
【最新号紹介】治療(CHIRYO)9月号 語りたい!総合診療のエビデンス





病棟診療(鈴木 聡,岩田啓芳)
健康診断・予防医療(森 英毅)
医療政策(島袋 彰)

■日本発! 総合診療医が作るエビデンス
総合診療医が行う研究とその広がり(金子 惇)
観察研究:予定外受診の背景は? 就労と世帯構成の交互作用で関連の異質性をみよう(川内はるな,西岡大輔)
観察研究:医師による菌血症の可能性の見積もりは安全? 効率的?(藤井浩太朗,高田俊彦)
システマティックレビュー・メタアナリシス:地域病院からの学術的Outputって大変?(西倉 希,太田龍一)
質的研究:医学生は地域の臨床実習で SDH をどのように学ぶのか?(春田淳志)

総合診療医「と」行う研究:文化人類学者の立場から(堀口佐知子,飯田淳子、濱 雄亮、木村修平、照山絢子)



Made in Japanの総合診療研究



本特集のp.1015「総合診療医が行う研究とその広がり」(金子 惇先生)では海外の先生から、この特集の読者のために特別メッセージをいただいており、本誌には翻訳(金子先生訳)したものを掲載しております。


Judy Brown教授 カナダ Western大学 家庭医療学講座
High functioning primary care (PC) is widely acknowledged as the foundation of an efficient and effective health care system. Yet around the globe family medicine and primary care are under siege and threatening the viability of health care systems. One major means to address this crisis is research by family doctors for family doctors and the primary teams in which they practice and serve their communities.
The discipline of Family Medicine is constructed on three key pillars – clinical care, teaching and research. These are inextricably interwoven together and cannot be siloed as collectively they inform and enrich each other. Everyday family doctors see patients in their clinics and research questions spontaneously surface – you ask, “Why did this happen?”, “How did this happen?”, “What can be done to address this issue?”. You seek evidence, hopefully grounded in primary care research, to help answer these questions. But often there are no answers, and a research question calls out to be answered! As a teacher your learners are constantly seeking evidence to support their clinical understanding and practice. Hence research is an integral component of being a family physician educator in the midst of providing care to your patients and educational opportunities for your learners.
There are informal opportunities to participate in research perhaps through being part of a journal club or more formally engaged in a PBRN. For me as university-based PhD researcher in primary care the active involvement of community-based family doctors on our research teams is essential. Together we can cocreate a research question that is relevant and important producing knowledge that informs practice and teaching. Together we can design strategies and innovative initiatives that are scalable and spreadable in a timely manner.
In Japan as the discipline of Family Medicine continues to evolve and primary care gains a secure foothold in the health care system it is critical that research be at the forefront for all primary care providers. Research is rewarding, intellectually stimulating and fuels us to carry on!

Graham Watt名誉教授 イギリス Glasgow大学
 For me, the most influential researcher in family medicine was the late Julian Tudor Hart (1), author of the Inverse Care Law, the first doctor in the world to measure the blood pressures of all his patients and the pioneer of a population approach to his practice which enabled him to show, after 25 years, that premature mortality was 30% lower in his village than in a similar village nearby.
He showed that research in family medicine was not restricted to a few people working in universities, maintaining that everyone is a scientist who measures what they do and is honest with the results. In his case he not only measured what he had done but also, and crucially, what he had not done, the ”measurement of omission” (2), using his practice list as a denominator to identify patients who had been missed, or whose care was incomplete. The delivery of medicine cannot advance without such information, as the first step in improving the effectiveness, efficiency and equity of health care. His approach required good information and with today’s electronic information systems it is a lot easier to do now.
Family doctors may not wish to be principal investigators but they can play an important part in providing researchers with access to patients and situations, allowing them to address and answer research questions which are relevant to family practice. For example, my colleague Stewart Mercer, in a study of 3000 consultations in family practice in Scotland, asked patients two things: did they feel better able to cope with their conditions and with their lives as a result of seeing the doctor and how they rated the doctor in terms of empathy – essentially, did they feel that the doctor cared about them as an individual.
The study showed that while patients might report empathy without feeling enabled, they NEVER reported enablement in the absence of empathy. (3) So, while the delivery of the best research-based medicine is important, separating us from the dark ages and freeing us from ignorance and superstition, it is insufficient on its own and must always be delivered with a human face.
As Robert Louis Stevenson, the author of Treasure Island and Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, described his doctor in Edinburgh many years ago, “Generosity he has to those who practice an art, never to those who drive a trade; discretion tested by a hundred secrets; tact tried in a thousand embarrassments and what are more important, Heraclean cheerfulness and courage, so that he brings air and cheer into the sick room and often enough. though not as often as he wishes, brings healing”.
In this way, quantitative and qualitative methods must go hand in hand, remembering the old adage, “Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts”.


文責:南山堂「治療」編集部  カーター


