
Comprehensive Guide to Ruby on Rails Projects

Table of Contents

 * Introduction

 * Overall Project View

   * 1 Requirements Definition Phase

   * 2 Detailed Design Phase

   * 3 Database Design Phase

   * 4 Development Phase

   * 5 Testing Phase

   * 6 Infrastructure Design and Construction Phase

   * 7 Release Phase

 * Troubleshooting

 * FAQ

1. Overall Project View: Detailed Explanation of Each Phase of a Rails Project

A Rails project is divided into the following phases, and each phase is closely related, with the results of the previous phase affecting the subsequent phases.

1.1 Requirements Definition Phase

This is the phase in which customer requests are clarified and the functions required for the system are defined. The success or failure of this phase greatly affects the success or failure of the subsequent phases, so it is necessary to proceed carefully.

Main Tasks

 * Clarify requests through interviews, questionnaires, workshops, etc. with customers.

 * Investigate competing products and similar services to clarify differentiation points.

 * Create user scenarios and envision specific usage scenes.

 * Create a prototype and have the customer touch it to make the requirements more concrete.

 * Define functional requirements (functions provided by the system) and non-functional requirements (performance, security, availability, etc.).

 * Design a data model (data handled by the system and its relationships).

 * Create a requirements definition document and agree with the customer.


 * Requirements Definition Document

 * Use Case Diagram

 * Prototype

 * Data Model Diagram

1.2 Design Phase

This is the phase in which the system architecture, modules, database, etc. are designed based on the contents defined in the requirements definition. The design document created in this phase will serve as a guideline for the development phase.

Main Tasks

 * Design the system architecture (overall structure of the system).

 * Perform module design (divide functions and define the role of each module).

 * Perform database design (table definitions, column definitions, relationship definitions, etc.).

 * Perform API design (define how to link with external systems).

 * Perform screen design (UI/UX design).

 * Create a detailed design document.


 * System Architecture Diagram

 * Module Design Document

 * Database Design Document

 * API Specifications

 * Screen Design Document

 * Detailed Design Document

1.3 Development Phase

This is the phase in which code is implemented based on the design. In addition to programming skills, the ability to understand the design and problem-solving ability are also required.

Main Tasks

 * Implement code based on the design document.

 * Perform unit tests (tests of each module).

 * Perform integration tests (tests combining multiple modules).

 * Perform code reviews to ensure quality.

 * Manage code using a version control system (Git, etc.).


 * Implemented Code

 * Test Code

1.4 Testing Phase

This is the phase in which the implemented functions are tested and quality is guaranteed. It is important to select the type and method of testing appropriately and proceed with testing efficiently.

Main Tasks

 * Create a test plan.

 * Create test cases.

 * Build a test environment.

 * Execute tests.

 * Analyze test results and identify bugs.

 * Fix bugs.

 * Perform acceptance testing (test in which the customer evaluates the system).


 * Test Plan

 * Test Cases

 * Test Result Report

1.5 Infrastructure Construction Phase

This is the phase in which the infrastructure environment for operating the system is constructed. It builds servers, networks, databases, etc. and supports the stable operation of the system.

Main Tasks

 * Select a server (cloud, on-premises, etc.).

 * Design a network.

 * Build a database.

 * Install middleware (Web server, application server, etc.).

 * Implement security measures.

 * Build a monitoring system.


 * Infrastructure Construction Procedure Manual

 * Server Configuration Information

1.6 Release Phase

This is the phase in which the system is deployed to the production environment and operation is started. Operation and maintenance after release are also important tasks.

Main Tasks

 * Create a release plan.

 * Perform release work.

 * Check the operation after release.

 * Hand over the system to the operation team.

 * Perform operation and maintenance.


 * Release Plan



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