



あの日は来年開催するイベントの準備に香港に移動する予定だった。フライトの前に人に会う約束で、早朝に駅にむかった。そこで長時間、足止めになったが、何が起こったかはまだ発表されていない。今夜は香港でデジタルアート協会の役員やイベントの主催者、マネージャーや参加作家等との食事会の予定がある。東京や深圳からのゲストも参加する予定だが…。ボクはアメリカから日本経由で香港に行く。すべては香港のアートシーンのキーパースン、デジタルアーティスト、リー夫妻のコーディネイトのおかげだ。デザイナーやフォトグラファー、コーディネーター、デジタルアーティストなどが、今度のアートショー《Digital Fest Hong Kong '95》の開催にに賛同してくれている。


今年、われわれは《Digital Fest Hong Kong '95》を開催する予定だ。その準備のために香港入りした。例のごとく、コーディネータとのうちあわせや、スポンサーとの交渉に、招聘する作家と演出の相談…エンドレスな業務に追われる中、関係者と顔合わせの食事会の予定がある。今日出席する連中は、今夜ボクがここに来ない可能性など想像もしてないだろう。ボクはここにいるが、もういない人間だったかもしれない。その刹那を抱えながら、彼らの待つレストランへ足早に向かった。


「るべお、東京から来た仲のいいクリエーターを紹介するよ。Mayという映像作家でね。今度のプロジェクトにぴったりだと思うよ」いつもどおり、穏やかなリーがいた。「それは楽しみだね」とボク。出席者が席につくとリーがボクを紹介した。「ルビオはLA出身、現在はサンディエゴ在住だ。カリフォルニアで活躍する壁画作家だ。それに加えて、デジタルアートのコーディネーターとして世界中のアーティストと交流するアクティブな作家だ。そしてこの《Digital Fest Hong Kong '95》のプロデューサーで、この香港で世界レベルのデジタルアート展を開催するため来てくれた!」拍手で迎えられ、紹介を受けてイベントの概要やコンセプト、演出アイデアを説明し、パンフレットを配った。参加アーティストがそれぞれ制作アイデアを出し合う。盛り上がってきた時、リーはMayを紹介した。実はMayも今年、東京でデジタルアート展の開催予定があり、リーも招待作家として参加する。Mayは参加者から大歓迎の拍手で迎えられた。彼女ははボクに東京のアートショーの趣旨を話し、ボクのグループを招待したいと話した。こうして僕とMayの長いつきあいがここ香港ではじまった

ところが大勢が最大限に努力して開催にこぎつけた《Digital Fest Hong Kong '95》は、開催当日、巨大な台風が香港を直撃。長い時間をかけて準備して、招待作家も作品とともに香港入りしている。ボクたちは何としても開催しようと思った矢先、政府は台風の危険数値を「レベル4」から「レベル5」に引き上げた。イベントは中止するしか選択肢がなかった。この悪いニュースをリーとボクはMayにそれぞれ別個にメールで知らせた。香港を所狭しと暴れまわる台風をホテルの部屋から眺めていると、日本が未曽有のテロ事件に巻き込まれたあの日ボクが偶然助けられたことを強く感じた。その時はまだやることが残っているからだと思ったが、こんな事態になっても、まだやるべきことがあるから、この巨大な台風の中で生かされている。その時、部屋の電話が鳴った。Mayだった。台風で中止になったイベントへの挨拶と、あらためて東京のデジタルアート展に招待してくれた。ボクは未来に目を向けようと承知した


I escaped that nightmare in Shinjuku by the thinnest thread of fate.

That day in Shinjuku, I stood waiting for the Yamanote Line, clutching an endless sense of unease. The station was filled with the constant echo of announcements crackling over the speakers. The platform overflowed with people, a chaotic sea teetering dangerously close to the edge of the tracks. An unfamiliar number of police officers surveyed the crowd with sharp, watchful eyes, while paramedics dashed frantically back and forth.

Not understanding Japanese, I was left utterly bewildered. There was no one to explain the situation to me, no voice to cut through the confusion. The chaos felt as if it would stretch on forever.

I emerged from that incident alive, carrying a mission I was meant to fulfill.

That day, I was scheduled to travel to Hong Kong to prepare for an event set to take place next year. Before my flight, I had arranged to meet someone, so I headed to the station early in the morning. However, I ended up being stuck there for hours, with no official announcement about what was happening.

Tonight, a dinner is planned in Hong Kong with board members of the Digital Art Association, event organizers, managers, and participating artists. Guests from Tokyo and Shenzhen are also expected to join...

