
ビアンカ アナ チャベス Bianca Ana Chavez| ボタニカルアーティスト Botanical Artist| 鳥取県 Tottori Prefecture

Botanical Artist _ Bianca Ana Chavez


Bianca Ana Chavez is a botanical artist living in Tottori, Japan. She was born in Salinas, California and raised in the Monterey County countryside surrounded by nature.  Her artwork transmits the tranquility found in observing plants.


We asked her to create a series of pencil drawings depicting the flora of Tottori through its changing seasons. We will gradually add new works to the series. So, please enjoy.


湯梨浜町がシンボルフラワーに選ばれたほど美しい花です。中国地方や隠岐諸島、特に沿岸部に生育する固有種です。絵を描くために, いくつかのトウテイランを貰いました。その銀色の葉と紫がかった青の花は、我が家の庭に見事に映えました。

Toteiran (Veronica ornata)
Scientific Name: Veronica ornata 
Veronica ornata is so beautiful that the small town of Yurihama in Tottori Prefecture chose it as its flower symbol. This endemic plant grows throughout the Chugoku Region and Oki Islands, especially in coastal regions. I was lucky to be given a few cuttings to draw. Its silver leaves and gentle purple-to-blue flowers appear stunningly in our garden.



Daisen Kyaraboku(Japanese Dwarf Yew)
Scientific Name: Taxus cuspidata
From my art studio, I can see Mount Daisen in the distance. When we first moved here, we climbed to the summit where this magical plant grows. As you climb, the air becomes cool and crisp. The high altitude's effect on the plants' stunted growth is noticeable. The Daisen variety of the Japanese Dwarf Yew is so unique that it is designated and protected as a natural monument.



Oniyuri(Tiger Lily)
Scientific Name: Lilium lancifolium
We moved to Tottori as a part of a movement to revitalize old, empty Japanese houses. An essential feature of our home is the tsubo niwa inner garden, where we can enjoy the changing seasons. This lily pops up there every summer. Watching the flower buds form, burst open, and fall has become an annual summer event, like slow-motion fireworks. 


二十世紀梨を実らせる為の受粉交配用の梨の品種、山梨の花のイラストです。鳥取県の湯梨浜町にある安藤さんの農園 @shooomaaaa からイラスト用に分けていただきました。農家にとって非常に大切な枝であるため、その贈り物と機会に感謝します。 鳥取の特産品である二十世紀梨は、季節になると、シャキシャキした甘く爽やかな梨が、家から家へ、友人から友人へ、家族から家族へと渡り、上品に包装された箱詰めで全国に送られます。鳥取に移住してから、私も数え切れないほどの二十世紀梨を手にし、それに応えて多くの箱を遠くの国々に送り、梨味のキャンディも届けてきました。私は、みんなにこの梨がもたらす幸福を味わってほしいと願っています。 幸福の一部は、二十世紀梨の果実を結実させるために使用する山梨の花のおかげです。農家の皆さん、そして豊かさを分かち合ってくれる人々に感謝します。

This is an illustration of the Yamanashi variety of the Japanese pear, used to pollinate fruit bearing varieties like the 20th Century pears. It was broken off and gifted to me by @shooomaaaa farms (Yurihama town Tottori) for the purpose of illustration. These branches are very important to farmers, so I am thankful for the gift and opportunity. Tottori’s local specialty is the 20th Century pear. When they are in season, this crisp, sweet refreshing Japanese pear is passed from door to door, friend to friend, family to family and elegantly wrapped boxes of them are sent across the country. Since moving to Tottori, many 20th Century pears have been placed in my hands. In turn, I have sent countless boxes far and away, and flavored candies to distant countries. What can I say, I want everyone to experience the happiness that comes with these pears. That happiness is in thanks in part to the Yamanashi variety of the pear used to fertilize it. Thank you to the pollinators, thank you to the farmers, thank you those who share in your abundance.

Each artwork is based on observation from live plants using pencil, sepia squid ink made in Tottori Prefecture, and Japanese watercolors on Arches hot pressed watercolor paper. Learning about unique plants is part of the excitement.


Tapestry set:因州和紙

Post card:因州和紙

〒682-0821 鳥取県倉吉市魚町2516
