
深夜バス            Midnight bus

春から地方勤務しているので月1回程度帰省している。 普段は新幹線で帰省するが、ふと今回は深夜バスで帰ってみようかなと思った。金曜日の深夜に出発して土曜日の早朝には到着する、なんとなくオトクなこのシステムが以前から気になっていた。だが狭い空間に何時間も(私の場合は9時間程度になる)押し込まれるのに抵抗があってこれまで敬遠していた。いろいろと調べてみると「3列シート」や「足元のびのびシート」と快適空間をアピールした車両もあったので、「モノは試し」と申し込んでみた。
 移動中に出番のない荷物を網棚の上に乗せて着席。「うん、前の席との空間もそこそこある」と一安心。さてさて直立になっている背もたれをリクライニングしようかな・・とここで「リクライニング問題」だ。「おもてなしの国、日本」なのだがちょっと面倒。後方の人に一言断ってから倒すのがマナーだ。ただここは深夜バスなのでリクライニングは必須だ。ここは当然の権利ということで(一応後方の席には誰も座ってなかったので気兼ねなく)、いざリクライニング! すると座面が前に動き出した。そうか、このバスのリクライニングは背もたれが倒れるのではなく座面が前に動いてカラダを倒す仕組みなのだ。「これなら後方にも迷惑かからない、よく考えたもんだ」と関心したのも束の間、あれ?なんか狭い?そうか!座面が前に動いたせいで足先が前方座席の下に吸い込まれ膝も前の席に当たる寸前。これでは足を組むこともできない。まぁそんなこともあろうと通路側を選んだのだ、想定内。

From this spring (2024), I work away from home and return home once a month.
Usually I return home by Shinkansen (bullet train), this time it occurred to me that I would return home by a midnight bus. Leaving in the midnight on Friday and arriving early morning on Saturday. I’ve been curious about this reasonable system. However, I’ve avoided taking a midnight bus. That’s because I feel reluctant to be pushed into narrow space for hours (In my case, it’s about 9 hours). After searching on the internet, I found that there are some buses which appeals comfortable spaces, such as “three-row-seat” and “Legroom seat” I applied for the bus with a mind that “You’ll never know until you try”.
On that day
I chose a midnight bus with legroom seats, leaving at half past midnight. I arrived at the bus stop in front of the regional city T station one hour before the departure time. Although I already had a supper, I got a pastry and a bottle of iced coffee at a convenience store to grab a bite when I get hungry.
There is a “window-or-aisle seat dilemma” when getting on a bus, as is the case in Shinkansen. I absolutely choose an “aisle seat”. There are several reasons. Firstly, I can feel a bit of openness even in a small bus. By taking an aisle seat, I can use a part of aisle as if it’s my own space. Unlike Shinkansen, there is neither people passing by nor onboard sales while bus is moving, so I can occupy this space. Though, there are some give and take issue with the person on the seat across the aisle…. Secondly, I can smoothly get off a bus when I choose an aisle seat. Midnight bus takes several breaks. During this time, drivers take turns, and passengers get off the bus and go to the bathrooms. Each passenger has their own destination. When a person on window seat gets off a bus earlier than a person on aisle seat, it’s good manners to show the gesture of gratitude by making a chopping motion (Tegatana-wo-kiru*). For me, this gesture is troublesome.
Ten minutes before the departure time, the bus arrived and I got on the bus. I told the driver my name, checked the seat number, and left my suitcase with the bus staff and got on board. There were already many passengers in the bus. Somebody else was already sitting on a window seat next to me.
I put my luggage on the overhead rack and sit on a reserved seat. “There is some space between the seats” That’s a relief. I wonder if I should recline the upright seat---Here comes “reclining issue”. Because Japan is a country of hospitality, it is a bit annoying. It’s a good manner to ask before reclining. It’s a midnight bus, so reclining is necessary. (Just to let you know, there was no one on the back seat.) I reclined my seat back as if it’s natural to do so. Then the seat moves forward and the backrest reclined. That’s how it works.”  “With this mechanism, I don’t need to bother anybody. It’s well thought out!” I felt impressed for a short time until I realized something is wrong. What? Somehow the space got tight. Ah, I see! The seat moved forward so that’s why my legs were stuck. I cannot even cross my legs. That’s why I choose an aisle seat. This is within expectations. 
I put a blanket and a pocket edition book on my lap, also prepared a bottled tea and a pastry to enjoy my travel time. Just when I was thinking about reading a book, bus announcement in a calm low voice began. “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for using 〇〇 bus. We will be leaving for △△. We hope you will enjoy your time. In a moment after this announcement, all the light will be turned off. Please refrain from using smartphone, watching videos, reading, eating, and drinking”. Then in a moment, light turned off. I see.
In a moment, all the lights were turned off and the bus started moving slowly. All the window curtains were closed and the drivers’ seat was partitioned with a curtain. Next seat was partitioned with a café style curtain, too. It was like the TV show “Punch DE date**”, which was popular in the Showa era. My view was completely blocked and I didn’t know if the bus was moving or not. It was as if I were stargazing at a planetarium.
I can neither read nor eat. Off course there is no celestial show. I have no choice but to sleep. I turned toward aisle seat to at least make my legs relaxed.
Then I saw a seat across from my seat. There was (appeared to be) a woman, who was wearing hood, eye mask, mask, neck pillow, blanket, and was sleeping. The appearance looked like a mummy. Off course she is not wrapped up in bandages, but the figure floating in the darkness looked like a mummy. 
It was dark in the bus, silent passenger, and a mummy. I felt as if I were a worker who was sent to an unknown location. There is no way I can sleep. What if there is a mummy on the seat next to me. Such journey would last for 9 hours. The thought makes me feel exhausted. Wait, is it a good chance to sleep?

*Tegatana-wo-kiru (make a chopping motion): It is a manner when passing in front of a person.
**Punch DE date: Public matchmaking TV show, gained popularity in the Show era. In the first half of the TV show, center of the studio is partitioned with curtains. The couple cannot see each other and two emcee comedians attend the couple and find out each partners’ characteristic.    
