ペダゴー - "新しいペダゴーは男だ"
保育士 - "彼女の野望は保育士になることだった"
幼稚園の先生 - "彼はもう何年も幼稚園の先生として働いている"
レジデンシャル・ソーシャルワーカー(社会福祉施設において、居住サービスを核として行われる生活支援を行う人) - "彼女は何人かのレジデンシャル・ソーシャルワーカーを知っている".
サポートワーカー - "彼はサポートワーカーに相談する必要があった".
(デンマークにある、専攻)社会教育の学士 - "彼女は社会教育学の学士です。"
(デンマークの教育において)社会教育者 - "彼は娘の保育園で社会教育者として働いています"
(放課後クラブで)チャイルド&ユースワーカー - 「彼女は放課後センターでチャイルド&ユースワーカーとして仕事を探しています。
PAISは「子供、少年」、AGOGOSは「先導する者」を意味しています。主格は "PAIDOS"です。
F. フレーベルスは、主に幼児期の育児と遊びの重要性に着目したことで知られています。マリア・モンテッソーリは子どもの体験学習の重要性を強く強調し、ルドルフ・シュタイナーは子どもの情緒の発達と創造活動の重要性を強調したことを通じて、ペタゴーの概念に影響を与えました。
ペタゴーになるということは、人々にケアや安全を与え、ガイドすること、そして 絶望の中にある時であっても、その人の人生に希望をもたらす、という重要な役割を担うことを意味します。
<上記の文章は、Trine villemoesseが書いた以下の文章を翻訳・編集したものです。>
In Denmark, there is an education and a profession called Pedagog. It's not a teacher but an educator in social and personal development and communication. It has through time changed a lot along with Danish society and now it even has international interest. But still the pedagogical professionals in Denmark struggle for the respect and acknowledgement of their professional work. Often pedagogical work is belittled or dismissed with stereotypes of staff only drinking coffee and looking at children so in this article series we will look deeper into the work and theories that shape the pedagogical professions in Denmark. Sorry for the advanced language but keep in mind the cultural differences and professional level that is needed to explain the concept furtherly
“Pædagog” (Pedagog) has many meanings and a lot of different job options therefore it’s not surprising that there are a lot of different translations
Pedagog - “The new pedagogue is a man”
(In Nursery School) nursery nurse - “Her ambition was to become a nursery nurse”
(In Kindergarten) kindergarten teacher - “He has worked as a kindergarten teacher for years now”
(for adults osv.) residential social worker - “She knows several residential social workers”
(for adults osv.) support worker - “He needed to talk to the support worker”
(In Denmark, profession) Bachelor in Social Education - “She is a Bachelor in Social Education”
(In Denmark, education) social educator - “He works as a social educator in our daughter's nursery school”
(In fx after school club) child and youth worker - “She seeks a job as child and youth worker in an after-school centre
Originally this word comes from the Greek “PAIDAGOGOS”. Originally referring to slaves accompanying children between home and school. From PAIS meaning 'child, boy', AGOGOS means 'leader'. Genitive form is “PAIDOS”,
Therefore is it normal for many Danish people to think of a pedagog as a person working with children. So was the case leading back to the Old Grease but in the last 30 to 50 years the pedagogical work has expanded to all aspects of the Danish welfare system. Today you will see pedagogues working with school children, after school clubs, youth houses, people with disabilities both mentally and physically, children and adults in difficult environments, elderly people at day centers or retirement homes etc.
Not only are we working for the public but also in the private sector you can find the pedagog working with coaching, counselling, mentoring, consulting and human resource management (HR)
In many cases it can be difficult to see how the pedagogical work differs from the work of a teacher, nurse, social worker, psychologist or other professionals working with humans. And that is due to the overlap in caretaking tasks or simply at many of the other professions that use pedagogical theories. And many of the professions also work across each other's fields to provide the best care and well-being for the individual human.
Often you will see pedagog and teachers working side by side in the school system. Pedagog and nurse working together at hospitals or retirement homes. Pedagog and social workers working together on cases of disfunctional homes or people with addictions and so on.
The pedagogical philosophy and values were first introduced through J.-J. ROUSSEAU, who, with his view of child rearing, has created increased respect for the individual child's presumption. Later came F. FRöBELS and MARIA MONTESSORI and RUDOLF STEINER.
F. Fröbels is mostly known for his focus on the upbringing of the youngest children and the importance of play. Maria Montessori placed great emphasis on children's experiential learning and Rudolf Steiner influenced the concept of pedagog through his emphasis on the development of children's emotional lives and their creative activities.
Today, many of the theories and philosophies that were used in the work with children can be seen implemented in the pedagogical work with both youth, adults and elderly people. Most importantly is it that the individual pedagog can use different pedagogical knowledge depending on the individual person and situation and adapt in the situation.
Many universities offer three specialisations aimed at different institution types and user categories within day-care pedagogy, school- and youth-pedagogy and social- and special-pedagogy, eg nurseries, kindergartens, youth centres, clubs and residential institutions, in addition to a number of highly specialised social institutions and measures for the disabled, example deaf, blind, and people with behaviorally and mentally disabilities.
Working with humans is never simple and therefore the chance of the daily work being repeated is small. As a pedagog, you get to connect and communicate with a diverse group of people with many backgrounds. You as a pedagog will be using yourself and your person in the work both physically but also mentally. The work often requires you to use your person in the work with others but other times you will need to step back and see the situation with an objective perspective. The most difficult task of the pedagogical work can be balancing the professional, personal and private perspectives. But seeing the progress and positive development of each person you meet in your professional career can be a rush.
No matter if it’s seeing a child’s first step in the nursery, a child mastering the shoe ribbon or the person at the retirement experience a connection with a new friend. All these small moments are what really makes a difference in people’s life and you as a pedagog can be right by their side as they take those steps in life.
Being a pedagog means giving care, security, guidance and most importantly it means bringing hope into someone's life even in their darkest times.