I’m traveling to Hong Kong via Japan from the United States. None of this would have been possible without the coordination of the key figures in Hong Kong’s art scene—the digital artist couple, the Lees. Designers, photographers, coordinators, and digital artists have all come together in support of the upcoming art show, Digital Fest Hong Kong '95.

I arrived in Hong Kong from the airport as scheduled. After a quick shower, I absentmindedly turned on the hotel room television, letting the long day wash over me. Flipping through the channels, I stumbled upon Japan’s national broadcaster, NHK News.

It was that incident.
The footage flickered with chaotic scenes—paramedics rushing frantically, police officers directing crowds, station staff in a panic, lifeless bodies covered with sheets, injured passengers, and distraught women clinging to one another. The report speculated about a highly toxic substance. Someone had apparently targeted the subway during the crowded morning rush hour.

"In Tokyo, once considered the safest city in the world, an event capable of shattering ordinary life unfolded so effortlessly!" the anchor's voice trembled as it filled the screen.

I had been right there—so close—waiting endlessly for a train, completely unaware of the catastrophe unraveling just beyond my line of sight. A chill ran through me as I watched.

What were the odds of my survival? A millimeter? A meter? No one could ever know.

Announcements had echoed endlessly in the station, but I couldn’t understand Japanese. In that chaos, there wasn’t a single person who could explain to me what was happening.

This year, we’re set to host Digital Fest Hong Kong '95. I arrived in Hong Kong to prepare for it. As always, there are endless tasks—meetings with coordinators, negotiations with sponsors, discussions about direction and creative vision with invited artists. Amid this whirlwind of responsibilities, there’s a dinner planned to meet key stakeholders face-to-face.

The people waiting for me tonight likely can’t imagine a scenario where I might not have made it here at all. I’m here now, but there’s a version of me that might not have been.

Carrying that fleeting thought, I quickened my pace towards the restaurant where they were waiting.

A Twist of Fate: The Unlikely Collaboration Between May and Me

"Rubeo, let me introduce you to a talented creator from Tokyo. Her name is May, a filmmaker—I think she’s a perfect fit for our upcoming project," Lee said in his usual calm and composed manner.

"I’m looking forward to meeting her," I replied with a smile.

Once everyone had taken their seats, Lee began my introduction.

"Rubeo is originally from LA and currently based in San Diego. He’s an acclaimed mural artist working across California. Beyond that, he’s an active digital art coordinator, collaborating with artists from all over the world. He’s here in Hong Kong to produce Digital Fest Hong Kong '95, bringing a world-class digital art exhibition to life in our city!"

Applause followed, and I stood to share an overview of the event—the concept, creative direction, and vision—handing out pamphlets as I spoke. Conversations buzzed with energy as participating artists began exchanging ideas about their upcoming works.

When the excitement reached its peak, Lee introduced May.

As it turned out, May was also planning to host a digital art exhibition in Tokyo later this year, with Lee himself as one of the invited artists. She was warmly welcomed with enthusiastic applause from everyone at the table.

May spoke to me about the purpose and vision of her Tokyo art show and extended an invitation to my team to participate.

And just like that, amidst the vibrant creative energy of Hong Kong, a long and meaningful collaboration between May and me quietly began.

Despite the tireless efforts of so many, Digital Fest Hong Kong '95 faced an unimaginable twist of fate. On the day of the event, a massive typhoon struck Hong Kong with full force.

After months of preparation, invited artists had already arrived, their works carefully arranged and ready for display. We were determined to move forward, no matter the circumstances. But just as we steeled ourselves to begin, the government raised the typhoon warning level from Level 4 to Level 5. There was no choice—we had to cancel the event.

Lee and I each wrote separate emails to May, sharing the unfortunate news.

From my hotel room, I watched the typhoon tear through the city, the winds howling, rain beating against the windows. The chaotic scene outside reminded me of that day in Tokyo when I had narrowly escaped an unprecedented terrorist attack. Back then, I believed I had been spared because there was still something left for me to do. And even now, amidst the roaring storm, I felt the same—there was still a mission ahead of me, something waiting just beyond this moment.

The phone rang. It was May.

With calm and warmth, she offered her condolences about the canceled event and once again invited me to the digital art exhibition in Tokyo.

I accepted, shifting my gaze forward, ready to embrace whatever came next.

Thus began our journey, embracing the mission of peace and striving to take on all we could.

Since that first project, May and I have collaborated across California, Mexico, Japan, and other parts of Asia, working on advertising campaigns, urban events, and film productions. We’ve been blessed with rare opportunities and, at times, a seemingly effortless path forward.

I believe this ease, this series of fortunate moments, exists because the mission handed to us in exchange for those narrow escapes still continues today.

