Invasive giant hornets have been spotted in the US for the first time≒侵略的な巨大スズメバチがアメリカで初めて発見された
Invasive giant hornets have been spotted in the US for the first time
By Faith Karimi, CNN
Updated 4:04 PM EDT, Sun May 03, 2020
(CNN)Just when you thought 2020 could not get any worse. Now we have giant hornets with freakish eyes and a venomous sting to add to this year's list of worries.
For the first time, Asian giant hornets have been spotted in the United States, specifically in Washington state, scientists say. Beekeepers have reported piles of dead bees with their heads ripped off, an alarming sight in a country with a rapidly declining bee population.
At more than two inches long, they're the world's largest hornets with a sting that can kill humans if stung multiple times, according to experts at the Washington State University. Researchers have nicknamed them "murder hornets."
"They're like something out of a monster cartoon with this huge yellow-orange face," Susan Cobey, a bee breeder at the Washington State University's department of entomology, said recently.
A size comparison of the Asian giant hornet and several other insects
A size comparison of the Asian giant hornet and several other insects
How did they come to the US?
Scientists don't know how these giant hornets native to Asia ended up in Washington state.
They're sometimes transported in international cargo -- in some cases deliberately, said Seth Truscott with WSU's college of agricultural, human and natural resource sciences.
The giant hornet was first spotted in the state in December, and scientists believe it started becoming active again last month, when queens emerge from hibernation to build nests and form colonies.
"Hornets are most destructive in the late summer and early fall, when they are on the hunt for sources of protein to raise next year's queens," Truscott said on the WSU's Insider.
"They attack honey bee hives, killing adult bees and devouring bee larvae and pupae, while aggressively defending the occupied colony," he added. "Their stings are big and painful, with a potent neurotoxin. Multiple stings can kill humans, even if they are not allergic."
What should you do if you spot one?
Washington state agricultural officials are asking beekeepers and residents to report any sightings of the giant hornets. But don't get too close. Its sting can penetrate a regular beekeeper's suit, and state scientists had to order special reinforced suits.
"Don't try to take them out yourself if you see them," said entomologist Chris Looney of the state Department of Agriculture. "If you get into them, run away, then call us! It is really important for us to know of every sighting, if we're going to have any hope of eradication."
State officials are asking people in Whatcom, Skagit, Island, San Juan, Jefferson and Clallam counties to be especially vigilant.
When are they most destructive?
The giant hornets especially target bees between late summer and the fall.
"The most likely time to catch Asian giant hornets is from July through October -- when colonies are established and workers are out foraging," the Washington State Department of Agriculture said in a statement. "Traps can be hung as early as April if attempting to trap queens, but since there are significantly fewer queens than workers, catching a queen isn't very likely."
State officials set up traps and launched an app to quickly report sightings, saying just a few of the hornets can devastate a hive within hours.
Bees pollinate plants producing fruit, nuts and vegetables, and are crucial to the nation's food industry. Attack by the hornets risks decimating bees, which are already on endangered lists due to their sharply declining numbers.
(CNN)2020年がこれ以上悪化することはないと思ったとき。 今、私たちは気まぐれな目をした巨大なスズメバチと、今年の心配のリストに追加するために猛毒の針を持っています。
科学者によると、アジアの巨大スズメバチが初めてアメリカ、特にワシントン州で発見されました。 養蜂家は頭を切り裂いた死んだ蜂の山を報告しており、蜂の個体数が急速に減少している国では驚くべき光景です。
ワシントン州立大学の専門家によると、長さが2インチを超える、彼らは複数回刺された場合に人間を殺すことができる刺し傷を持つ世界最大のスズメバチです。 研究者たちは彼らを「殺人スズメバチ」とあだ名を付けました。
「彼らはミツバチの巣箱を攻撃し、ハチの成虫を殺し、ハチの幼虫と蛹をむさぼり食いながら、占領されたコロニーを積極的に防御している」と彼は付け加えた。 「彼らの刺し傷は強力で神経毒を伴い、大きくて痛みを伴います。アレルギーがなくても、複数の刺し傷が人間を殺す可能性があります。」
ワシントン州の農業当局は養蜂家と住民に巨大スズメバチの目撃情報を報告するように求めています。 しかし、近づきすぎないでください。 その刺傷は通常の養蜂家のスーツに浸透する可能性があり、州の科学者は特別な強化スーツを注文しなければなりませんでした。
「あなたがそれらを見た場合、それらを自分で取り除こうとしないでください」と農務省の昆虫学者クリス・ルーニーは言った。 「あなたがそれらに遭遇したら、逃げて、それから私たちに電話してください!私たちが根絶の希望を持っているなら、私たちがすべての目撃情報を知ることは本当に重要です。」
ワシントン州農業省は声明のなかで、「アジアのスズメバチを捕まえる可能性が最も高いのは、植民地が設立されて労働者が採集されている7月から10月までである」と述べた。 「女王を捕まえようとするなら、トラップは早くても4月に掛けられるかもしれないが、労働者より女王がかなり少ないので、女王を捕まえることはあまりありそうもない。」
ミツバチは果物、ナッツ、野菜を生産する植物に受粉し、国の食品産業に不可欠です。 スズメバチによる攻撃は、急激に減少する数のためにすでに絶滅危惧リストに載っている蜂を壊滅させる危険を冒しています。