡米。カリフォルニア州 eEye Digital Security社に入社。セキュリティ脆弱性分析や脆弱性診断技術、組み込みシステムのセキュリティ脅威分析等に関する研究開発に従事。2007年7月、セキュリティコア技術に関する研究、コンサルティングサービス、セキュリティ関連プロダクトの開発・販売を主事業とする株式会社FFRIを設立。また、独立行政法人情報処理推進機構の研究員を兼務(非常勤)し、コンピュータセキュリティをとりまく脅威の分析・対策立案のための活動に取り組む。
総務省「クラウドセキュリティ検討会」、内閣官房「リスク要件リファレンスモデル作業部会」、「連携マップ作成作業部会」、独立行政法人情報処理推進機構「自動車セキュリティ検討会」、「制御システムセキュリティ検討会」など多数の政府関連プロジェクトの委員、オブザーバーを歴任。米国BlackHat ConferenceのContent Review Board Member。
斉藤健一(さいとうけんいち)Kenichi Saito
元ハッカージャパン編集長。現在フリーライター。CODE BLUEをはじめ、セキュリティ業界を徘徊しています。日本ハッカー協会や企業のオウンドメディアなどでも活動。
Twitter : @hj_saito